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My first rant  or comment on this new forum. My attention was drawn to a Spitfire vertical link on EBay. There are several pictures of this offensive, rusted and pitted object. The threads are all corroded and appear wasted. The seller has a 100% record. Other Triumph items look about the same. I know items can't be vetted by EBay but surely to put something as dangerous as this on there is negligent etc etc. Hopefully NO ONE will bid on this. I for one would not want to buy a vehicle that has been maintained or rebuilt using rubbish like this!

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Just checked Ebay, and the offending Vertical Link is a recently listed item.


I shall refrain from giving its item number, or seller details, but attached below is a picture of the threads extracted from the auction listing.


As you can see, it is in a downright dangerous state, yet the seller describes it as being in "Good Condition".


Dont go near with a barge pole !!!



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A wire brushing! No way! The threads are corroded and the brass trunnion would rock about like a ship in a storm. Only one thing that link and the rear one is good for and that's for weighing in AFTER the threads have been cut off to prevent some unfortunate person buying it and fitting it.

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Given the description of some of the Triumph cars advertised recently - “stunning condition and fully restored” for one that had visible rust, overspray and a host of incorrect parts in the advert - I’d not be surprised about the description of some component parts either… but at least we’re good at spotting them before we bid! I do pity the poor souls that actually DO bid, though...

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I buy some goods from ebay but  always check other sites as often the prices on ebay are more than retail sites 


   just ordered a piece of equipment ,  Amazon £45    .............Ebay  £ 58- £89     dont get hooked 

     and now  without the Vitesse6  I dont have   to  troil me onions anymore .



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