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Fitting GT6 Door Outer Window Seals


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Hi all,

Forgive me if this has been covered elsewhere but I couldn't find anything useful.

Finally got around to putting the doors back together on my 73 GT6 MkIII after a respray.  The outer window seals are shown as having seven clips in the parts list and the NOS seals I have (Rover Part no 612792) have indents for two clips under the quarterlight.  This would make seven with five clips in the window aperture and two under the quarterlight.

The question is how do you install the clips under the quarterlight?  It doesn't seem to be possible to fit these if the quarterlight is fitted unless there is some way of getting them on from inside the door with long nosed pliers.  The window, if fitted to the bottom rail, has to be in the door before fitting the outer seal, this prevents removal of the quarterlight.

The seal is currently installed with no clips under the quarterlight- it looks likely that it will work its way out of the slot between the door skin and the quarterlight as the door opens and shuts due to the flexible nature of the quarterlight and its fixings.  I will probably have to resort to sticking it down with silicon or some similar adhesive.

When I took the car apart the drivers door had a clip under the quarterlight so someone had suceeded in installing one.  They hadn't bothered with the passenger side however so it cound't have been that easy to do.

Anyone have any bright ideas?


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fit  the seal clips after fitting the NDV through the gap but before you seat he the  ndv down into position

ie keep the ndv raised 

always tie some length of cotton to the clips to rescue them when they fly off

then with 6 pair of hands  pull your hook up  whilst tapping seal down ( bit of wood and mallet )all at the same time 



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Hi Chris,

Are we talking about the outer wind up window seal? (shown here on my Spitfire, no quarterlights).

I have just come on here now to find help!

I'm just fitting mine with a strip of bent steel made out of an old 4" jubille clip. It's almost impossible.

I've removed all the interior door trim which only aids retreival of dropped clips and is no use in fitting. I have three clips fitted and have had to pause for strength. The only useful comment I have is that a blob of oil on the clip seems to help but they take a ridiculous amount of pull up to clip on. I have had to enter & remove the tool from the 'quaterlight end' so I don't know if you can do it with them in place? Any tips anyone.........  




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Success! All 7 fitted. Brute force whilst pulling up & holding down seal worked.

Pull out bent tool & crimp a little tighter each time to hold clip securely.

Chris, I don't have a GT6 but can't see how you could get near the outer door channel at the front with the quaterlight in place. I think I'd be tempted to stick it in place with something as you suggest.

Sorry for the thread hijack.

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Thanks for the replies.

Gave up in the end trying to fit the two clips under the quarterlight.  The other clips and inner seals went on relatively easily using the bent metal strip special tools (home made) described in the manual- the seals I had were old stock parts as were the clips.  As my doors have probably been reskinned and have relatively deep flanges in the window recess you could probably partially fit the forward clips before the quarterlight is fitted.  Then fit the quarterlight trying not to knock the clips off, it may be possible then to fit the outer seal and force the clips up from inside the front of the door with a bit of wood or similar.  As Pete says it would be a six hand job.

As I have already had the quarterlights on and off twice the seals will be staying as they are.  If they lift at the front I will resort to silicone to stick them down.

On to rebushing the suspension now...

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1 hour ago, ChrisJB said:

As my doors have probably been reskinned and have relatively deep flanges in the window recess you could probably partially fit the forward clips before the quarterlight is fitted.  Then fit the quarterlight trying not to knock the clips off

That's how I fitted the Mk1 strips; the quarterlight was fitted afterwards. For some of them you need tentacles rather than hands.

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