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Unusual convertible tub panels - what are they for?

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I'm still renovating the early Herald convertible bodytub and have found two strange panels in the rear area, behind or to the sides of the rear seat just above the wheelarches; they're flexible and I'm wondering what they're for, and why they need to be welded on one side only so they are free to wave about? Any ideas?

103A6C0B-3347-4CA0-8A5D-983A14D1471D_1_105_c.jpg.a2b3eb39727936993a7eebf754b9922e.jpg   7D06897F-00B8-406C-A02A-93771EAB2890_1_105_c.jpg.15688653a6fb2e0e11281523d4346d47.jpg

Similarly there are two rivets here, presumably for some strap or other, which has been cut off here. Any idea of what it was for originally? The jack is on the boot floor so not that.


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Hi Colin!  I have just had a look at my Vitesse 1600/6.  On the bottom I have just the "Rivet" sticking out and on the top have a Rivet & a small piece of bent over metal which looks like you would slot in a thin panel and it would be held in place?


Cheers Martyn

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Sounds daft, but could they simply be just there to (help) stop "stuff" in the boot getting behind into the wheel arch space behind the Side trim panel?. Is there a trim piece which fits the space?. (none shown of the 13/60 spares book)


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That's possible. They're almost like metal 'mudflaps' in that they're welded along one edge, but can flex and move about. I wonder if they're to hide the rear of the hood frame when it's down, and you're looking into that area from the boot? Why, however, are they only welded down one edge and not to the top of the wheelarch? Anyone got a saloon they can examine and see if there are any there?

There's no trim piece on the opposite side to the tank, I bought a storage tray thingie years ago when they were being sold by the Club for that side.

Those two rivets and the remains of the strap in between are interesting; they look original but there's also the more common strap on the boot floor for the jack, so it's not for that.

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Colin here's pic's of my original Herald 1200 Convertible Rear Tub an Australian AMI CKD assembled unit from around July 1960's, Comm No. Y15930CV, (916KD), which has been transposed to my Mk2 Vitesse, there's a panel each side but there are no rivited straps, just plain metal. 

I assume there rhere to protect the conv hood from damage should items in the boot slide forward when the hoot is stowed. 

Vitesse Convertible Aus CKD Rear Passenger Side Side Panel.JPG

Drivers Side Aus CKD Convertible - side panel.JPG

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Speculation?. But It could be one of those situations where it was thought to be a "good idea" on the early models. But dropped on later models for reasons of Time and Cost?. Altering things to facilitate operations on the production line is not exactly unknown?. "Shaving" to save pennies per? is a favourite of the "Bean Counters".


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