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Paul H

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Everything posted by Paul H

  1. Hi Wayne - My garage is stand alone Paul
  2. Found a website www.mech-mate.co.uk which sells fibre glass inserts for service pits - The site doesnt give prices so guess they are not cheap - Ive made an enquiry and waiting on prices - Anybody had any experience with these pits ? or any advice with alternatives, lifts etc appreciated My garage is 6 meters by 3 metres and 2.45 metres high (all internal dimensions) , brick construction, concrete floor & power Thanks in advance Paul
  3. Hi Roger, did you mount the Hugo vertical ? Paul
  4. Started to plan installation of a Huco fuel pump in my Vitesse mk2. I have to change the fake R9 fuel pipe an eBay purchase as it’s “melting from the inside” some of the sludge is picked up by the filters but not all of it. Once the the fine sludge reaches the needle valves it’s game over. I now have the correct fuel pipe purchased from the TSSC shop Gates Barricade which is R9 Ethanol proof. A few ? please The pump is a Huco 12-14v low pressure fuel pump133010 for engine bay fitment and is a “pull “ type but can’t find the fuse rating. My best guess is to use a 10 amp fuse . Is this ok . I have a spare fuse on the ignition bladed fuse box . Does the Huco need a relay? I have purchased from EBay a second hand Rover 25 inertia cut off switch . I was planning to locate the switch vertically on the bulkhead by the battery with the Huco on the side valance adjacent to the location of the manual fuel pump which is now removed and blanked off . Any comments regarding location appreciated. The cutoff switch had 3 connectors , negative, positive and fault feed. Plan to use this connection to trigger a flashing led on the dash . The led is currently in place and is a “fake” alarm operated by a hidden switch . Should the inertia switch be triggered the dash led would light Any advice appreciated Paul
  5. Received the CD 150 NOS diaphragms today and they are fine, same quality as my current ones. Although difficult to check accurately with a micrometer due to shape they appear to be same thickness and certainly flexible Paul
  6. Hi Chris the hole should be at the bottom and left clear - if water comes out it means the pump has failed - there is no lubrication on replacement pumps - the originals pumps had a grease nipple . Paul
  7. Just seen these on Ebay , made by MO PROD - The price at £6.99 for 5 delivered seems too good to be true - Is there a catch https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/233042559602?ul_noapp=true Paul
  8. Thanks for all the input . My mains have been upgraded to crystal with standard halogens and relay . The inners have been rewired for dip and main function so all 4 headlights operate on main and dip. For MOT inspections removing an inline fuse converts the lights back to standard operation. The light output is good though will be improved by upgrading to branded bulbs. My Vitesse currently has plastic Ring rectangular spots with added relay so the plan was to upgrade these to be more in keeping . I’ve looked at Cibie Oscar’s though can’t justify the price. The current thoughts are to look at 5.5ins stainless “Cibie” copies. The problem with the copies is that they can leak and low quality metal . To overcome this plan to spray the rear of the spot with black paint and rust proof the insides and seal the lamps to prevent ingresss . The copies are 25% of the cost of genuine Cibies so would be able to afford branded halogens Thanks again for all your advice Paul
  9. Pretty sure this topic has been covered but can’t find it Looking for a decent set of spot lights for my Vitesse 5 or 5.5” Any suggestions ? Paul
  10. The instructions say the sensor and trigger must not touch and in my case as they were touching then friction cooked the unit Paul
  11. I screwed up an accuspark unit by allowing the sensor and trigger to touch and that killed the unit . They did give me a replacement at a discounted priced I only found out the unit was dead when I fitted conventional points which worked Hope this helps Paul
  12. Use a heat gun to warm the Silent Coat and apply using a wallpaper roller , the narrow type 1 inch or so wide Paul
  13. Silent Coat from EBay is very good and much cheaper than Dynamator , Paul
  14. Check out Bilthamber. Their products are excellent Paul
  15. Purchased mine from flea bay a couple of months ago for about £6 delivered and it had the original book sleeve Paul
  16. The panels were sold at £88 plus £25 postage and £109 plus £25 postage Paul
  17. Suggest you get 5 litres 20/50 oil before you start your journey . Halfords / Wilco 20/50 is ok . Can also be used to top up your dash pots . A decanting pot would be useful to measure and pour , an empty plastic milk bottle would suffice. Also carry spare water again empty milk bottle would be ok Paul
  18. I think the metal plate allowed for the tank to fit easier , ie the hole in the boot floor was over sized to allow the tank drain plug to locate . The metal plate was added to complete and cover the hole Paul
  19. My sliver problems started when i "upgraded" from R6 to fake R9, the inner lining of the fake R9 tube is coming away Paul
  20. One of my winter projects is to correct the body tub spread on my Vitesse saloon. What should the distance be between the B posts and what are the reference points used Paul
  21. Just planning replacing the duff R9 fuel lines . In the past had too many issues with slithers of rubber blocking the needle valves - The slithers could only have come from the section of tubing from the metal fuel pipe at the the front of the cylinder head to the carbs as the petrol pump is protected by a fuel filter - For this section I would like to use clear tubing as there would be no slithers and a visual inspection to check if fuel is coming through. Is this ok plus any specs / suppliers to advise Paul
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