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Everything posted by AidanT

  1. That's what I thought tbh. Has anyone a list for the other circuits? The std triumph fuses must be way over what's really needed
  2. All Just reviving this thread as i am about to update my fuse box to a modern Spade type. i seen somewhere some pictures of Cookies work on this which i intend to follow as best as I can but it does not answer this. There are some circuits that are just not fused and are linked to the live side of the fuse box, one of which is the ignition coil. I have lately rewired my coil with 1 mm thin wire which is rated to 16.5A but the question is for this and other similar circuits, what rating fuses have others used? A list of the circuits and what rating you used would be really raised would be really useful Aidan
  3. I moved to a stalk. The switch just didn't look right in the mk1 and I'm glad I did. Aidan
  4. I purchased a small pipe cutter off eBay which does exactly as Pete says. I've not had a problem with these slivers when I replaced my rubber pipes with R9 Aidan
  5. Ha. Phone decided to write on this thread not the one I was looking at Weird! Aidan
  6. Hi Clive Its a Delco D200 series, standard for the Mk1 GT6. It was rebuilt a couple of years ago by H&H, so in good nick Thanks for confirming, the lucas is probably better, the seating for the cap is very poor, although I have not had issues with it apart from the beginning of this thread! I guess this adjuster is a redeeming positive! Aidan
  7. Thanks Clive / Richard i did this then checked where it was with a strobe! 10 BTDC ! Ha Just a quick Q, I have an adjuster on the back of the Vac advance, which allows me to change the timing without adjusting the whole dizzy. Is there any reason why I shouldn't use this to do small adjustments? Aidan
  8. Hi Pete There is a very slight leak yes but the main reason is to clean the filter. It's not been touched for years Aidan
  9. Hi Pete It seems you can only get them as part of a service kit Aidan
  10. I can see a hornets nest brewing! (Is that a mixed metaphor?) Aidan
  11. Hi Pete Unfortunately that's the pump to block gasket. The one I'm looking for is the circular one that sits between the glass and the upper pump casting Aidan
  12. Bit of a drift here but related Does anyone have a source for the fuel pump glass bowl gasket or an alternate PN? Aidan
  13. OK Pete I will take your advice. I think I might keep a bottle for France. I hear their "Super" isn't as good as ours based on some travel blogs on here. Could anyone in France confirm what they use ? The 98? Sorry it's been a while since I've been. I guess it can't hurt???? Aidan
  14. Hi Richard My head hasn't been converted so I purchased a bulk load of additive with octane booster Not sure what impact the octane boost has but I am going to try at 10 for now and see if I get any pinking Plugs are a good colour so carbs would seem to be set fine although the oil pots were pretty low Have topped those up now Aidan
  15. Just an add on. Checked the timing via a strobe Sat idle with vac off It was running at around 8 BTC so I moved it to 10. I k ow the book says !3 but didn't someone mention to alter this due to the petrol we have now? I'm using Super unleaded with an additive New plugs ha e a nice Gray Brown colour who h to me means it's fine.
  16. AidanT


    Did you see the insurance pricing table in the latest Courier? That's for an A+ but even so, it might be useful in persuading the other half about a quality re-spray !! ???? ???? ???? Aidan
  17. AidanT


    There's a mixture for sale on the club main site. If nothing else it gives an idea of prices. I always found it a good measure of prices
  18. So just to let you know the results Changed all the ngk plugs for the same but new ones Swapped out the coil for a Lucas sports and repositioned it on to the bulk head (thanks Richard) Bent up the rotor arm to circa 9mm (it was about six mm New out of the box). ( Thanks Wayne) Rewired the LT from the fuse box ( note this may have been part of the problem The PO had bodged around with the loom LT lead possibly to remove the resistor ( guessing here) Results of the above- car fires up better than ever and certainly no hesitation on acceleration. Admittedly I have yet to take it out on a long spin but that's my Easter present! Aidan
  19. It will be interesting to see the minutes of the AGM. Maybe this will clarify a reason? I can't think of any benefits in doing this Aidan
  20. i am going to have a good close inspection of the old plugs at the weekend (Light want great at 10 last night) I will give them a clean to - Any suggestions on this other than the wire brush? I was told once that the best way was to use a blow torch on them and just burn the carbon off. BTW the gaps on the new ones were all over the place! I thought they set them? Anyway I have to re-set four of the six to 0.025, they were around 0.04 Aidan
  21. Hi Pete They were all bp6es. All from the club shop so no r sole ones ???? Aidan
  22. Fitted replacement plugs last night from the club shop ngks out and ngks in. I also bent up the rotor contact to around 9mm Ran the car up to temperature and no hesitation left!!! Still have to take it out on a test run but fingers crossed it was the plugs. The old plugs had been in a couple of years. Is this more mounting evidence of an issue with ngk plugs? Aidan
  23. Thanks Wayne. I will ensure its at the maximum measurement. I'm going to fit New plugs to at the weekend. Hopefully this will solve it. Cheers
  24. Hi Wayne Sorry unable to read the picture, can you let me know what the dimension is from the top of the plastic to the top of the spring please? Thx Aidan
  25. So I have taken all the plugs out, they are all in very similar condition as per the picture, grey at the spark point with a slight brown tinge but very sooty around the edges. I am not really surprised by the soot as the engine has been warmed up every two weeks over the winter without the cr going anywhere I am kind of happy they are all in the same condition, but could do with a damned good clean up. Ordered some nw from the club today anyhow Aidan
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