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Speedo Calibration

Darren Groves

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So back in September last year I decided to send off my Speedo for calibration (it's a Spit 1500 speedo in a Herald) as I was getting fed up of trying to do the mental arithmetic every time I approached a different speed limit as it was over-reading by around 20%. It came back, I fitted it but the odometer and trip moved on 1 mile and then stopped, so it went straight back and was fixed with no bother and returned to me once again. When I first refitted it I drove around with the Sat Nav on for a couple of trips and the readings were pretty much spot on, all good I thought.


Over the period in-between then and now the needle started to get a bit erratic at higher speeds and no longer seemed right. Out for a run yesterday and I needed the Sat Nav to get to where we were going so could check again and apart from the waggy needle, it was back to over-reading by around 20%.


Now I have no idea how a speedo is calibrated, but is it possible for it to revert back to it's original settings?


I have checked the 3 measurements I gave to the company to calibrate it first time round and they all came out the same.


They've said to send it back and they'll check it, but just thought it a little odd....



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Waggy needle is induced from the cable , this will give an over rear as it is not running freely and as it springs it twangs the disc which flickes the needle


I would withdraw the inner and lubricate it


graphite dust is best but a stiff grease will be ok , the proper stuff I have wont migrate up the spiral wound cable

but it smells awfull.

Make sure the end is fully locating, if the cable is a bit short you can screw the outer and this will change its length by winding the outer spiral in or out

I would start with the cable see if things improve


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Inner cable removed, cleaned up and lubricated with the graphite powder, all back together and it's just as bad.


The speedo cable connection is a clip on type on the back of speedo itself, so I will take the gearbox tunnel off on Monday to make sure it's fully home on the angle drive. If that fails then I'll have to send the speedo back for them to test, it's under warranty.



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Before sending it off, an easy test is to run the speedo (in the correct direction!) with a battery drill - that will confirm if the speedo inner workings are causing the jumpy needle or the drive cable to it.



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So tunnel out, drill direct on the end of the speedo cable and the needle is pretty steady. Screw in the angle drive to the cable and drill onto the angle drive and it starts to get erratic, not as much as in a real driving situation but pretty sure that's the cause. New ones used to have a reputation for poor quality, that still the case?

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Is there enough protrusion of the inner to fully get the drive out of the angle unit


ots postion is contrlled by the ferule on the inner which sits in the head unit


if its short get the moles on the outer and screw it the helical wound case will grow or shrink

depends which way you rotate it





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Darren, have you checked the angle drives. I have had repro ones that slip.

Check by locking the female end with a small screwdriver or whatever held in there and turn the other end. 


I don't know how they managed to make them so badly when they were made well 60 years ago and many still OK today.

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Its on its way, use dispose gloves or get a friend to use it the odour follows you around for days


we toyed with an idea to hole saw the floor and run a long cable with grommet under the carpet up to the dash

think my mate Ray did this if it worked ill let you know today just an idea

but it elliminates the angle drive



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One of the reasons for erratic or failure of the angle drive is that there should be a substantial washer in the connection to the gear box. Otherwise

the short drive cable in the angle drive bottoms out in the gearbox drive, causing it to buckle. There was a BMC service note which I have a copy of but cant manage to post a copy here. If someone emails me at <b.caswell@virgin.net> I will attempt to send them a copy for posting here.



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Right  Ray one of my members fitted overdrive to his Herald and cut a hole in the tunnel , not the floor  , and used a unknown but ordinary 

off a triumph spare hanging up in the garage  , it works fine just run cable under the carpet ....simpulze  



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One of the reasons for erratic or failure of the angle drive is that there should be a substantial washer in the connection to the gear box. Otherwise

the short drive cable in the angle drive bottoms out in the gearbox drive, causing it to buckle. There was a BMC service note which I have a copy of but cant manage to post a copy here. If someone emails me at <b.caswell@virgin.net> I will attempt to send them a copy for posting here.




I have emailed you Ben, I'd be interested to see that document. None of the parts suppliers list a washer there.


Darren, have you checked the angle drives. I have had repro ones that slip.

Check by locking the female end with a small screwdriver or whatever held in there and turn the other end. 


I don't know how they managed to make them so badly when they were made well 60 years ago and many still OK today.


The 2 I've tried and the other one I may still try are all OE and don't seem to have any play in them.


Right  Ray one of my members fitted overdrive to his Herald and cut a hole in the tunnel , not the floor  , and used a unknown but ordinary 

off a triumph spare hanging up in the garage  , it works fine just run cable under the carpet ....simpulze  




May end up trying this just to eliminate the angle drive.


Thanks all



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