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Mobility Scooters.


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I have had the worst sciatica ever since 15th May when I fault found a lightweight appliance for D-I-L. Decided to resurrect the mobilty scooter bought for my wife when she broke her ankle in 2014. Had to order new batteries for it, amazingly cheaper from RS Comps than anywhere else.

Over bumps it kept going into snail mode. Had to ask my wife to carry the battery pack attempting to fault find it. That made me feel very guilty. She has had to do absolutely everything this last two weeks.

Use has improved it. I believe that the inter connections between various parts are dirty and the vibration caused on the local park has ground the verdigri off. One thing is for sure. I ain't lifting it onto the bench to inspect it just yet.

The bone shaking ride is performing some sort of massage.

Every time I advertise this thing for sale, one of us suffers a mishap. Maybe it is time to ind a 'Tandem' version wth a GT facility.

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14 hours ago, Mathew said:

Hows stairs, and anyone called you davros yet, just don't hold a sink plunger🤣

Seriously get well soon.

I am improving slowly. I use the powered recliner instead of my muscles. When I need the loo, I dash ten yards then the pain kicks in like an enormous cigar jammed into the hip. Ay change in position results in the same pain kicking in after a short delay. I have developed 'Torrets' and am continuingly apologising to the neighbours.

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Apologise to the spell-checker too, that's 'Tourettes'... :) but it's actually not, it's lalochesia (as in my signature) the act of swearing at things to dull pain or make you feel better. I have it down to a fine art!

I currently have one cat who is highly sensitive to mood or tone of voice, she always wants in, or out, just as I've settled down with a book and even slight exasperation results in her becoming very hurt - it's often quite comical that she's the one who moderates me, not the human members of the household.

Sciatica is hateful, as is my duff shoulder which is the opposite side from the hip in question, so wearing the wrong trouser belt or putting on a coat often results in a colourful description.

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23 minutes ago, Colin Lindsay said:

Apologise to the spell-checker too, that's 'Tourettes'... :) but it's actually not, it's lalochesia (as in my signature) the act of swearing at things to dull pain or make you feel better. I have it down to a fine art!

I currently have one cat who is highly sensitive to mood or tone of voice, she always wants in, or out, just as I've settled down with a book and even slight exasperation results in her becoming very hurt - it's often quite comical that she's the one who moderates me, not the human members of the household.

Sciatica is hateful, as is my duff shoulder which is the opposite side from the hip in question, so wearing the wrong trouser belt or putting on a coat often results in a colourful description.

Thank for the details Colin. I've had this only three times in 30 years for about six weeks each time. You have my sympathy if yours in permanent. Excercies have kept mine at bay, but muscle wastage due to no Testosterone is reducing the support structure. I'll have to be far more careful in future.

My rescue dog comes to find me if I do not appear in my 'Usual' place. He likes routine and positively sulks if it changes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Using this thing for the last three weeks has entertained the prospect of free shopping trips. This scooter will do at least 2 hrs on a charge. That will get me to the cheap Tesco 2 miles away and back. It has 24v 12 ahr battery and will charge during daylight hours from a camper solar panel. My garage roof faces south, so a couple of panels on it will run my inverter and charge the scooter enough for two trips per week.

Is this what we all have to look forward to in advancing years? 4mph trolleys. Tuning (tampering) will make it fun but viable for less hours.

Amazingly, this thing has dynamic braking and charges going downhill. No fun as it limits the speed.

Now just calculate the viability of the smallest electric car in order to get free trips. Hmm!!

Maybe a scooter with a solar panel on a turntable mounted on a mast so it can always face the sun. (AND with a wind turbine) I feel a cartoon coming from my wife already.

Time to do something sensible. REALLY!

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1 hour ago, steveo said:

Maybe you could make it have a bit more street cred like the scooter I converted for my niece & nephew, 8 mph Invacare Meteor / s2 Landrover !


Brilliant! Can I order a Vitesse one now.

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Built the body out of MDF using cardboard as templates ( thanks to my local LIdl for boxes ) copied from pictures of the proper Toylander kits on the net.

Most use Landrover or Jeep style bodies due to flat sides, never thought of Herald / Vitesse at the time but the shape may be ideal for it, quite flat sides, Range Rover classic & 1979 Trans Am also made the short list as I have owned real ones.

Sold it a few years back as the kids lost interest in it, think I used it more than them ( made it so I fitted ) cant compete with playstation / x box type things, if I had one as a kid I would never have got out of it ( we only had the cardboard boxes ! )

I keep watching Red Bull soap box race on Dave, so keep a look out for a 68 Herald, may get around to it one day ! 

Cheers, Steve.

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8 hours ago, PeteH said:

Rear wheel steering?. Hmm?. Drove Fork Lift Trucks like that (40Tonne). Take a bit of getting used to!.


In my first house I hired a mini digger to dig out a large bank behind the house; it had a bulldozer blade for some reason on the rear... in order to use that you had to turn the seat round and drive it backwards, so left was right and vice versa. My brickie tried to use it, turned too fast and it tipped, so of course he turned the other way... but it was the wrong way and he rolled it over a wall and down my flowerbed. I had to hire a crane to lift it upright again.

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3 hours ago, Colin Lindsay said:

In my first house I hired a mini digger to dig out a large bank behind the house; it had a bulldozer blade for some reason on the rear... in order to use that you had to turn the seat round and drive it backwards, so left was right and vice versa. My brickie tried to use it, turned too fast and it tipped, so of course he turned the other way... but it was the wrong way and he rolled it over a wall and down my flowerbed. I had to hire a crane to lift it upright again.

Thats like dinghy sailing, tiller to Port, turn Starboard!. Always catches the novices out. Especially if it then gybe`s and you get a whack on the back of the head!!.


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