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Spitfire laygear 154829 needed


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Hi! Anybody know where I might be able to pick up laygear 154829. Been on back order for a few weeks with Rimmer and expected date has slipped 3 times and now out to 12th Nov at earliest. Moss also out of stock. A google search isn’t proving helpful either. Thanks.

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Hi Mathew, I don't need the whole gearbox as I have everything apart from the laygear. As long as the gear assembly is in good nick then I'd be interested in buying one. No great rush as I've been waiting several weeks so another couple won't make much difference but a minimum of another 6 weeks from Rimmer does. Hopefully you can find a loose one.

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Any joy at your club meeting last night Clive?

Mathew when do you think you might be able to strip down the gearbox? Reason for asking is that I have to let Rimmer know if I want to cancel my laygear order and if I say no then I am committed to buying it when I may not need it if you are able to supply one.

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Pete reckons he must have a few. He has taken many gearboxes apart, and reckons the laygears are nearly always OK (unless the whole box has had terminal damage)

He is checking his actual stock, (a couple of crates of gears and stuff in his garage) 

I will drop you a message as I am away from tomorrow...

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Have you looked at Bastuck Germany ? 


They make and supply them to everywhere + are normally cheaper..  (dont know now with the extra costs to the UK).


Just before brexit I was lucky to find a NOS laygear still in the box.


Look at top of the pic part no G53SPT

Screenshot_20211007-151755_Samsung Internet.jpg

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