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Everything posted by PeteH

  1. Had a word with Roger, his too came off a twin carb layout, I`m not going that route at this point. Pete
  2. Know anyone with a 3D printer?. Design/copy your own, Add a Triumph logo, Maybe?. Pete
  3. I`ve been using a combination of 1mm and 1.2 mm for the Herald. Straighter non complicated 1.2mm. Where a lot of intricate forming (tin bashing) was needed 1mm in the main. So far I have used 1 full (1200x1800x1.2) and 1/2 of a 1.0 sheet. I have only a few small bits left to do and one lower door repair. I used to Deliver as a "temp"/part time, for the Steel Stockists in Hull when I still had my HGV. (pre age 66) So the guys throw anything I order and pay for over the phone, on a wagon when there out this way, which is handy. Pete.
  4. Still, cannot figure what that Blue is though? I would call it midnight?. It looks good with a Black interior. Pete
  5. WOW!. Please sir!. I was really only thinking the CI object looked somewhat "agricultural", whereas a a nice shiny 4-2-1 branch would look better when one considers that once the bonnet is raised a lot of "kit" is exposed. The Rimmer offerings are listed for "twin carb". I was really just "cogitating" as to if they could be purchased at reasonable cost. I had a new full system fabricated some years ago for the Rear Engined American R-V/Camper but had to supply the old one as pattern that was a £400 Bill, mind the silencer alone was near as tall as I!!. Pete
  6. Started something now!. I was more interested to find out the Dark Blue Colour Name/Code than anything else!. As for "Film Use" I had several requests to hire my R-V, Mostly for use as "Dressing/Makeup" facility. Tempted, by the hire rate, until one guy who did it had his interior wrecked. Pete
  7. Dangerous thing`s, (Turbo`s). gotta watch `em!.
  8. Hi Spotted on another thread, There was a nice looking 4 branch (Stainless?) manifold. I am considering the possibility of using one in the 13/60 Information on suppliers etc; would be apreciated?.👍. Pete.
  9. They all tend to be noisier, you get one bang per rev, instead of every other rev. In terms of noise v size, I have (somewhere) the noisiest 0.6cc Model Aircraft engine which screams up to 20,000+ RPM, from the days when I competed in "Duration" flying. Vertical take off, 10 seconds, engine cut out, and then glide back to earth, longest flight time = winner. Pete
  10. Hi I had to go and ask, Not sure of the age, but it was only recorded last week. It`s aparently called "Then Came You". allegedly filmed in Scotland?. It`s a "rom com", so not really my "bag". I was more interested in the colour, as the 13/60 will be undergoing a change from White.
  11. PeteH


    Back in the "Dark Ages". The Gasket coating of choice was Fine graphite mixed with transmission oil?. Well torqued, and re-torqued after 50 running hours. Also, ensuring that the Block and head surfaces where actually flat. To the point of "blueing" and scraping them if necessary!. P.s. I recently "found" the remainder of a 1980`s "Payen" full gasket set. The head gasget had been used along with the manifold gaskets. Looking for the "bits" for the Hand Brake at the time!. Found everything but the "pin", so I spent several hours on the lathe making one from an old bolt! Pete
  12. Hi So, Er` indoors was watching a recorded "rom com" and what pops up but a very nice looking Blue Vittesse. OCG 926 F. The joke was?. It ran out of "petrol" so "your man" fishes the 10 gall Jerry can out of the boot. Obviously unaware that they all had a "reserve" position on the tank valve!. Ah! Well!. "artistic licence"?. Currently taxed, Reg Sept 1967. Last change owner 2012. It says blue and looks a nice dark blue but what would it be? Pete
  13. To be fair, I seriously doubt that in my case the car will ever be used at night except maybe coming back from the Pub "Classic Night" late. (Obviously having not imbibed, of course)😇. And at the (current) rate of progress, that could be some years away!. But, of course a BIG Bright light to the rear is an indication to others that you are intending to reverse even in full daylight, and with to-days quality of driving cannot be any bad thing!. Pete
  14. Modern LED look alikes would probably be available?. eg; https://www.wish.com/product/5def4955f354030405d39bd7?hide_login_modal=true&from_ad=goog_shopping&_display_country_code=GB&_force_currency_code=GBP&pid=googleadwords_int&c={campaignId}&ad_cid=5def4955f354030405d39bd7&ad_cc=GB&ad_curr=GBP&ad_price=27.00&campaign_id=6493229882&exclude_install=true&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI6fOyjfXW7QIViLPtCh3yRAQkEAQYAiABEgKU7fD_BwE&share=web Or similar?. prehaps with a chrome finish? Pete
  15. Oposed piston Engines:- This:- Doxford, (Marine Engine). Sailed on many ships Engined with the later enclosed crankcase. Or. Napier Deltic. (York Railway Museum) Also used in Hunt Class Destroyers. Hey Ho. "old git" time again
  16. Neat looking job👍, anyhow. I suspect in the Herald, by the time you find a suitable (legal) size of high intensity light fitting. It will be of limited use as a reversing light?. So, I reckon, stick to the "old" way of attaching one to the rear vallance?.
  17. Yes, I stand corrected, By the time you cut a hole in it there would be no "reflector" left!. Sadly, unlike the TR4, where there appears to have most of it "surviving". I was more concerned with how water ingress had been prevented.
  18. I feel your Pain. Or more accurately my Mate, sadly deceased now did, he was working on a survey at the Steelworks in Sheffield (when they had some). Phone rings, daughter says "Daddy, car is out of petrol", reply "so go to garage and fill it up?". response, "I don't do petrol"!. "then you will have to walk". Click!! Pete.
  19. Can I ask how you sealed them? as the one`s I have (in a Motorhome) are are not i-p rated at all?. Something along those lines would fit under the "fin" on the rear of a Herald. Pete
  20. Our`s rarely get "named". One exception being a bright yellow Smart Car. with PBO, which got pablo. Some get acronyms. MLV (Maureens Little Vehicle) was a small Nissan Note. Cannot come up with one VMA. The Big Yank Camper was the "Beast" but no connection to its Reg, No. Pete
  21. PeteH

    Who is bidding?

    With all the work left to do, it`s probably worth about half his "asking" IMV?. But as I found out recently selling a redundant piece of "kit", when they get into bidding it can go silly. Mind I wasn`t complaining, I nearly got back what I paid for it!. Pete
  22. May or may not be of interest. Recently there has been some discussion on Motorhome websites following complaints of Disk warping, mainly where the park brake has been applied imediately upon stopping. It would appear that suspicion is focused on Brake systems, where after a long downward run the vehicle has been stopped and the park brake applied imediately, It was theorised that the Heat absorbed in the Caliper system was concentrated in a localised fashion, causing the disks to warp. Some where advacating not to use the park brake, under those conditions, unless safety was compromised.
  23. PeteH

    Number Plates

    From DVLA site:- Since April 2015 (Only) vehicles manufactured before 1 January 1975 can display the older style plates. You must: have applied to DVLA, and be registered within the ‘historic vehicles’ tax class. This allows your vehicle to retain its authenticity and be in keeping with its age. This does NOT roll forward; NOT to be confused with:- Vehicles constructed 40 or more years ago are exempt from vehicle tax. The 40 year exemption date rolls forward automatically each year on 1 April. Pete
  24. So, I am wandering the village with the dog a 8am, and decide to take note of the brakes on "modern" cars, (yes, I am that sad!) But in light of this thread it occurs to me that most of the moderns have Large ventilated front disks, most are 10" or larger. Whilst not able to confirm, I would surmise that all are at least "twin pot". Along with the likelyhood of a decent Servo, it is no wonder that they cope with what we would describe as "inferior" pad material?. Pete
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