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Iain T

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Everything posted by Iain T

  1. Very 1960's. But I don't get sunburnt!
  2. I don't fancy my chances if my saloon rolled over as I'm sure the roof wouldn't be much protection. Iain
  3. You and the car made it, a great result! London-Peking next? As to the next rbrr it's on my must do list but I'll need a co-driver as none bar one of my friends are old car nuts and the one that is likes his 8 hours kip. Applications on a postcard please... Iain
  4. Sandles are a must, bare knees optional😂 What's this thread about..... Mick, You have a '68 Vitesse snap! Good choice. Is it a proper car or a soft top? I can hear the bullets coming! Iain
  5. Excellent day out but I forgot going through Khan land is 20mph which was painful. Came back via M25! The Tallboy is still there and a unique Leyland special with a straight eight 7.3litre engine. The Napier Railton was also back from it's promotion outing.
  6. Thanks Pete, I think West Yorks is a bit too far from Brooklands! I've been to Brooklands a couple of times but never to this event. I'll take some photos and post. The weather is predicted to be sunny and 24C so I might even give my knees a last outing! I've rarely been up your part of the country other than to buy machinery from a company near Halifax and one outside Manchester. I remember the drive across to Manchester was absolutely gorgeous. Rolling hills, drystone walls so nice we had to stop and admire the views and a drivers paradise. A bit different to me driving through London Sunday attempting to avoid the congestion charge area or the wife will give me hell.... Have a nice weekend everyone, if your in Scotland put your life jacket on. Iain Dark rum or beer always makes me feel better. A couple of glasses of Goslings Black Seal went down a treat last night.
  7. What a thread drift! Anyway I take it no one is joining Billy No Mates at Brooklands? I'm getting a complex, no one at Sheer either, fink of my mental 'elf! Iain
  8. It does very much depend on keeping up the maintenence. How things change, for 30 years I've never put any oil or coolant in my modern cars only petrol, air and washer water. The only times my Vitesse has let me down its been my fault not the cars. Iain
  9. Oh yes old Heidenhain, Fanuc cnc controllers with lots of buttons and twiddle knobs😁
  10. In any historic or vintage car it's best to cross yourself, quick prayer, face west, spit on the ground and turn round three times or do whatever floats yer boat for a safe journey! Iain
  11. Ta Pete my phone still doesn't like links or adding photos. It's most annoying but some might say a blessing! Iain
  12. But you're soooo close! Of course the new pump will now over pressurise and cause different problems....... Iain
  13. I'm going this Sunday, a bit more activity than static show. If anyone fancies going let me know and whisper quietly the weather is sunny🌞😎 Vroom Vroom Iain
  14. As it should be. Full out choke, don't press the clutch and churn it over. If adjusted correctly full choke should be around 1200rpm. With a mechanical pump it may take a couple of churns to prime the carb(s). Iain
  15. Take a plug of both door apertures and loan it out (for a price😂). When we made prototype body in white we used front and rear windshield plugs as well as framing jigs to check the apertures were spot on. One piece bodysides took accuracy to a new level. Iain
  16. One piece bodysides solved this, you just need an effin big press! Iain
  17. Yes supposed to but mine are MIA. Another winters job is to see which of the selection of P seals I can actually fit.
  18. The door glass channel does have some adjustment. On my Mk2 there is a screw at the bottom of the channel/door inner and 2(?) bolts behind the door trim which if loosened the angle can be very slightly changed. I played around with both door glass channels last winter using spacers to bring the top rear of the glass in. I think it moved a millimeter or two! Still have a finger size gap at the glass rear seal on my saloon......then I gave up! My wife's solution works, rolled up tissues bunged in the gap! Iain
  19. Before tackling above make sure you don't have a packer behind the door hinge which could push the door rearwards. Iain
  20. No it's just a Triumphism! Why make it easy..... The hole was never threaded that would have cost money. Plus golden rule is mating thread depth must be at least 1/2 diameter of bolt/screw preferably full diameter. Iain
  21. Don't forget the cover finger variation. I never though about that. It's the only thing that can be causing my chatter noise but not sure I have the energy or place to take the gearbox out. However I might get bored over winter! Iain
  22. Don't forget to update us on rbrr😁 Iain
  23. I live and learn, you're correct. I must have been told that by a tyre dealer! Iain
  24. I did a lot of research regarding which type of stub stack to fit. It seems I got this call correct! Iain
  25. I had a new alternator that was so bad it vibrated the car! New means nuffink! Iain
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