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Chris A

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Everything posted by Chris A

  1. When I was looking at buying my current modern the salesman wanted to show how the voice operated radio option worked. It couldn't understand him - fat chance for me then i thought!
  2. I must be of that certain age then . .
  3. Buy a 13/60 they come with air conditioning as the contents page for the owners manual shows. 🙄
  4. Second from left, couldn't see beyond that (easily) 👀
  5. As it is Friday afternoon and I clean the engine bay of my 13/60 every Friday afternoon, like everybody else 🙄, I checked where the bracket is on it - second lug from left and on top. No idea if this is correct or not, who knows when has happened over the 50+ years the car has been on the road.
  6. Quite agree, quit while you're ahead I say. Trouble will come looking for you anyway . . .
  7. That points to the problem being specific to that cylinder rather than a general problem. Moving the plug to another cylinder, does the problem follow the plug or stay at the original cylinder, the answer to that either proves or disproves the theory of the plug being the weak link. Swapping an HT lead in the same way would do the same for the HT lead. You seem to be dealing with the problem very coolly, well done. By now I would have resorted to drastic measures, 'gros mots' and hitting the car with a 'clé anglaise'.
  8. Your wish is my command 🥃🥃
  9. Good, now I have another reason to drive the car - I filled it to the brim yesterday !
  10. Excellent, thanks again Colin. I'll toast you with a glass of Bushmills, but not tonight I've a council meeting, mind you one of the councillors became a father a couple of days ago and 'tradition' demands he brings a couple of bottles of fizz and biscuits! Obviously only opened after all the official business is finished
  11. Thanks Colin, where did you find that listed, or is it a national secret? A trip to my local John Deere tractor agent could be called for . . .
  12. I may have to replace the sender, it is the screw in type. The heads on some of the screws are, shall we say, showing their age and would like to have a set to hand and replace them all, BUT I can't find the part number anywhere of see them listed on the main supplier sites. Can someone give me a part number and or the size of them, please. As a secondary question - how low does the petrol have to be before the sender can be removed without having petrol pour out. I can park up on a slight slope at home help. I don't want to be having to syphon the tank if I can avoid it. Thanks
  13. Welcome for me as well. WOW! you have your work cut out. You'll get all the answers and encouragement you need here, just ask away - there is no such thing as a daft/stupid question so don't be shy.
  14. Well, you learn something new every day. I would never have guessed.
  15. Thanks for the tip, I too was wondering the same. I've just been and looked, same as yours. I would never have found it without your pointer. On the down side, bit of oil stain as well - further investigation tomorrow.
  16. NM & PL said what my immediate thoughts were. To me I would suspect the rev counter is over reading, no other way you are suddenly at 2500 rather than 2000. Frustrating for you for sure but we ( the wise ones at any rate) will crack it in time.
  17. Looks like mine, bought from Paddocks, the sleeve is just on the outside, it is a one piece cable, and the principle is it hold the cable in place. Mine wasn't tight enough and slipped on the cable when I put my foot down 😁. Hence why I added a clamp. Photo of the clip I used on the pedal Not very clear, sorry. Camera battery was flat & my phone isn't all that smart (like me). The clip is pretty much the same length and depth as the pedal fitting.
  18. I managed it, eventually, today. I don't know what the clip is called but used to hold leather etc to a seat frame. I had to put it in a G clamp and squash it so it did grip the pedal. I'll take a couple of photos of a clip tomorrow.
  19. Mine doesn't have one either. The part number is 609729, depending on the supplier as to availability. The clip looks a bit like those used to hold seat covers to the frame. I have tried one type from my stock of bits, it didn't hold, the cable has never come off the pedal. Having said that . . .. Maybe time to try again.
  20. For the accelerator cable problem, when I replaced mine I went out for a drive and on the way back the car 'lost' power and the engine wouldn't increase in revs when the pedal was pressed to the floor. Limped home and found the outer had just pulled through the hole in the bulkhead, hence no action on the carb. Cured it with a cable clamp on cable under the bonnet against the hole, tightened just enough to hold the cable but not enough to squeeze so the inner wouldn't slide. Not an elegant solution I grant you but works and isn't really visible. Should I take a photo and post it or would I get laughed at???🙄 I'm sure you'll find your own elegant solution.
  21. With me its more likely I find I have a bolt/nut/screw left over at the end . . .
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