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A Tale of Two Purchases


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It was the best of purchases it was the worst of purchases...……..ok, that's enough of the literary references!  Best purchase of the week? a copy of the 'Complete Guide to Triumph Herald & Vitesse' by Mike Costigan for 8 quid on E-Bay (there's another currently listed for 48 quid!!)........but the worst purchase has turned out to be a copy of the spare parts catalogue #517786 for Vitesse 2 Litre Mk2 Models. It's in excellent unmarked condition, not covered with the usual oily thumb prints and tea mug stains, but unfortunately won't be much use to me now as I've bought a 2 Litre Mk1 Vitesse instead!! It's a long story...…..don't ask!

Anyway, it owes me 18 quid including p+p, so if anyone wants it for the same price let me know, as I'm not looking to make a profit on the deal.  



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Hello Colin,

I've certainly noticed the same classic cars remaining unsold on the market for longer than normal recently, and wondered if the reason might be a 'market adjustment' rather than just the time of year? I imagine that there are plenty of people out there sitting on their hands at the moment rather than buying because of the unpredictability of the UK economy following Brexit. A classic car will always be a relatively expensive luxury hobby (well......compared to train spotting anyway!!) ……...so it wouldn't surprise me to see prices dropping for the next few years. If that is the case then there are going to be a lot of sellers faced with some pretty unpalatable decisions on pricing.

I'd personally have mixed feelings if we are going through an adjustment. On the plus side I've felt that prices were getting ridiculous for some time now, pricing a lot of people out of the hobby...…….but on the flip side I do empathise with people that have bought at the peak of the market and then need to sell on the downside.


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Classic cars don't sell at this time of year, other than as Christmas prezzies, but there's always someone trying to move one on to raise funds and few people bidding as they've too many other expenses to consider. Scour online auctions especially Christmas Eve fot hings that have no bids. Christmas Day itself sees the start of the unwanted gift sell-offs so good choice but no real bargains.

Personally until I get something on the road I ain't buying anything else unless it's amazingly rare, very close geographically, and cheap.

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Clive, thanks for the reminder regarding 'vitessesteve', I've got it saved on my favourites list, and it will definitely come in handy. A hardcopy is always useful for the workshop, but by the looks of my copy it certainly hasn't seen any front line action!

On a separate matter...….thanks once again to you,  'Gearbox' Pete and Richard for your recent help down in Exeter. I would definitely have sealed the deal on that car if events hadn't transpired to point me in another direction.


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8 hours ago, Dick Twitchen said:

Colin, that really is tempting fate now you are 'resting' with only the effort of the keyboard to deal with!


Much too tempting. I've had to go over posts so many times to remove spelling mistakes I'm afraid to bid on anything in case I add too many zeros. :)

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1 hour ago, SixasStandard said:

Every time my Wife accuses me of being a bit 'special' I log on to the Forum, it instantly reminds me that everything is relative!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone.


Don't mention relatives. No matter how mad I act, they still keep coming back.

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