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Whistling noise from gearbox/clutch area on Vitesse


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Cheers Pete. Surprised myself, getting that done.

Paul. It was an assorted size box from Maplins of compression and extending springs I picked up off someones wall (folk do that around here with stuff they don't want. It's great).

The different sizes have been useful on a few occasions. I used the hooked, extending type to give the throttle a much lighter action, as it apparently causes much less wear on the spindles than the factory one.



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The noise is a long term feature of the Vitesse. Yes caused by the clutch plate fingers touching the release bearing. Probably present on other cars but the combination of an aluminium bell-housing and the configuration of release mechanism used appear to amplify the noise, not dampen it.


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we did a lot of work on trucks to stop the skidding , its pretty endemic over many a year and many a vehicle 

finger design and finger flatness have a lot to do with it   you can see diaphragm fingers curved, flatend, , burnished , ground, didly squat and so on over 

a range of clutches 

there's less noise from an old worn and nicely loose thrust and the continued alignment as the thrust is operated is essential.

most lever geometry is pretty hopeless , pitching the bearing even when on a sleeve .

concentric throwouts is the best answer,  but thats a very expensive solution on a Triumph.


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