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Colin Lindsay

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Everything posted by Colin Lindsay

  1. Given the description of some of the Triumph cars advertised recently - “stunning condition and fully restored” for one that had visible rust, overspray and a host of incorrect parts in the advert - I’d not be surprised about the description of some component parts either… but at least we’re good at spotting them before we bid! I do pity the poor souls that actually DO bid, though...
  2. Tescos are now selling Redex for £2 per bottle (as of 14/2/15). Made a great Valentine’s Day present as it was pink….. (PS am still in the doghouse.)
  3. That’s a lovely job. You weren’t tempted to silver the strips and logo, as on my Herald version? Ignore the rusty fitting screws, they’re replaceable with Mini rocker screws although I bought some lovely stainless ones a while back for when the car is ready to be driven. BTW replacement caps are available as gT6chris says, the one in the photo was purchased a few years back and is excellent quality.
  4. I love watching the fuel flow through the glass dome as the engine runs… reminds me of the old glass bowl petrol pumps you used to see everywhere.
  5. One last small point to the excellent advice already given: use a good length of hose on the short curved section (33 in the diagram); mine is forever cracking and weeping, so I cut a longer length than that supplied in kits and allowed a bit more flex. Make sure these two pipes are in alignment at the bulkhead end before finally tightening up the adaptor and nut at the radiator end, and it will make things so much less stressful on this hose.
  6. The problem is that there is always a core of members who are active, and a lot more who read but don’t feel like posting anything, or don’t feel the need to. This is sometimes to the good. Give people a forum and enough time, and the idea that they have to post to increase their score or title on the forum, and we end up flooded with endless variations of questions like: What wheels will fit my car? What seats will fit my car? What colour should I paint my car? Once might be informative but there are many similar posts appearing, and they just get tiring - all we end up with are endless photographs of people’s cars with minor variations. I’ve no problem with interesting posts such as: what music do you listen to while driving? What’s your favourite stretch of road? Have you see this car on eBay? etc - a bit of good banter and some great interesting tunes, cars or places appear, but after seeing millions of variations over the years of: “Will these wheels fit my car? Will THESE wheels fit my car? Surely THESE wheels will fit my car?” I really have to bite my tongue… So: less can definitely be more….
  7. You lucky man!! Currently have about 70kbps, not a chance of watching Youtube or anything streaming like that, the attached photo should give you some idea of my speed at peak times….! 3 hours 50 minutes to download a 17 Mb file? So: an on-line magazine would be next to inaccessible for that sort of speed.
  8. There used to be a guy advertised in The Courier for exchange seats - vinyl or leather versions supplied newly covered on receipt of your old seats - but he’s missing from the issue I’ve just checked. Anyone know if he still does them?
  9. Tried exactly the same thing today... and it worked. Nothing to do with properly attaching pictures, the theory thereof or even the forum rules, but just the fact that trying to attach a photo, by following the rules outlined in other threads, didn’t work - for no apparent reason. As hopefully demonstrated today, when it DID work. Now, back to the starter.
  10. Two things here: firstly, is the lack of spares for our gearboxes due to a lack of demand, as people fit boxes from moderns instead rather than support the industry that could manufacture replacement parts if the demand was there? Secondly, I do take offence at your last comment. I don’t look down at cars with modern gearboxes, but I don’t think that people who do object, in a car forum dedicated to classics and the maintenance - NOT the modification - of their marque, are being self-righteous. I have however noticed a tendency for those who do like it to praise it above all else, and endlessly promote it to new members and indeed anyone who asks a question about gearbox faults and repairs. It’s a mod - a botch, to many - and not the be-all and end-all simple solution that some think. I’m not stuck in a timewarp, with LED bulbs, alternator, stainless upgrades and electronic ignition all fitted to my own cars, and I’m certainly not a Luddite, but I’ve seen more sniping coming from those in favour of substantial mods such as the gearbox swap against people who don’t like it or want it, than comments against it. I don’t like it, I don't want a Subaru diff, or a Peugeot radiator, or a VW electric fan, or Saab seats however I’ve never advocated that the people who do should go off and form their own modding-Triumph club. It’s a debating forum where there is - and should be - more than one opinion and no fear of voicing it without being asked to go elsewhere.
  11. Most of the Hi-torque motors will fit, provided the mounting plate is for a Spitfire… so many of them come with the proviso that you’re intending to swap the mounting plate over. I don’t know if the Isuzu Trooper one is a straight fit, but I’d prefer to buy one that I’m sure will fit from the word go, to avoid disappointment especially if you don’t have the proper plate to begin with….
  12. I’m dismantling one of the early Lucas M35G starters, the one with the inspection band all the way round. The two bolts holding the case together unbolt from this end in this model; so while the other end drops off, there appears to be no way to remove this end plate. The terminal inside that the lead attaches to has been damaged and needs repaired so I require access. How on earth is this held on? I would have attached a photo but at 53kb, it appears the forum doesn’t like it, or want it, or whatever...
  13. I bought new LEDs for only £1 each at Stafford, and further ones off eBay last week; I’ve just written a Courier article on it for March.
  14. I ran the SimonBBC red system on my Herald with no problems (£30 on eBay), but the black Aldon version died on my GT6 quite quickly despite costing over twice as much.
  15. Best tip for a battery is never to leave it on a cold floor, which will kill it stone dead surprisingly quickly. Put it on a shelf, table or any other kind of raised base and it will live much longer.
  16. Be advised the terminals on the Dynamator are not the same as the originals, so may require a bit of alteration to leads etc; there’s one on the top of the unit which sits worryingly close to the bonnet of the GT6 when fitted. Heralds should be okay though. Alternators are available new from around £40 on eBay so if cost is the deciding factor I’d go that way.
  17. Just like those lead replacement lozenges that are sold by the hundreds on eBay and mean never having to have your head replaced… Personally I’d rather just have my old gearbox refurbished; the more demand there is for the parts, the more rewarding it is for a supplier to stock them or a manufacturer to make them...
  18. The problem with that post above (from Canleys) is that it’s now ages old, probably written when leaded petrol had just been discontinued or not far off it. Many of our cars have now been run for years with no lead, and the lead memory is long gone. I’d advocate using an additive if you’re in any doubt and don’t want the expense of having to replace or fix the head.
  19. Try a simple test: let your hot engine idle and check the temperature, then take the fan off and let it idle some more. See which overheats - with fan or without. That will tell you what difference the fan makes, even if it is marginal. I’ve never had any overheating problems, either GT6 or Herald, with a good clean radiator and cooling system, although I do use the later plastic fan on my GT6 due to slight damage of the metal original.
  20. Most of them are now available in stainless and add a nice bit of bling to the front brake area…
  21. Yes it’s a J-type. I didn’t know Fitchett’s had them. I’ll have a look.
  22. Hi y’all… in the midst of a single-rail overdrive conversion on a Herald 1200 I’ve realised I have no gearbox mounting plate for the overdrive end. If anyone has a spare - brilliant, let me know - if not can anyone get me dimensions or a good photo so that I can weld one up?
  23. However it all depends on where it is coming from... slight seepage is normal, large pools aren’t, and even small drips overnight can become worrying flows when warm or at speed…. make sure it’s not being blown out due to excess pressure, or pouring out due to a cracked or warped component. Clean the engine, then watch where it escapes from. Above all keep it topped up!
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