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Iain T

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Everything posted by Iain T

  1. Custommaderadiators make a Vitesse rad again for £450 including vat. For me it's money better spent flushing and declogging the block. However if my rad needed changing I would go aluminium.
  2. What about British? Some very good British rad specialists out there.
  3. Vibration Free at Bicester. The only place I found and superb service for anything that vibrates....🤭
  4. I had my wheels balanced on the car, made a huge difference after getting them done twice off the car.
  5. Johny When you're looking for thou's everything has to be held rigidly and accurately and must be registered from the centre. I would be surprised if anything could be done with the drums on the car. Not saying it can't but...... Iain
  6. A friend machined his huge Daimler drums using a vertical mill and a rotary table to turn the drum. He said they were way off and it worked a treat.
  7. Measuring done. Both discs have a max thickness variation of 2 thou measured at several places. This is within spec? Run off is 5-6 thou on both sides. I checked front/back and top/bottom movement of the wheel and there was virtually no movement on the drivers side but a good 1-2 mm on the passenger side. I checked the hub and adjusted to give about 3 thou end float. The wheel now has no front/back movement and a small amount top/bottom (more than the drivers side). No point taking it out for a spin now as its goin' 'ome time and the roads are very busy. If this doesn't improve the judder I'll have to turn my attention to the rears.
  8. It looks as though both front discs and rear drums were replaced when the PO had the car restored 10 years ago so both probably made from iffy spec materials. I'll check the front first then go from there.
  9. Apart from fitting Mintex and new fluid earlier this year no. The judder was there before fitting the Mintex so it's not them. As to the drums I remember it was not an even rub when the handbrake was applied/adjusted. I can't remember if I have self adjusting fitted as it was a couple of years ago and a lots happened since then! A friend has a lathe and I could ask him if I can check them on it for roundness but the judder feels from the front end.
  10. I had a senior moment yesterday. I took the car out for a successful high speed run to check out mixture and when I returned had a quick peak in the engine bay to make sure all was well and I had forgotten to fit the vacuum hose onto the front carb. I suppose another blast up the road is now in order! Any excuse......
  11. when I had my Vitesse rolling road tested the guy said it had a misfire at high revs (higher than I normally go). He tracked it to the rotor arm and replaced it with a red one and all was apparently fixed.
  12. Another on my to do list is my juddery brakes, they're fine at lower speed if not applied harshly but at higher speed it's similar to an abs on/off judder. There isn't a wheel wobble and I can't feel anything untoward at the steering wheel. The brakes do stop me but they don't install confidence. So as I have a dti I'm going to measure any run out of the front discs (0.15mm max) but while I'm there is there anything else I should be testing or prodding? Note I have tightened the hub nut as specified and am reasonably sure this is not the problem. As it's going to be brakes week I'll also take a peak at the rear drums. Is there anyway to check them for roundness with a dti? Can you mount them pointing out or is it impossible to get concentric on the hub? The brakes are standard with club Mintex 1144 fitted and when I looked last year everything was dry. Cheers Iain
  13. Iain T


    Lot's of building work around here and hidden finds from the Krays vs Richardson!
  14. Iain T


    Yes wasn't he a 1950s gangster....
  15. Anything that makes you smile! I would avoid motorways. When I try out any tuning I leave it in 3rd or 4th (I have a 5 speed) to keep the revs up it saves getting a speeding ticket. Iain
  16. That's not fun and why I like my Vitesse, lots of headroom and getting in and out is a doddle. However the GT6 is a lovely looking car. I had a drive in an original Ford GT40 and although the gull wing doors helped it was the high rocker panels which incorporated the fuel tanks that made for the uninitiated (me) the only way out was on all fours. Probably easier if you're 5 foot 6 and 10 stone....
  17. Aah I remember the yellow ceilings! As to heaters I don't really drive my Vitesse much in the winter but the heater fan does sort of keep the windscreen clear. I think I read the PO used a Golf matrix?
  18. A back surgeon told me the best way is like a "lady" keep your knees together swivel your bum and plant your feet on the pavement. Then get your wife to give you a big push!
  19. When I started this post I remember thinking to myself 1 will anyone reply and 2 where will it end up....never thought of a picture of a Sherman tank and an armoured police truck??
  20. I also spent the first 20 years of my life in smoke fog. My mum smoked at least 40 per day and my dad 20 but it seemed they had to smoke them all when I was around! I remember going to my friends house and his mum, a non smoker, commenting I smelt like an ash tray. Consequently I've never smoked. Iain
  21. I did think I'd be safer as the multi storey is for residents and visitors only, I've an idea who it was but no proof. Never had anything else stolen it really pi**es you off plus its stopped me twiddlin! Had confirmation the new set have been sent, I ordered them from the ManoMano website. There's an apartment block near me that always has broken furniture, beds etc dumped outside. People too lazy or ignorant that you can get 5 items collected twice a year free by the council.
  22. Done that and it is much better, I found most of the fumes were coming out of the unsealed rocker cover studs. It's now a lot nicer inside and working on the engine💐
  23. No "tiny" people about, I would forgive them hiding stuff. They've definitely gone, my wife didn't believe me but even her eagle eyes (she misses nuffink) couldn't find the set of 24. Ive ordered more which includes some stubby combinations. Grrrr
  24. Honestly would you believe it! Yesterday I was working on the car in our complexes car park and must have left the imp/metric spanners out. Went to do some more work today and they're gone. My faith in human nature is in tatters. Why? The guy who parks next to me inadvertently left a box of beers on the box where I keep my tools etc. I saw him today and told him, he was most pleased. Be nice to one another! Rant over Iain
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