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Everything posted by PeteH

  1. Hi Gentle cleanup and smoothing of the mould lines will not affect the strength of the U-J. In fact removing what could be regarded as a "notch" could actually contribute to the resitance of the material to cracking. Most failures involving such material propagate from a defect in the item, in my experience. Pete
  2. "Allen" type UNF ones are available on Flea bay reasonably priced. I bought some for the 13/60 Window Frame Top fastener. I found some BSW ones from 19?? recently in a tin. Back in the 60`s I replaced all the Slotted screws in the Crank, Cam, Timing/Gear cases etc on a Norton Dominator with some which had been Nickle plated, courtesy of a friend working in an Aicraft Factory. Looked a lot better, and started a local "trend". Pete
  3. Jeeeeze. Long way from the "tried and tested" diff silencing method, post WW2. AKA. a handfull of sawdust.! and a thicker oil!. I pray mine is silent when it finally hits the road. Pete
  4. I too prefer fluid. So I`ll have a pint of best please?.😇
  5. Havent used "autosol" since I had the Shooting Star. But it worked extremely well on crankcase and Timing cover`s. Pete
  6. The Haynes Manual, (GT6/Vittese) shows all the nuts to the rear of the vehicle, in both drawings and photo`s. If that helps?. When I "Did" the Herald, I did what you threatened and actually braced the link in the manner you suggested, using a bolt and a short piece of tubing. Pete
  7. No, The i-pad will still not allow me to Post. I can do it from the wife`s (much) newer one running ios 14. And an I-phone 8. But mine (Ipad mini) cannot run anything later than ios 9.4. which was OK until the last remodeling of this site.😭😭. So I am limited to following/watching, if I want to reply, I have to come back here to the laptop. To understand the American Psyche, I think you have to remember that the founding "fathers" had to take on the (then) might of the British, and only a fraction of the entire timeline of the British Isles ago, and in respect of that they wrote their constitution allowing that "defence of life and liberty" was enshrined to allow the ownership and use of weapons, (2nd amendment). To most Americans it is a cornerstone of their way of life. Vast numbers still go hunting (for food too) regularly and ownership and use of firearms is endemic and unlike “over here” is not viewed as something strange. In fact many Americans view us as weird for not wanting to own/use a firearm. Pete
  8. It used to be that one could stand at speakers corner, and say what YOU thought. Even that got lost in the recent past. Most of the early "Ban the Bomb" speakers started out there. Whether or not you agreed, Part of the issue IMV is of course the semi anonymity of distance found in current so called "Social Media" allows so called "trolling" without the responsibility attached of physical presence.?. My concern centres around the fact that the control of these outlets is concentrated in the hands of a small number of exceedingly wealthy and by definition, powerful individuals who are de facto exerting power which should be reserved for the elected representatives. The same outlets failed to act in a similar manner on other earlier occasions thereby indicating at least some bias. Pete
  9. Errr?. I recently saw a clip where some Physicists are questioning some of the "immutable" law`s. With some focus on the work done by Stephen Hawkin. Pete
  10. The only Real benefit of any "full Glycol" coolant will be corrosion resistance and antifreeze. I believe that even the early RR Merlins used a Glycol/Water mix. And full glycol was used on the high altitude (P_R?) versions. Water is more efficient at "removing" unwanted heat. But then I did thermodynamics over 50 year ago. P.s. We have a filter on our system for "Drinking" it does seem to reduce the kettle furring quite substantially. Pete
  11. "Off Topic". Regardless of what you presonally think about the Trump. Don`t you feel that the fact that Facebook, Twitter, Google. Et al. Can switch off the President of the USA. Is a dangerous precedent, from the point of view of "Freedom of Speech"?. In my view it shows just who controls media, along with the mass T-V outlets, It is becoming harder to get to the true facts of many situations. I know it has been this way for some time, more especially since the advent of social media. But the current propensity for "massaging" the known facts. is IMHO very close to international Censorship?. BTW, this is no argument, rather an observation. Pete
  12. I`ve, Migrated my E-Mail to Thunderbird (Mozila). been running it about 3 years now, some minor issues with setting up, but it has been OK, so far. IMHO. Microsoft are so far up, they must be permanently in the dark!. I have Win 10 on all my newer Machines, all as Dual boot with Win7, which I prefer. The only time I run 10 is if I have software that won`t work on 7. Win 10 must be horrendously "buggy", every time you switch it on there is yet another update!. You cannot NOT update, only delay for a few days. You end up watching the stars endlessly rotate, drumming the fingers because you need to be working, not just watching. Pete
  13. I dumped McAfee, donkeys years back, It`s worse than Norton was. Slows everything up. I`m currently using Webroot and have been for about 5 years. My Youngest boy, swears by it. Only yesterday I went to load a piece of software which seemed to check out OK. And it got the full Red Card. And a warning. So that was a no go. It auto flags all searches. According to threat level. Pete
  14. On that level, My Youngest Son, who does it for a Living, and cut his teeth at the "Home Office". Was quite impressed when he tried "Hacking" Mine. I sit behind a hardware and software firewalls and use a VPN part of the time. Slows stuff up a bit but probably worth it. Pete
  15. Wot`s one ov them then?. 🤣. How many more know what it`s FOR 🤣. Pete
  16. It`s true what Pete Says. 🙏 I`ll tell you is VERY nerve wracking. You keep wondering just when something will "give". Pete
  17. What "bugs" me?. The providers can tell you it`s insecure. BUT no one can or will explain WHY. My (simplistic) take is that you don`t get satisfied customers by shutting the door on them, shrugging your shoulders, and just saying just throw that away, and buy a new one!. This is the guy that has just repaired a 40+year old Tumble Dryer. As far as I can see, it will be good for another 45!. Pete
  18. You have to overpull, the "belt" very carefully. I had several "tries" before I got anywhere near. When I get outside again. I will re-check the dimensions to see if it has moved again?. Pete
  19. The Big question is WHY?. They drop support?. The suspicion (rightly or wrongly) is that it is in the manufacturers (of the devices) interests (financially) to have redundancy. What is left is a whole raft of useable kit that cannot access area`s they have traditionally had access to. I do not subscribe to the "non backward compatible In the interest of security message". It`s just lazy programming IMHO. Pete
  20. As an Aid. Try looking at:- https://forum.tssc.org.uk/topic/6697-rear-tub-spread-dimension/?tab=comments#comment-86501 This was back in the year when I was trying to get the gaps right. They are much nearer now but as yet not where I need them. Pete
  21. Nor Audi`s, And Most SUV`s with lady drivers and a car load of sprog`s. BTW. WHY!!!!!. Do they always have to get the kid(s) out into the Road?. Anyone know? Not a new phenomenon, It was noticable as far back as the early 80`s. (and maybe earlier??) Pete
  22. Yes the I-pad has chrome, (but not Firefox, I use Yahoo) and I have tried access using both. The outcome is the same. No facility to reply on either. Can`t see F-F making a difference but might try it. Pete
  23. Exactly my Experience too. I often sit after lunch and "browse" (until I fall asleep!). For that the 2nd Gen i-pad mini is the ideal tool. IOS 9.3.5. loaded, worked OK, as you rightly say, until the last Forum update. Which is a real shame. So, How about a "FIX"?, for us old git`s struggling on pensions? (cue violin!!). Can`t be rocket science?. Pete
  24. We have the Mercedes 3L V6 Diesel in the Motorhome, Because it also has a DPF, the ECU has a programme which forces a regeneration when it recognises (if) the DPF needs it.!. Getting it on a motorway above 2200+rpm for 1/2 an hour avoids that!. On the predecessor, (A Fiat Ducato) the EGR caused several "limp mode" events, Eventually the issue was only resolved by it`s replacement!. Typical of Fiat, of course, the "new" EGR was "improved" requiring a modified "wiring harness section". Which typically cost 1/3 of the price of the new EGR. Whilst I am resigned to the fact that "modern" engines need this to keep emmisions under some control. I still yearn for the days of KISS. (keep it simple sucker). Hence the ongoing Refurb; (5years and counting) of the 13/60. BTW. Mercedes want £80 plus VAT to reset the ECU. This I found out when I removed a driver seat to access some fuses and relays in the seat base, and created an SRS error when the Wiring was disconected. And I now have a £200 PDI reader to diagnose / delete such issues, which has alread paid for itself!. As and aside, I supect that many Diesel fouling issues come about from not being given a good "Italian tune" on a daily basis. White Van man does not appear to experience these issues as frequently, and as we know most drive like they just "nicked" it. Pete
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