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Starter motor woes ☹️


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as for how hot  as its golted to the back plate the starter will take on pretty much the same temperature as the block    so  hot will be quite normal

if its smoking its  TOOOOO   hot   

and always make sure you have scrapped /cleaned the shiny coating the lead posts get covered in 


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Ok, Mathew very kindly let me have one of his spare starter motors and all is now well 😁. So as we suspected, it was the motor and now it is now spinning the engine faster than it ever did before.

Took the end off the old starter and the following pics show the commutator and brushes IMG_20220129_122039_382.thumb.jpg.ad7cf968cde137616a99014d2206e4c2.jpgIMG_20220129_122055_053.thumb.jpg.c1df11e1ad1a48b1bc1aa845bcba973a.jpg

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8 minutes ago, Mathew said:

Glad the motor sorted your starting. Sorry i had to rush you a bit as we had to get to Nottingham by 17:00 to pick up a bonnet for the gt6, sort off. More of that later elsewhere.

That motor pictured is fubar, scrap by the looks of the shaft. Best spend your time driving than messing about on starters!

Yes, I suspect you are right about that. Interestingly, when I connected to the battery once removed from the car it still turned over slowly, even with no load.

It has a lovely clean and shiny Bendix and the outside looks newly painted, but all of that is irrelevant if it's knackered.

Anyway, many thanks for your help with this 👍

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having been on the problem end of cost derived reconditioners we were subjected to nice box  nice coat of paint , what was under the paint was generally worse than what was being exchanged 

its a nightmare trade off of how to make profit from low cost repairs and its all manufacturers

I  could surprise you with some examples you expect better of.

this nightmare extended to fuel injectors starters alternators  clutches and much more I could write a good book on the exploits 

but you all need to sleep at night 


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Having never taken a starter motor to bits I felt compelled to dismantle my knackered one to see how it works.

I didn't realise that the armature and the field coils are effectively in series, with the current flowing through both. So I am assuming the timing of the current flow through both is managed by the commutator?

Now, just as a matter of interest, I am IMG_20220130_151548_997.thumb.jpg.07939a107b821528d9c389c16485f1da.jpgtrying to see if it will clean up ok 🙂

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