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Everything posted by Colin

  1. OK chaps! Thanks. Well, certainly mine seems solid, in the position as shown. I didn't understand Peye's description of its operation - I'd have to have door appatatus and the catch off the car and offer them up together as if in ooeratiin (off car in other words!). If remove the body catch, will I lose the blind captive plate behind (always a worry with me - same with the forward door hinges; I'm always tempted to try & remove whatever, but leaving a nut or screw in place in one of the receiving threads . . . ) And yes, I have had the door fling itself open. Quite scary . . Thanks again,
  2. Chaps:- can I slightly alter the convo, whilst still alluding to door catches? Can't recall if I saw the query somewhere in the Forum or on FBook; my driver door catch is shown in the photo. Someone said the 'horn' (bottom right) is sprung loaded and should move freely. Why (e.g. what does it do?), and, what if it doesn't? (Some will recall my on-going, continuous issues with doors not shutting nicely) Thanks in advance . . . 😉 Best, C.
  3. If I recall, I looked up under the n/s rear of the car when renewing the fuel lines & looked at what I think I've bought shown in the pics there and those supports were above the rear outriggers - there or thereabouts?!
  4. Chaps - here my (now dried) and laid out first 6 outriggers & side rails. Probably photo'd in very bright sun, so apologies for any lack of detail. Have thrown what I believe to be support brackets in the mix - not sure how many there actually are - but last time I was under, at least one had been eaten at! 😃
  5. Cheers Colin. I just basically want to see the two halves (??); the engine bay box (4 screws after associated waterworks disconnected), away from its location, and then whatever the insulating collar slips over and the remaining gumph inside the cabin, most of which I'm reasonably familiar with - but would be good to see out of situ.. Cheers muchly!! Best, C.
  6. Well - I hope so! On inspection, even the front pieces look different to those shown in Colin L's - and, they don't have any captive nut mentioned. At least I kept the labels on those! Sorry to confuse. Best, C.
  7. SORRY, SORRY, SORRY. I can't even read my own labels. These are the REAR outriggers. MY mistake - SORRY! So, as these are more perpendicular to the chassis, maybe it's more tricky to 'hand' them? But have just looked at the fronts, Colin; there's no captive nut on the top, either side 🤔🤔
  8. Colin:- PPS . . . No captive nut (see my original pics) on either side. But I did buy Rimmer's Chassis fixing kits. Loads of bolts etc in there . . . Best, C.
  9. That's a great picture, Colin - exceedingly helpful, thanks! I noted the diagrams etc show that they will be angled rearwards - I shall now be able to figure it out with them separate from anything else on the ground 🙂 Not that it's important, but I note yours have a slight dog-leg on the trailing edge. Mine (from Rimmers), don't. What a great space to be able to work in!! Gonna miss your magazine articles, btw! PS - going back to my heater box . . . do you have any pics of the heater units separated from the inside cabin elements - and, posed against each other? Wanted to see the thing physically removed from the car, how the insulating collar works (on? . . . ) etc. Exploded manual diagrams are useful, but . . . Continuing cheers! Best, Colin.
  10. Excellent! Thanks Johny. Most reassuring! Best, C.
  11. Oh Johny, I'm SO sorry. I must have misled you! Both are Fronts. But I just mixed 'em up and can't recall which is left - and which is right !! Best, C
  12. Hi Johny, Thanks. Can you relate that description to the photos I posted, please? I shouldn't be so lazy and should jack her up to look to show me what is, but . . . !! You see the narrow end cut-out with cross-tube (yes, I bought the complete fixing kit, too!) - can that give me a steer?? As I was too thick to understand even as I stand over them and look at them!! Thanks a lot😁 C.
  13. Hi Team Chums! I've been very silly (chance for everyone to hoot with derisory laughter!) - again. This query follows my previous query about replacing outriggers in a non-body-off process, the help for which I am grateful. I bought a set of cabin tub outriggers, (the six front outriggers working from the front, backwards) the current ones fitted I know will need attention soon. Some arrived with me in bare steel and some were painted black, with only a pathetically thin coat, far too easily removed with acetone. So I took it upon myself to clean 'em all down, apply two coats of Hammerite Red Oxide primer and then slathered externally (and internally poured through where applicable) with Black Hammerite gloss, a further two coats at least. At all times, I kept the part number and description of placement on, or next to the relevant pieces (side rails obviously not an issue). This I want to have for the time I take it to the chap I want to do the work. Then on the last coat, I forgot to keep the labels with their respective pieces and was thereafter not sure which was which! I think I have a reasonable idea, looking at YouTube vids/Rimmer's Chassis diagram and Renovation books, but would like your collective confirmation so I can again attach the label to the correct piece prior to work negotiations. ((If anyone can tell me what I might expect this replacement to cost, I'd be grateful - all outriggers & both side rails, but NOT under-boot rear outriggers)). Please see the photos of the query pieces. I note when I line their inner ends up to a 'straight line', their angle outwardly changes - and that, in situ on the car, these front riggers seem to angle backwards - a bit like jet fighter wing configurations. Thanks in advance! Best, Colin W
  14. Probably chastising an MG owner!! (I have been an MG owner!!🤣🤣)
  15. This Merrie Englande, 50 year old Cars and Men in Tights (and still legal apparently). What could possibly go wrong? 🙂
  16. Used to live in Oswestry, just up the road! Certainly Ironbridge itself is old!! 😉
  17. I hope you are writing your memoirs . . . !
  18. Good God! And you still have skin??!!??
  19. Supplementary:- what strength solution?? 😉
  20. The two pipes are just upturned to keep the soda solution in, I take it (like a Viking helmet if the horns were the wrong way round?!). Good suggestion. Isolates the heater box from having to do the entire system. It'd be interesting to do as an experiment cleaning it on its own. See what shifts! Thanks muchly! Anyone any idea what the plenum is all about? Where it affixes to? What it does?? Cheers, C.
  21. I'll substitute for Ronaldo - play in his place. With his salary, I'd be out of debt in 3 years 🤣🤣
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