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Chris A

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Everything posted by Chris A

  1. In town last week we spotted a car with the now illegal GB sticker on the back and shortly after a Tesla with UK one. the family from the Tesla appeared out of the hotel where the car was parked and my wife started to speak to them, she'll speak to anybody, pointing out that when the first UK ones were seen here people thought they were Ukrainian. the family thought it funny and said maybe they'll be treated better. They were on their way to their maison secondaire at Brantôme and asked if we knew it, we do lovely place. I doubt a French gendarme or policier will bother about GB or UK - as long as you don't park on his foot!
  2. No, on the 'right' side 🤔
  3. On French classic cars they count the cylinders from the bulkhead
  4. I'll try and remember that in case there is a next time
  5. Quite agree. In 2018 I went out for a short spin to check possible vantage points for the tour de France that was to pass close to home after giving the car a check over ( oil level, tyre pressures, coolant). On the way back - sudden rise in water temp and steam! The thermostat housing had decided to split! I was on a very rural small back road. My spares 'chest' was in the boot as usual. The container of coolant was sitting in the courtyard I suddenly remembered! No bottle of water! There was a house at about 30 metres but closed up - maison secondaire no doubt. Just looking along the road towards the next house and a car came along, they had a small 25cl bottle of water they gave me. Ok, walk to next house. didn't have to do that as the next field had horses in. Horses = water. There was a large trough of the stuff just inside the field, I could reach through the fence and fill the bottle. Refilled rad and managed to get home before the water temperature rose to the point where the thermostat would open and of course let out the water/steam.
  6. Spoilt for choice, decisions, decisions . . . .
  7. If I do fit one I think my first attempt will be to the wire from the indicator module that goes to the dashboard light, if it works I'll then see if it needs to be within the car or under the bonnet is ok for it to be heard in the car. As for scotch locks, do they only come in blue? 🤔
  8. Halfords? Don't exist here, more likely in Bricomarché!😃🇨🇵
  9. That's what my first reaction would be, but then I'm not usually right first time, or ever for that matter. Thanks guys I think that is a bit of overkill 🤪 and expensive
  10. 'indicator bulb' as in the light on the dash that goes on and off and on and off . . . . . Have you fitted a buzzer, if so how exactly - I think I might fit one for the simple reason that when driving with the hood down in the sun there are times when I can't tell if the warning light is flashing or not.
  11. I didn't put anything on, actually I didn't even think of it and if I had I don't have any Loctite in stock . . . Wouldn't do any harm I guess
  12. I had, if I interpret the symptoms correctly, the same thing with the button on the passenger door of my 13/60. I cured it by removing the door card and found that the 'shaft' for want of a better name was coming un screwed. All that it needed was a retighten and problem solved. Try this before looking to replace anything. I'm not able to get to my 'mainframe computer' at the moment so can't post a drawing.
  13. Wise words, once again, from Colin. Don't worry about its looks. Give it a good service, check over the rubber bits and drive it, any shortcomings will show up soon enough. You'll soon have that Herald smile on your face!
  14. I found a simpler solution for them on my 13/60 when I fitted a bigger battery. I just used an 'S' hook on the end of the bar and through the mounting hole.
  15. Welcome to the mad house forum, always room for one more! When you've had chance to check out the problems with the car ask away and I know you will get plenty of answers, advice and if you need it encouragement & support.
  16. Exactly! When I buy a spare ofgings like that I always fit them and give them a test, or even leave them fitted so I know the backup does work. Only change one at a time, in case of problem you know which item is guilty
  17. When I replaced the normal bulbs for LEDs in the instruments the supplier actually said not to replace the ignition one, now I know why.
  18. I realised much later, at bed time , that I should have said prime number. Nobody is perfect . .
  19. Well 3 is a perfect number ...
  20. Wimp. Chances are your cars have the 'luxury' of 6 cylinders as well 😃
  21. Me? More like Mary Poppins!
  22. I have fitted LEDs for the brake lights and rear lights so as to be more visible to people behind. However I haven't done anything to the front ones, so I can still sneak up on people . . .😉
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