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Everything posted by PeteH

  1. Granted it was a long time ago (198?). But I think the Vittese (2L) had a Larger (higher/taller) Radiator?, than the one currently waiting to be replaced in the 13/60. Pete
  2. There is currently a thread on a facebook site generating a Huge amount of "opinion" on that subject. "Range" being the "BIG" objection to moving to E-V`s followed by Charging times and Grid capacity. I suspect that eventually all MPH will become GPS generated. Not that it will effect "our" cars unless or until some genius come up with a "conversion"?. Current issue of P-C is focused on "electric conversions" to Classics. Pete
  3. The nearest I can find online appears to be in the region of -0 to +10%+2.4mph current, before prosecution for exeeding any precribed limit?. Which would suggest that Pete was near enough correct. 30mph would equate to 35.4 under those limitations
  4. They are identical to those which came with my 13/60 "Kit of Parts". So maybe someone is recycling old freezers?. Pete
  5. A short length cut from the "best" of the old door seals?. Hmm?, never considered that?. Pete
  6. PeteH

    Aldi GPS tracker

    In the "early days" of using trackers. One of the co`s I did some Agency (LGV) driving for had trackers fitted. Gaffer had this 40+" plasma screen in the office showing the real time location of all his truck`s. What it did not show was the location of the many delays.!!. "why where you stationary at So and so" was regular question on return to the yard!!. Pete
  7. No Thats only for "Bespoke" ones!🤣 (OK. I`ll get me coat) Pete
  8. Hi I would bare Flagging up to the supplier, IMV?. Pete
  9. Wasn`t that type of control valve, used across a range of vehicles back in period?. Not just Triumph?. (560612 = Herald Looks exactly the same, Smiths or Delaney?). Pete
  10. Hi Isn`t there a Wattage limit anyway. I know I had 100/60 halogens in one car Granada Giha X, and was told they where not (road) legal?. MOT tester didn`t pick up on it anyway. Pete
  11. The "old fashioned" Economy gauges, (remember them?) Had a needle valve on the back (or mine did) you screwed it in until the dial stopped fluctuating. Most FUN was in the RED zone!. You kept it in the green zone on Thursday and Friday until the Golden Eagle Shat, around 5pm, then crawled to the Garage, to top up for the FUN to begin again!. Pete
  12. What is HE?. Viz:- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrogen_embrittlement Pete, might just be right?. Plating processes not thoroughly controlled?. Pete
  13. Hi How might using individual LED`s (bulb) in a Vittese style twin headlight configuration be?. Pete
  14. Wonder if it is worth having them examined by a laboratory?. On the face of it, there might be an issue with a batch over Heat treatment?. If they are Rimmers?. A word with them might be on the cards, in their shoes I would not want to be associated with even the outside possibility of a fatal incident. Pete
  15. It was Rick Mayall, Rolled his Quad 1999. And was in a coma for days but survived. He died of a Heart attack in 2014. Pete
  16. Most "modern" Flasher units are "electronic" now anyway, are they not?. Not the old style Bi-Metal.? Which rely on the heat produced to activate. I seem to remember seeing in a Magazine back in the 80`s the circuitry for making one using vera board and a few components?. You could adjust the flash rate with a small screwdriver. Pete
  17. Didn`t some T-V star/actor. Roll his ATV and either kill or seriously damage himself?. Back some years (Rick Mayall??) Pete
  18. Hi. I took the loom out of my 13/60 Herald. It was routed down the front LH side behind the trim panel and along the floor under a cut out in the lower "B" Post behind the trim panel over the wheel arch into the boot. At no point does it run outside the car. I supect the Spitfire may be very similar?. The Herald has no cross member BTW. Pete
  19. I have some difficulty with this. There are LED "bulbs" on the market. What is the difference (other that the light output) between them and a Filament Bulb?. They are in use for rear, brake, indicator, and appear to be accepted. They do have a lower power consumption and ergo should not really affect the wiring system, fusing etc:?. Pete
  20. PeteH

    Aldi GPS tracker

    I have a Tracking device in the Motorhome. (GPS Live, Linked to a Giff-Gaff Sim) Recently it was in for some Body repair, following being abused by a lady driver whilst parked!. Fascinating watching it move from the repair shop to the paint shop and back then outside when they put the graphics back on. It is that accurate!, I can also shut the Diesel pump down remotely, probably the better benefit?. Mine WAS free, but they now charge an annual fee for new instalations. Might put one in the 13/60. But I suspect the "hidden switch" grounding the Coil, will be more apropriate to prevent theft in the first place. One (alleged) theoretical "advantage" is that 90% of stolen vehicles are parked up for 24hrs somehere remote to see if they do have a tracker, often allowing them to be recovered. Pete
  21. The 8 spoke "stag style" wheels look good?. Always liked them. Pete
  22. I supose, the steel/alloy question comes down to personal taste. In my case the Hub caps (well 2 anyway) are missing, and or will need re-chroming, so they will have to be sourced, along with "period" wheel trims. Anyway, that is a decision for the future plenty to do before then. I did wonder about the 155/80`s looking a bit "fat". Pete
  23. Hi Thanks for that insight, I have been mulling over the repair/replace conundrum for some time. I supect a "bonus" benefit of a "repair" would be the ability to ensure a closer "fit", especially as I have had to replace BOTH floor pans completely. Now all I have to do is move tons of "stuff" in the garage roof space to find the cover!!!. Pete
  24. Cannot say definitively, But "air starting" of large Diesel`s (Circa 600psi) is quite commonplace, I supect "somone" has attempted to so do with an Oxygen Cylinder?. The result would be catastrophic!!. Pete
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