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Ignition timing


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I think air is drawn in that little hole you can see in the photo at the base of the tube and once flow is enough the ball will be lifted up to float. If the hole is blocked or theres a leak where the tube connects to the body of the balancer then of course the ball wont move.... 

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Hi Carba, any progress with your balancing?  Heres a photo of you gauge with the entrance open which is how you should begin before turning the centre disc with your finger to close it sufficiently to make the indicator ball rise. Of course revving the engine will do the same thing because of the increased air flow....  


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Hi, I have been working on it for 3 hours, I have managed to make the idle not go up by cutting gasoline, I have also discovered a plug that someone has put in the vacuum feed tube of the distributor, There's no problem with the balancer

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19 minutes ago, Pete Lewis said:

is the rev counter driven by a cable drive from the distributor base    or is it electronic   done by wires 


I don’t know but I don’t think that the problem is this, seems carburettors, dont you think?

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7 hours ago, Pete Lewis said:

is this an electronic rev counter  it seems too smooth/damped to be the cable driven

you could be showing changes in charge voltage

You can hear the engine revs rise with the rev counter so it must be engine related not electrical? There must be something not right with the intake/carburettor.


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12 minutes ago, Pete Lewis said:

its not the first time electronic dizzy and rev counter encounter very odd running 

just covering all ends of this marathon 

and to repeat has the carbs got the lifting pins ??????????????????

Yes, has the liftings pins, I think the mixture it’s correct 

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Guys, I have sprayed with spray and I have discovered that the idle speed varies when sprayed on the axes of the butterflies, I don't know if this translation is good, but I think I have my idling problem here, There's slack

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Posted (edited)

The car on the road behaves well, I think the problem with idle is going to be that air intake in the butterfly spindles, I don't see any other possible option. I've checked everything

Edited by Carba1984
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Can you try putting grease temporarily around the spindles where they exit the carburettor bodies to seal them and see if theres an improvement?

If its definitely the problem then new spindles are available and hopefully the bodies will not need machining... 

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just to add when fitting new shafts  leave the butterfly screws loose to allow the plate to fully centralise when closed before tightening them.

and be aware the plates are chamfered and must only fit one way round or you wont close the throttles 



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The plates have a small valve, I have seen that many people change them for plates without a valve.The plates have a small valve, I have seen that many people change them for plates without a valve.

By the way, right now I'm idling between 900-1100 but with the screws loose from everything, Without acting on the butterflies

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yes those valves, which are to reduce emissions when closing the throttle at high speeds, can leak air through and affect the idle. As you say the butterfly plates can be replaced with solid ones or the valves even soldered closed...

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