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Colin Lindsay

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Everything posted by Colin Lindsay

  1. Check the rear hose, too. If the hose has collapsed or is restricting fluid flow then all else will move before that one, hence the thump when it finally frees up; similarly it will be slower to release after braking hence the extra wear. Have a look at the pipe to that wheel too in case there's a kink or dent.
  2. Aha... if they're available, the seals should be too. Must have a search. Ok.. lot of square-section o-rings available; thing to do now is to work out the size, and the most suitable material. I was intending to maybe invest in a small hone to clean up the cylinder bore; it has to be about 14/15mm but not at the price I've found: It's going to be a long time until Santa comes again...
  3. Morning all! (Much too quiet in here) I've converted both Heralds to disc brakes which requires either an extension to the master cylinder reservoir or else a bigger master cylinder. I can get the master cylinders, part number GMC220 from £34.50 up to £70, essentially the same item but just some suppliers have more expenses than others. For the sake of it I'd like to try to source the seals for the original master cylinder extensions; I have two NOS versions, one with a seal and one without, but the seal I do have has been dry-fitted to a master cylinder and has become distorted after 20 years or more. I can find the part numbers for the extension and the cap, but not the seal which is not even shown in the parts manual. It's a square profile seal and fits between the bottom of the extension and the master cylinder top edge. Does anyone have a part number for it, or a possible source? It needs to be perfect as otherwise fluid will leak onto the paintwork.
  4. Good point Clive and one I've known from personal experience - my timing was way off and the car was able to compensate at low revs, but not when it got faster. It would rev all day in neutral, but once the engine faced any kind of effort it began to lose power. Even making sure the timing was correct made a huge difference.
  5. I've gone from 60 words a minute to 60 minutes a word, but hey ho, I can't really do anything else at present so might as well labour on. (I started this post on Christmas Eve so have a good day tomorrow.)
  6. From my own cars 143320 is the GT6 front hose; 122767 is the early Herald, yet almost all suppliers list the GBH216 as the one-size-fits-all equivalent. There is one on-line supplier selling a pair of 38cm Borg and Beck hoses which would seem excessively long. GBH203 are available at 30cm if you want a little piece of mind re stressing the shorter hoses - https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/TRIUMPH-GT6-VITESSE-GOODRIDGE-STAINLESS-STEEL-FRONT-OR-REAR-BRAKE-HOSE-GBH203/372519487628?fits=Car+Make%3ATriumph&epid=1272411255&hash=item56bbe4488c:g:rJMAAOSwU9xURnnT I've found a contemporary box showing other vehicle applications for the same hose; it may help others when searching for a set. There just might be an Otosan Anadol owner out there with an unwanted pair...
  7. There seems quite a difference in length between those stainless hoses of Paul's and the rubber ones of Paul H. I've managed to measure mine on the GT6 MK1, not very easy to do one-handed, and the fronts (Stainless Goodrich) are closer to 240mm.
  8. Can you get any other angles of photo? It's only recently that I discovered (not having owned one!) that Vitesse and GT6 brakes and uprights are not the same layout or design, so I can't compare to any of my cars, but it's possible that something may stand out in a different angle of shot. Doug's correct about the stainless hoses, they are NOT fit and forget but merely keep the rubber compressed on the outside and you've no idea of what's happening on the inside. I changed a full set on the Gt6 recently after fifteen years on the car, it was an expense I could have done without but then so is a lack of brakes...
  9. That will give me something to study later; thanks for the link. (the LED headlight bulbs look interesting)
  10. I suspect that some of the leather 'feed' you can buy is standard moisturising cream with a leather smell added. Leather is just dried skin, after all... I have a drum made from half a goat and it gets hand cream once in a while too.
  11. I'd use them for the supposed Octane boost rather than any kind of lead replacement. A Herald I bought years ago had about 400 one-shop Castrol additives thrown in, I'm still using them when I remember about them. I've no idea if they make any difference, (even the lawnmower has got one on occasion!) but as Pete says, I'd rather go for the higher octane fuel. None of my cars bar the GT6 are doing the kind of miles that would warrant any head work bar valves and guides.
  12. Don't mention relatives. No matter how mad I act, they still keep coming back.
  13. Yes, I knew. Don't be embarrassed, Doug, it's a big wide world these days and if you want to identify as Santa on certain occasions, that's fine by me... If you're going to drop anything down the chimney make sure my stove has gone out, first...
  14. Bless you, Doug, I believe you would! I think poor Jeremy's problem was that he believed he was someone else entirely, albeit with the same initials, and a lot of people didn't believe in HIM either when he said he would save them. Wow... getting deep here.... 😲
  15. Santa doesn't post anywhere, he delivers! (Although in Russia he doesn't bring presents until New Year's Eve) Almost the entire world believes that a fat man can come down their chimney, from a flying sleigh pulled by reindeer, and give them free things, and I'M on medication?
  16. Oh Lord are you in for a surprise. Hope you like the smell of wet celery. We don't black ball any more, I believe some of the members are even MX5 drivers but I blame equal opportunities and that sort of thing. Enjoy your Vitesse - bet you can't wait - and I hope it's all you want it to be. Membership is... well, what you make it. If we haven't scared you of by now...
  17. Welcome and good luck in finding your preferred car - keep us updated!
  18. ...and as such your advice on building and renovation work will be very welcome. It's good to have a wide range of experts and advisors on the forum. You never know what we'll be planning next.
  19. Little round white ones that put you into orbit. They're great. You can watch the One Show and not feel a thing.
  20. I've had the dressings changed, it looks nothing like a keyhole, looks more like the bit the medication makes it seem I'm talking out of. AND there are three of them.
  21. Much too tempting. I've had to go over posts so many times to remove spelling mistakes I'm afraid to bid on anything in case I add too many zeros.
  22. Oh Gawd whatever they gave me in the chop shop wore off yesterday... woe is me. Can't even drink alcohol. Slept sitting up, at one point opening eyes and grabbing for the steering wheel... We could have Christmas compo, how many words can you make out of whatever Pete's on? Personally can't wait to get back to earth, let alone engine ones.
  23. Anaesthetic is wearing off but floating on Cloud 9 on painkillers wheeeee! I know that Heralds when sent CKD were sometimes painted in whatever paint was available locally to the assembly area and so while it may be green, it may not be any officially recognised Triumph colour. Astons were painted in metallic green and it's a lovely colour - see photo - so could easily have been purloined for a Triumph, maybe even at the buyer's request. That's the first I've ever heard of Tara green, I know TR7s had a metallic green but it differs vastly in shade from John's car. I must do a bit more research and see what's thrown up. .
  24. I think I said that back to front Doug. They have an extra bit that earths to the bodywork as well as the battery terminal, but on the one I used the entire cable forks into a y-shape rather than just two bolt/brackets. Given that the sweat is breaking on me with the effort of typing this I'm not going to hobble out to the garage to check how it differs from the original one-piece that the GT6 had... so someone about here will know what I mean. I hope. Put it this way: it was worth fitting all those years ago as it had an extra bit. I just can't remember where...
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