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Getting window winders off

Dave the tram

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I'm about to build up a renovated door on my GT6 mk3 but can't get the window winder off to remove the card on the old one. I understand how and the other side was easy. The pin won't budge and no access to use more force or drill. Already using a slim punch or nail and hammer.



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One end of the pin has a taper, although I don't know if the taper then continues slightly or the rest of the pin is straight.

I've always put them in taper first and removed them by pressing on the taper so I never really found out if they go in either way.

Although you have probably tried from both ends this might be an idea.


One thing I can recommend is not to change them on a gravel driveway, but I still don't learn.


Regards, Mick

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One end of the pin has a taper, although I don't know if the taper then continues slightly or the rest of the pin is straight.

I've always put them in taper first and removed them by pressing on the taper so I never really found out if they go in either way.

Although you have probably tried from both ends this might be an idea.


One thing I can recommend is not to change them on a gravel driveway, but I still don't learn.


Regards, Mick

Doing that job on a plush lawn is even dumber (never mind how I know that)! :rolleyes:

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Thanks all

I suspect I've tried hammering with increasing intensity, including the wrong way against the taper so probable driven the pin home even more. (Who fixes his car on a LAWN?). Found I have a spare handle in the big box of spares and junk that came with the car 11 years ago, so if need be can destroy the old handle.


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the end of the pin generally has a taper/chamfered one end, the hole is not tapered, both hole in shaft and handle should be a clearance its the spring behind the escutcheon holding it to cover the pin that keeps it all together,   if its had something hammered in or threaded then youre in for a fight to get the sod out .

the pins on the floor syndrome is quite normal  , never finding it again is also of tee shirt etiquete



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