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Air filter gaskets


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I have never, to my knowledge had a problem with rubber slivers, BUT, in messing with my new fuel filter and a spare piece of brand new fuel pipe, when I took the filter off the spare bit of pipe, the end of the filter had cut an almost perfect circle of rubber in the pipe. They do exist, believe Pete, he is right!

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On 06/05/2021 at 19:43, Colin Lindsay said:

Lubricate the ends of the metal pipes with Vaseline or the like before pushing the pipes on - this prevents damage when being pushed onto a dry pipe which agai shaves small parts of the pipe off.

Also shamfer the edges of the the metal pipe with some wet and dry etc (avoid getting metal dust in the pipe), to get rid of sharper edges. Try and fit hose square on if you can.

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On 07/05/2021 at 08:19, PeteH said:

There is an extremely "Non P-C" joke about that, which would probably get me barred for life in to-days "snowflake" world.

Maybe funny, though not all people who hear jokes actually see the humour at face value and I believe it can reinforce prejudice.

Thanks, Snowflake   

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5 minutes ago, daverclasper said:

Maybe funny, though not all people who hear jokes actually see the humour at face value and I believe it can reinforce prejudice.

Thanks, Snowflake   

Your welcome. I`m from the generation that still had "National Service". Believe me, you would not be wanting to be "beasted" more than once!. "prejudice" back then was for whimps and went both ways. Not nice, but that was the fact`s of life. How the modern generation would cope with those situations and that of of WW2. Makes me fear for this country. But Hey Ho, different times. One can only pray they never have to find out!.


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