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Which top seal for an AC fuel pump (Spitfire MKI)


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Following a few days of the garage smelling rather petrolly, a friend helped me spot a loose screw on top of Audrey's fuel pump. We've tightened her back up, and whilst its no longer leaking around the screw, I strongly suspect the seal has died.

I've looked at Rimmer and Moss, but can't see an AC pump that has the in/outs in this position. Suspect its old, but not original. Does anyone know what pump this is, or what shape/size seal I might need?

Cheers in advance for any assistance you can lend.




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In the glass bowl version, if the seal dries, it tends to shrink and leak until it is wet again. That was my experience. My repair kit had a rubber seal for the bowl instead ot the 'Jointite' version original. So far, this has not leaked. You could try a sealant that is fuel proof. It may be ok for a while after tightening anyway.

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I think the diaphragms, seals and valves are the same in all the pumps (not sure about glass bowl type) so the repair kit is universal. The seal will be just a flat rubber ring and they do harden up with age and shrink but not sure you can get it on its own. I keep a handy sheet of EDPM rubber from which I cut all sorts of seals and gaskets including for fuel pumps, petrol tank senders, petrol caps etc

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Thanks all for the advice.

I think I’d best disconnect and plug the incoming fuel line, and see what kind of shape the seal is. if it is flat, that’ll be marvellous. Hopefully there’s enough left to tell :)

via google, it doesn’t look like it’s off a herald or MG, as they seem to have different angles and offsets on the pipework.

I did see this: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/265633520060?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=MylK89NhS1e&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=kMe7bhEnR0m&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY which maintains the existing setup, but am not much of a fan for sourcing a critical part from an unknown eBayer.

Want to keep her as stock as possible.


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I think it looks very similar to Paddocks offering for you model:

James Paddock Limited - Triumph Stag, Spitfire, TR6, TR7, GT6, Vitesse, Herald Parts and Spares Specialists. FUEL PUMP MK1-111 SCREW FITTINGS(208493)

They also do a AC pump repair kit which looks like it comes with two types of seals and of course all the other bits (these might come in useful one day if you can then find them😁)

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If that's leaking round the screws, it's the diaphragm rather than the top screw / top cover. It's definitely a standard type of fuel pump, used in Heralds as Paul says above. 

9BCBF9A2-516C-4248-BB1F-1CF9F30D5466_1_105_c.jpg.ee4ee95b60a420c9059814ab55ecdaa8.jpg  417DE897-18CD-48D8-9ED3-BDF7C69FD32B_1_105_c.jpg.edb1f344391a5a26a1b0754e8036d2c4.jpg

You can buy diaphragm and seal kits easily enough, or similar pumps are still available new:


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Thanks @Colin Lindsay   

Your photos are very reassuring, as I just kept finding ones that looked different. My Google fu needs work :)

That eBay link is the one I posted above and seemed to be the best match for shape. 

I’ll dismantle in the week and see if it’s the diaphragm or the top seal that’s gone (or both). Then it’s off to the shops and will post back with the outcome. 

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I wouldnt disturb more than you have to as to get to the diaphragm youll have to disconnect at least one of the copper pipes and then get them to seal again afterwards....

A punctured diaphragm will allow fuel to come out of the bottom of the fuel pump and if this is not happening I would just check the body screws are tight, take off the top cap, clean the filter under it, check the cap screw has a gasket, replace the rubber seal and reassemble👍

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