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Mystery Item on eBay

Darren Groves

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PCB marked E1(7?)1 3181; could be other characters before that.

Can't find a PCB or kit with that serial number.


Can see a Texas Semiconductor chip 2121: that's an "LMH2121 3 GHz Fast-Responding Linear Power Detector with 40 dB Dynamic Range": http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/lmh2121.pdf

Would that fit a rev counter kit?

Can't read any of the other chips.  Anyone got resolution improving software - Photoshop?


And rev counter at all?   two paired of displays:

each one has one digit with seven bars to display the numbers , plus two vertical central bars - letters?

Other has the same seven, with a '+' and a '-' symbol.




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The TI chips are 74xx series TTL devices.

The "2121" reference is probably a batch number - the LMH2121 device is far too modern, and it's a surface mount device in a totally different package.


The quality of the soldering that can be seen is rather poor, and the flux has not been cleaned off.


The board part number I can read is E71 3181 


Enhancement with photo shop is not helping much. 

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