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LeMans Classic 2023


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I have always tried to go down the N138 from Rouen, which has lots of other numbers now as a result of the Autoroute being built.

It was the route everyone took for many years. Some great open roads and nice villages to drive through.

Helps to go to Dieppe, or take a bit of Autoroute from Calais down to Rouen, then work out how get onto N138.

Trying to remember some of the places. Alencon, Grace, Sees. 

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Got the map out

Looks like it is the D438 from Rouen via

Grand Bourgtheroulde 








then D338 




La Bazoge

Some places have bypasses, can be quicker, and nicer to drive through the middle.

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Sorry. I have a link to a copy (Autoroute 2006) of part of a regular route I used in the 90`s/00`s going to Spain. But it won`t post. However it`s primarily N and D Roads, From Calais to Rouen. Pick up the E402 to Alencon, Which you could bypass using the A28, if you wish?, when the N138 takes you into Le Mans. Avoiding virtually any Toll roads. Having the R-V we used to use an overnight Aire Outside Alencon.

Problem could be, the French re-number roads for a pastime. (eg part of the old N1 is now D901!.) I think part of the old N138 (or D138?) was also part of the old circuit?. Looking at Google Maps, just now, it looks as if the (old) E402, has been renumbered D338!!🙄 and possibly D438 North of Alencon.!!! Little wonder Sat Nav software need updating as regularly as it does!.


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1 hour ago, PeteH said:

Problem could be, the French re-number roads for a pastime. (eg part of the old N1 is now D901!.) I think part of the old N138 (or D138?) was also part of the old circuit?. Looking at Google Maps, just now, it looks as if the (old) E402, has been renumbered D338!!🙄 and possibly D438 North of Alencon.!!! 

A number of N roads (National = maintained by the state) have been down graded to D roads (D= maintained by the department) and usually, but not always, became the D9**, example the N12 near me became a dual carriageway and the old road became the D912. The N138 became the D438 when the motorway was built to replace it.

Because a D road is a departmental you can have, for example, a D1 in every department. Plus watch out when you change department the road number can change. The main road that runs past my village in the Orne is the D931 and when I go shopping in Mamers (the Sarthe) when it crosses the border it becomes the D300.

To complete the picture, there are even smaller roads maintained by the commune and are C roads, C1 for example and they can change every time they cross a commune boundary . . The smallest roads (track really) are VC (Voie Communal)

Bonne route!

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Chris, I`ve been there, I used virtually, the same route every year in both directions, execpt the last 2 when I came back from Bilbao by Ferry. Only "detours" where to "aire`s de repos" or Super Markets. Mainly for loads of Wine, Etc; (pre Brexit). Every time we found a road re-numbered. The first time was when they changed N1 to D901, up around Boulogne-sur-Mer, went around the roads several times, with a 32ft of R-V towing a car, consulted the map (no Sat Nav) and then flipped a coin!!. After which I Bought a Tom-Tom at the next overnight stop, Leclerc!😁


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  • 5 months later...

Just back from a great weekend, in spite of a bit of drizzle,  it being cooler than the previous nine I have been to and an engine that seems to have decided a front crank bearing is a optional extra; oh well.   

A big thank you to Chris G, Bern and Lisa among others for all your tireless efforts to make Tetre Rouge campsite the place to be , just a pity that motor homes seem to have become more prevalant and being a bit inconsiderate with their parking and 'modern' classics and exotica almost outdoing the Triumphs. 

Roll on 2025.


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Yes indeed - I was able to make a couple of R&R visits to TR for a beer before and after racing and the Club had as well organised as previously.  Well done, best camp site at Le Mans!


PS Thank you, for your 'passing ships' greeting!  Good to see you, even for a moment!  J

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