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Removal of old handbrake cable


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I tried a reply but timed out up to around 1900 30in cast iron, 1925 up to 36 in wrought iron, there after steel initially lead jointed then welded joints initially 46 in and around 1960 84in to 120 in.Nowerdays gone backwards to rubber ringed joint to reduce costs and it’s life expectancy 70years but the pipe with epoxy coatings has a life expectancy of 200years go figure glad I retired. No one looks at the long picture anymore 

I’ll get on computer and finish with photo 

peter T

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yes on smaller cast pipes  they put an hydraulic expander down crack the pipe and pull a poly pipe thro butt welding the poly lengths together saves trench digging to remove the old cast iron pipe  and laying 6mt lengths of uPVC 0r Ductile Iron (later seldom used nowerdays), they still have to dig at each house (approx. 20mts) to reconnect their water service pipe

I've attached a photo of a steel water main repair 2in Perf Peg, its physically pushed into the hole, which could start at 1/2in and expend to 1.5in as the rotten steel collapses before it grabs and holds, the mains water pressure could be as high as 100psi, so its no mean feat to get that initial main peg in I assure you!, If your walking or crawling up an older 900mm or larger steel or wrought iron main for inspection you have to watch out for them their points stick right into the main/conduit and bloody hurt! as only the outside is cut off when the repair plate is welded over. On one old 68in inverted syphon through a valley connecting two lengths of aqueduct when internally inspecting prior to reconditioning with an insitu turbine sprayed on cement lining we came across 100years of repair pegs totaling 30 patch's in a 40ft length, that was dangerous its very dark in there and hard to see.

If you really want fun all the harvest reservoirs comprise closed catchments totaling 140,000 hectares with no speed limits or other traffic on the access and fire tracks, my daughter learnt to drive on them it taught her good car control, don't ask at what speed! luckily she never hit a roo or wombat. I've hit two roos with her Spit on club EMR's fortunately only glancing blows  the roos were Ok ran off and no damage to the Trump, proves the brakes worked well though.

Back on thread, as referred to previously my modified  Vitesse handbrake adjustment arrangement with extended threaded bar using a threaded barrel nipple & lock nut to extend the cable length, The initial shortened end of the cable made threading the end of the cables thro the relocated cable guides very easy.

Peter T

2 inch perf peg!.JPG

vitesse Handbrake Linkage..JPG

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That's not a peg, that's film prop from a Harry Potter film!

Good(ish) to know that there are bodges everywhere, even official bodges!

You still in OZ, Peter?     How are the fires near you?  Mostly being fought by the volunteer Rural Fire Service, I hear!


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Yes John, still in Suburban Melbourne, fortunately Vic is doing quite well re fires I believe a couple of small fires in eastern Gippsland, we live near Moorabbin Airport where a couple of the big Elvis type Heli's and smaller aircraft are based, currently little activity from them. When the Elvises take off you hear them they fly low and having 3 golf courses local means they make the most of it! esp at 2AM, but it has to be done. last year they dropped an Elvis in our major harvest/storage Dam of Thomson whilst refilling (joke no pee in Thomson!) which holds 1086000 Megalitres of water (2/3 of our storage) & is 27klm long. When the Tv news showed the pic of the big chopper on its side in shallow water I knew exactly where it was.

But NSW is in a mess, & sth Queensland has gone quiet but there've had it bad fires will have to burn themselves out, or good rain, some southern areas of Queensland have had torrential rain must of missed the fire area. SA have a couple burning and WA have had a few I think there under control.

The disappointing fact is that a lot of the fires are lit by fire bugs!

Victoria's danger period is Jan and Feb, whereas historically NSW & Q were pre Christmas. We have two Fire Authorities in Vic The MFB covering  Melb and fully paid officers (one lives next door) and the CFA (Country Fire Auth) who are predominately local volunteers, the state govt has just reorganized the boundaries between the two & changed their names, making the CFA basically only country areas and totally volunteer so no ones happy and all hell has let loose.

When I lived in the UK in the 60's up north in Yorks, the market town of Stokesley (outside Middlesborough) our fire brigade was volunteer, the chief was the milk man, and after they rang the station bell he'd drive round picking the firees up and they'd be pulling their trousers on as they jumped on the truck! 

We are having 39C today, but not a total fire ban for all state areas WHY! then down to mid 20's for Thursday, then Friday back up to 40 plus! then down to 20's. Next week mid 20's Aah Christmas cooler!

The son was in Sydney last week and advised the smoke was very bad, running eyes, and he suffers from hay fever, cut the trip short and came home.

Before the breakup of Melbourne Water in the mid 90's we had a permanent summer fire trained paid workforce of over 200 specialized catchment firemen, plus our local catchment personnel, which was backed up by our own major construction groups of thousands, and several continuously manned  watch towers in the catchments which were above the tree level could see all the catchments, so spot fires were quickly sighted firees choppered in and fire put out, we could marshall over 20 big dozers, fire water tenders, their response was immediate and the fires were soon under control. now that's all gone and were at the bequest of the state govt sustainability and environment dept, who don't have the same response  attitude!

Peter T


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  • 1 year later...

this is the closest I've found using the search function to fitting a new handbrake cable. I understand what you are saying about a loop, but do you feed it in from one side , or starting from the centre at the compensator and work outwards? thanks all

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