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Chris A

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Everything posted by Chris A

  1. I keep a brolly in the boot of my 13/60, it has been used on occasions!😁
  2. You know better than to say that surely 🤪
  3. If Colin says get a new one it must be the best option, he is well known to prefer the repair when at all possible option. I replaced mine as it was completely bunged solid, they aren't expensive ( Smith ones that is)
  4. To get thread back on track. You need to ask yourself what you want from the car. Do you want something that needs lots of work, something that needs a little tidying up, or something you only have to do the routine maintenance on? Then there is the question of use. Do you need/want performance or just to be able to enjoy a pleasant drive at moderate speeds. I have a 13/60 which has no problem keeping up with traffic, and overtaking - ok so acceleration isn't breath taking. I get an enormous amount of pleasure from it, happily cruises at 90/100 kph. Will even do 130 if I let it!
  5. Emphasis on eventually. The detours are sometimes well worth it, I hasten to add.
  6. The clever one. If anyone asks a difficult question here we always say 'Nobody knows' . . .
  7. With the current price of petrol I would advise you to start again and this time don't lick you fingers . .
  8. Yes he's completely incompetent and always gets it wrong 🙄
  9. Lots of things say suitable for Triumph Herald - not always the case, so check the glass size carefully to be sure.
  10. I'll second that! Given the choice between polish the car or drive it I pick drive it, they are great fun to drive - be it vitesse or humble Herald. Irish tune up?
  11. My 13/60 has a pair of mirrors mounted on the doors, careful where you put them as they can affect the 1/4 light opening. They work well, give a good view, don't vibrate (too much) and can be adjusted. I can't confirm the make or supplier as they were fitted when I bought the car but guess standard items from the usual suspects.
  12. My friend who has had his series 3 BMW reprogrammed and before that had 2 Renault Meganes says he hasn't noticed and extra consumption, and at half the price he would still be on to a winner. On the other hand his wife's Zsara does consume about 10% more.
  13. Because their cars aren't designed and/or set up to run on it. My last petrol car would run on E10 but wasn't designed for E85.
  14. Or the money in my wallet
  15. I prefer the "buy 2 get 1 free" type of offer . .
  16. Now I know why people complain of water in their petrol tank - crying into the tank as they fill up. Prime minister here announced yesterday that from the 1st April for 4 months there will be a "remise" when you pay. The petrol station will show their standard price and when you pay there will be 15 centimes per litre off the price. So, say 2€ per litre, buy 10 litres. Till will register 20€ then a "remise" of 10 x 0.15€, 1€50 bringing the bill to a much more affordable 18€50 . . Seems a complicated way of doing it, but for them maybe easier than changing the various taxes on the fuel. I have noted the claimed start date. 🤔
  17. Nick, turn your hearing aid on - you don't need to shout we aren't all deaf you know 😱
  18. Just like brake fade, you're using it too much 🤪 And yes me too . . .
  19. Is that what those defibrillators that I see when out and about are for ?
  20. E85 has 15% petrol in it to help cold starting. Most of it here is made from sugar beet I believe.
  21. SSHHHH! Keep it quiet. They'll catch on when enough people use it and the tax revenue from petrol plummets. Currently E85 is 0.90€ per litre when the proper stuff is at 2.00€ locally.
  22. I have a hard time getting down onto the floor and back up again! Some years ago I had to spent 6 weeks in re-education after an operation. At the start they took measurements of heart beat, blood pressure etc and how close we could get to touching our toes. At the end of the 6 weeks the same measurements were taken, out of the group I was the old one where there was no advance on the touching toes bit . . At least I hadn't got worse.
  23. To save BW's blushes I'll get us off the subject of his wardrobe contents and back to the question of petrol tank contents. As I understand it from this thread E10 is more prone to water deposits than E5, so how had is the E85 that is getting more and more popular here? Logically after a few years the tanks of these cars are going to need draining. Maybe it is even in the service schedule now along with replacing timing belts etc. I must ask a friend of mine who uses it in his 3 series BMW convertible that has been reconfigured to use it.
  24. 'Velcro' is a trade name, shouldn't we use the generic name for this type of product? In France the generic term is 'scratch'. So in the case of the tunnel being more Velcro than tunnel it really would be made from scratch. Yes, very odd these 2 threads on the same product - someone's just bought share in it . . .
  25. I thought the reason I fell over when getting up was that I was drunk, now I will have that extra glass in the evening. 🥃
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