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Iain T

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Everything posted by Iain T

  1. We lost another valued member yesterday who is is fed up with the unpleasantness as Doug calls it and I'm reviewing my participation, the sooner these or something similar are introduced the better. Iain
  2. I think providing it's not knackered rechroming is the best solution. If choosing the stainless steel option bear in mind there is a difference in finish between polished s/s and chrome. Sometimes they don't sit well together! Iain
  3. Iain T


    I thought you had the memory of an elephant it's the rest of us, well some anyway, who struggle with what day it is! Iain
  4. Try Vulcan Powdercoat at Basildon Essex. I've known Simon for near 40 years and he does chrome finish paints and all sorts of fancy finishes. The chrome sample I saw was mirror finish but I didn't ask about durability. Iain
  5. I fitted a Huco low pressure electric pump. I think it's rated at 2.1psi works a treat. I made an adaptor plate from some 3mm galv sheet that blanks off the original pump aperture in the block and has two additional hole that I put two small cotton reel mounts. The Huco bolts onto these cotton reels. This partly isolates the pump from heat and vibration, we'll in my mind it does! I see Peter's beaten me, but I typed more words! Iain
  6. Ok I'll own up I also lost one! I put the photo up to help others not make the same mistake.... Iain
  7. The problem was gloop in the pick up. I flushed it out and everything works fine. A good strong squirt I've posted the magic ball bearing that fits in the brass tube. Don't loose it or nuffink works as it can't seal when the bellows suck! Colin did mention it but here it is in full technicolor. Don't ya just love it when you fathom out how things work and fix them! Iain
  8. Thanks that's my fall back solution however the bellows does seem to work as there is a puff out of an outlet when pushed. This is making me think it could be the pick up diaphragm in the washer bottle. I'm taking it all to the kitchen (wife will love that) as there's not much I can do here in the car park!
  9. I'm off to do some knobin' now I'll let you know!
  10. Watch this space I'm having a knob pulling session this afternoon. I'll be gentle, honest, as I don't want to break the mechanism. Iain
  11. Is it my crude sense of humour or is this a thread drift😂😂😂😂
  12. I'll take another look but with a torch I couldn't see anything in there just what looked like the steel shaft.
  13. Thanks everyone, once I've been released from housework duty I'll have another go this afternoon. I would like to take the unit out but the knob doesn't want to come off. I can see a hole in the knob but no pin and no corresponding hole the other side. So I'm thinking it's just jambed on so I'll see if I can get a small pair of pliers on the shaft and lever it off. If not work with it as is. Iain
  14. Cheers Pete, I'll try the finger over the hole method first. As I said it used to work so I'll get the bloomin' thing primed somehow. I was just not sure as to the operation but Colin's confirmed what I thought. The washer fluid tastes lovely, 2010 vintage with a long finish🤢 Iain
  15. I have my electric fan temp set at just over 90 degrees. Works fine, engines need to be hot to run efficiently. I also have a manual worry switch. Iain
  16. I'm going to see if I can prime the system and see where I go from there. The system used to work so I hope it just needs a kick start🤞or we'll be having 'words'! I wonder how many bulbs and electrical connections I've pulled out when refitting the washer system. Iain
  17. I've fixed the blocked washer nozzles and plugged the hoses in to check but still no water coming out. I can hear and feel air coming out the nozzles so I'm thinking it could be the pick up pipe in the washer bottle? Not sure how it works but there seems to be a washer in the pick up that I assume acts as a one way seal for suck or seal which then the water would find the route of least resistance and come out the nozzles? Any suggestions please. Iain
  18. My rocker cover nut seal was so bad there would be oil pools around the studs! Not anymore. I havent checked the cap, I will now! Iain
  19. I've sealed it as best as I can and put duct tape over the joints. It's much better, putting rubber washers under the rocker cover nuts really stopped a lot of fumes escaping out of the engine.
  20. I've spent ages putting grommets in the bulkhead and sealing up the tunnel but my wife still says I smell of old car exhaust fumes after I've gone for a drive. So.....if the bonnet seal isn't quite sealing can fumes wind there way into the interior via the vents?
  21. Most Italian twin cams are very good, I had a 1300cc 1958 Alpha which was a joyous rev machine! Light years ahead of the dare I say Triumph.....
  22. I think FIAT sold the manufacturing rights and tooling to a Russian company. Lada's were made in Russia, probably from melted down T34 tank steel😂! I don't think we're helping Ian with his dilemma........
  23. Common sense rules that may stop some of the underlying issues with recent posts. Iain
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