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Posts posted by poppyman

  1. Another major cause of greenhouse gas at the moment is HS2!!! All those diesel machines ripping up trees ect and the diesel lorries carrying away miliions of tons of spoil...... Someone somewhere is making one hell of a lot of money out of this. And destroying the countryside.


  2. At the last climate change rally, did anyone see the report about the amount plastic and rubbish they left behind !!!! Ton's of the stuff, they are a bunch of tree hugging grass eating moron's with nothing better to do. I like to think i do my bit where i can, and if it will recycle?  I make sure it gets recycled. Lithium ion is one of the most poluting products on the planet.....


  3. Certain people with an eating disorder (vegan) say they are doing it to help the planet.... Testicles... The carbon footprint on a lot of their food is incredible as it comes from all over the world...... Will they stop having holiday's or ordering goods online? Not a chance......


  4. 3 hours ago, Paul H said:

    Hi Pete would that be your advice for a 6 pot ? 


    I would Paul if using the same as Colin.  I used to fit "cord" rings, i dont know if they are still available?


  5. 1 minute ago, Colin Lindsay said:

    That's the clincher. I'm dithering over a 1200 engine at present; a mild lip on two cylinders only but I reckon it will cost me around £300 minimum for a light bore and replacement pistons. Others have advised me that it doesn't require any work at all, but they're not experts. So: do I have the engine checked over by the local company who are by all accounts quite pricey, and who are insisting that they supply pistons, and trust that they will not go ahead with any unnecessary work, or do I risk a simple hone and new rings? Crank is fine, I have good bearings already purchased, but I don't want to throw hard-earned cash away on something I don't really need. I just can't find anyone to give me a definite yes or no, without charging money up front. The photo shows the worst piston, and it's barely a fingernail-scratchable mark.


    If that was my engine Colin? I would hone the bores and fit new rings... I know scraping the piston ring grooves is a boring job, but it works, and how many miles are you looking to do on the engine? A new set of rings should be good for 20k at least :) 


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  6. I have to agree with Clive and Sam, it is possible in a lot of engines just to give them a refurb. If you are intending to race a car or use it for track days??? Then go the whole hog, but measuring is the key factor and taking your time and running it in correctly.


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  7. That is bad news Paul, and it's right you only get one chance at it.  If something breaks after a few months? You can open a charge back with Paypal and they will refund you the money. It is a good warning that you have to open the right case, the easiest way is "not as described" that will cover anything....


  8. 1 hour ago, griffipaul said:

    Enquiry on behalf of a mate....anybody had any dealing / experience with Eureka Triumph based in N Wales , He has extensive e  bay listings of engine rebuilds , head work etc at attractive prices , but have no recollection of ever  hearing of him before . Recently constructed website " in development " ….No address just a mobile number  always worries me .

    thanks Paul.

    Hi Paul, be very wary..... Once bitten and all that. Go off recomendation. These guy's are good   https://www.chaseengines.co.uk

    I have no ties to them, only work done.


  9. 12 minutes ago, Pete Lewis said:

    there was no time for questions !!!!!


    even i am getting worried about this forum ......well its contributors     

    long live the happy brigade 


    I will pee to that :)  Hapee that is...


  10. 9 minutes ago, Pete Lewis said:

    its strange that we have lots of what we dont need and cant find the one bit you do need 


    I find the same thing, maybe we are all looking for the same size? and they don't make it to stop us all fiddling about......


  11. 1 hour ago, Colin Lindsay said:

    No. Don't even try, it's the stuff of nightmares. Similarly, on a bicycle...

    They say four wheels moves the body and two wheels moves the soul, but on a bicycle the saddle moves other body parts into non-functioning positions, so I'll stick to the Triumph.


    You have no idea how relieved i am to hear that Colin :) 


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  12. 47 minutes ago, Colin Lindsay said:

    Last one I was given(!) was at a Road Safety Event and they handed them out to cyclists, so I just lied and swore I'd left my lycra at home to get a set. 

    I dont think i could picture you in lycra Colin......


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