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Ford Type 9 5 speed transplant


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And the one thing that sticks out is that there are genuine specialists out there who can supply decent parts for the ford box. This seems almost impossible for the Triumph boxes, and the number of boxes for spares (seems the best solution to poor new parts) is drying up.



What I really do not like though is when people look down their noses at cars fitted with (for example) a t9 box and claim it is no longer a Triumph. I wish they would go off and form their own exclusive club where they can be all self-righteous by themselves. Really, it bugs me.

Two things here: firstly, is the lack of spares for our gearboxes due to a lack of demand, as people fit boxes from moderns instead rather than support the industry that could manufacture replacement parts if the demand was there?

Secondly, I do take offence at your last comment. I don’t look down at cars with modern gearboxes, but I don’t think that people who do object, in a car forum dedicated to classics and the maintenance - NOT the modification - of their marque, are being self-righteous. I have however noticed a tendency for those who do like it to praise it above all else, and endlessly promote it to new members and indeed anyone who asks a question about gearbox faults and repairs. It’s a mod - a botch, to many - and not the be-all and end-all simple solution that some think.

I’m not stuck in a timewarp, with LED bulbs, alternator, stainless upgrades and electronic ignition all fitted to my own cars, and I’m certainly not a Luddite, but I’ve seen more sniping coming from those in favour of substantial mods such as the gearbox swap against people who don’t like it or want it, than comments against it. I don’t like it, I don't want a Subaru diff, or a Peugeot radiator, or a VW electric fan, or Saab seats however I’ve never advocated that the people who do should go off and form their own modding-Triumph club. It’s a debating forum where there is - and should be - more than one opinion and no fear of voicing it without being asked to go elsewhere. 

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It is simple really. My spitfire is a triumph. It may have a ford engine and gearbox, it may have a CV rotoflex rear. But it is still a triumph. However, some people seem to not want my car to be called a triumph any more. Those are the people I refer to, as I hope was made clear. I find that attitude offensive. And I do not want to be part of a club or forum where that intolerance is acceptable. I have no issues with people who like originality. Or polishing their cars. I prefer to see the cars used as they should be and not left in garages 99% of the time, but then it is the owners who are missing out on using them.

Reminds me of when my wife saw a herd of TR's at Dover waiting to board the ferry. She was with a group of her friends on a weekend jolly. Spoke to one owner who was a bigoted idiot. He thought it sad that Gill actually drove our Triumphs, and that we had used our cars on track and in competitive events. Gill used rather stronger language about that fool. In all honesty, I believe the TRR to be a club that encourages its cars to be used as much as possible, though a new breed of owner is changing that.

However, I have no remorse for my comments. If you have no issues with my car, or others, being called Triumphs, just because of modifications, you have no reason to be offended. 


Off on hols now......

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Dear all


Just in case anyone is interested, noticed an enterprising soul offering to do the remote shortening for you?


on FleaBay - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/291377041829?_trksid=p2060778.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT


(hope that link works else look for 'weeleygearboxes' as a seller)


Must be a good'un as he's in Clacton - where me mum lives ! :)


About to book my welding course at Sparsholt college for May.


Would be interested if anybody has a pdf copy of;


 COURIER  376   October 2011 , Carolyns  Article  page 34


... assuming this has club blessing and doesn't fall foul of any copyright etc!





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