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Everything posted by Puglet1

  1. Puglet1


    Brilliant. Now the humour starts followed by the other responses below. What a great bunch of guys - just backs up what I’ve said before…..This is a GREAT forum.
  2. Puglet1


    Thanks Doug that’s a great help, to be honest I was a little bit worried about putting a heart as a response just in case it meant a little bit more than like. 👍
  3. Puglet1


    Hi johny. I’m working on an iPad so cannot hover above the icons but I can now see the explanation for each one from Doug. Many thanks. Pete.
  4. This thread is better than Peaky Blinders ……. At the end of each chapter you’d be left with a real cliff hanger! I Can’t wait to find out what happens next !👍
  5. Puglet1


    Maybe one for the Administrators. Can somebody please explain the difference between icons that are available on each post. As an example there is a heart and a cup. What does each of them stand for? I would often like to give a👍but it’s not on the menu?
  6. Well Nicrguy. Nothing for me to contribute other than to say what a fantastic forum this is. You have got the “Top players” supporting you throughout a very difficult problem. If the rest of mankind had the same attitude as these guys I think the world would be a much better place for everyone. 👍
  7. Brilliant! Glad to have been helpful. Will be interesting to know the final outcome which I’ve been following for a while.👍
  8. Straightsix. I had the same problem as you so I bought a glass one with 5/16 outlets from :-
  9. In days of old, I have seen a skilled mechanic attach a very good fitting ring spanner or socket and Tommy bar to the nut, ensured that the spanner was resting safely against the chassis , distributor cap removed and the starter motor “flicked “ to unlock the nut. Make sure you are happy with the position of the spanner before doing so.
  10. Puglet1

    Synthetic Fuels

    Hi Chris. I was just going to tell you about that button when I saw the above quote. Great minds must think alike…. Both Triumph and Yeti owners. 👍Before moving to my current location I drove a 430 BHP Golf R estate which was a brilliant car but not suitable for the terrain and weather conditions we experience here. People laughed when I said I’d bought a Yeti but after doing much research it suits my needs perfectly and performs much better than some may think!
  11. Ooh. That looks like a mean machine. Would you mind sharing what’s been done to it? Pete.
  12. As we boarded the ferry we parked near an Italian driving a 1970s rally prepared Alfa Romeo he tooted and waved during boarding. As we disembarked, a motorcyclist commented on the car and was a club member that owned a GT6. Along the way we had several waves and interest from general public. Had a “salute from a French guy coming in the opposite direction driving an old Citroen DS. Finally parked up at a remote destination to be greeted by a French guy that owns a TR3 and a Lotus Europa. Remind me not to go to Italy as this has been more than an eventful day in my world.👍
  13. You are right ! This is our first experience of doing so and am really pleased with the Vitesse. We’ve covered about 400 miles and arrived at Ile de Noirmoutier safely. Absolutely brilliant 👍
  14. Johny, JohnD, and Mjit, Thanks to you all for your support. The headlamps are now sorted. Pete.
  15. Hi JohnD. A full list of fitting instructions came with the EUROLITES kit for thousands of cars but older models weren’t covered. I have managed to whittle it down to 150A,B,or C .Just not 100% sure which position on the lens to place the stickers. I’m thinking about 7 ‘o’clock as you look at the light from the front of the car. Thank you for your help. Pete.
  16. Can anyone please advise on the fitment of headlamp deflectors as I’m confused. My Vitesse is fitted with sealed beam units. Do I need to fit deflectors to all 4 headlamps? If so, roughly what position on the lens should they be fitted? The ones I have purchased are EUROLITES. Many thanks. Pete.
  17. Your dedication to finishing this car is a credit to you. You have devoted so much time and effort to the car and have achieved the end result? At the end of the day, you obviously have a vehicle that you enjoy driving and working on. All I can say is Very well done and I hope you enjoy it for many years to come!
  18. rogerguzzi. Thank you for your support, it is appreciated ! Pete
  19. rogerguzzi and Morgana. That has been very helpful. I now feel confident enough to purchase the bits required.👍
  20. ahebron, thank you for your response. I was thinking 2.5mm to be on the safe side. Am I right in thinking that I need to buy the cable, measure the outside diameter of it - then order the gland? Sorry if this seems like stupid questions but I’m really fearful of electric.
  21. So. The drill is an old Walker Turner bench mounted pillar one. I have tried it and it runs smoothly and is very quiet. Using an 8mm bit, it drills through 10mm flat bar with ease. I have bought an NVR safety switch and have watched a YouTube video on how to wire it. I have attached a photo of the motor power rating label . Can anyone advise me on what 3 core cable I need to order? Looking on eBay there seems to be various sizes eg 1.5mm,2.5mm and 4mm. I will also need to secure the cable into the NVR box - what type / size of gland do I need? Finally, can anyone recommend where I can purchase these parts from as I have spent several hours visiting “the wrong “ retailers to find out they know less than I do…..absolutely ”Zilch “ !
  22. I think he has mistakenly placed the decimal point in the wrong position shown as the price. Surely he means £25,00?
  23. Are you sure it was a DeLorean used in the film Back to the Future?
  24. Have you tried Spiitbits. mickdolphin. canley classics? There are several others on the internet. Hope this helps.
  25. Roger. Thank you for your help, I have just ordered one. Pete.
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