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Colin Lindsay

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Everything posted by Colin Lindsay

  1. Number will be on the underside: Not much use at present without a reference catalogue... but one will turn up. There are plenty of unidentified Delcos online, some from about £4.95 so identifying their application would be a little goldmine...
  2. I just had a quick search for FF Exhausts, they make Ferrari exhausts?? Sounds good to me! Probably not the same FF, I suspect that's the car model not the manufacturer.
  3. Confirmed as 1/2 inch. PM me your address.
  4. Yes have a choice of five (white green red or brown.. ) Depends on how much of the assembly you need or which side. The white one (driver's side) has rusted away at the lower ends, so could easily be cut down to size, and the chrome catch is quite dull but the top part of the frame is good with surface rust; I can remove the quarterlight assembly to just leave the bare frame to save weight in carriage, and cut off / leave as much as you need?
  5. Sometimes that works, but I've had cheap screwdriver bit sets that the point wore off almost instantly, cheap sockets that split under any pressure, blades that splintered, punches that bent and rechargeable batteries that didn't. You don't need to spend big money, just stay away from the tat and find out what the professionals use. There's no need to splash out on seriously 'professional' tools - the ones the professional garages use on a daily basis - but there's also a lower limit. I've got two great shops locally that the serious mechanics and handymen use. They won't spend two pounds where one will do but they won't throw money away on unsuitable stuff either.
  6. I've been searching. I found a pre-war version and a pre-1960 version but nothing Triumph-related so far, and even the ones I did find were all American-related. I'll keep looking.
  7. We've all been there... but at least you've a good engine to fall back on. Keep us posted.
  8. The lever code number is 4474, nothing comes up for that during searches. Is there a code number on the pump body?
  9. Buy one quickly before they throw them away.... today's News scandal!! https://www.theverge.com/2021/6/21/22543527/amazon-unsold-products-destruction-investigation That, and Amazon's alleged shortage of cardboard - not surprising when you see the size of the box in which they sent me a new phone case... I did a search for cutting discs just now... I've used thin versions before and they're excellent but not sure what this seller means: "The individual cutters are manufactured with high-strength steel that allows for increased working life because during use they perform a rolling motion that creates no Friction and benefits The operator by maximizing performance in various geological formations" 😕
  10. CAUGHT!!! We thought we were being clever back in April and if the Club kept out of sight behind the greenery at my house we'd be okay... but the spy in the sky got us! Sadly we don't merit the highest resolution in our area - just a mile away you can zoom right in - but the red blob in the centre is my GT6 beside the large white Freelander, below is a white GT6, to the left of that a yellow Spitfire, dip down and left for a dark blob that is a Triumph 2000 saloon then up and slightly to the left for a Herald convertible beside my Mondeo. If we'd known they were taking the photo we'd have waved...
  11. The Parts Catalogue diagram isn't great, unfortunately.
  12. Have just checked, there are quite a few different sizes and more worryingly a couple of different threads, so I took the one off my own old switch until I found another that fitted. I think this is the correct one.
  13. I have millions of them from Heralds, hopefully one will be correct for the GT6. I'll confirm asap if they're the same.
  14. I've also been using a B&D - albeit a 4.5 inch - since the early 1990s, and it's still going strong. I had a small cordless 'Dremel' type tool from Lidl, it lasted about a year whilst the corded Dremel I have (genuine version), is still going strong. One thing I've found, though - buy good discs. Cheap ones will shatter or break almost instantly.
  15. Thanks Ed; I was just curious to see if some were being left out altogether and how this affected things later on.
  16. For years I believed Heralds had alloy to the front, but then found out relatively recently that they had solid mounts above the diff, and all else were rubber.
  17. I'm certain I have complete quarterlight assemblies where the drop glass runners are too corroded to reuse, but the top half is fine. Will check tomorrow.
  18. Sadly, Steve, that's the price! Paddocks are £61, add VAT and it's the same as Rimmers. Unless an old set comes up - and even then the rubber may be perished - they're probably all from the same supplier so all around the same money.
  19. Sorry. It was just to spot any pitfalls in advance and see how the original rivets were replaced or substituted; but as you've posted yourself, they haven't been.
  20. That's what I was querying a couple of pages back, when I asked about putting the blower fan on. It sounds like the output is dropping due to the increased load, and so all the gauges drop accordingly. The temperature is still the same.
  21. It's certainly confused me... I read the link but it seems you're doing without any pads at all except where needed? If I've read it correctly - and apologies if I haven't - but it says: a pair of hard pads at front... ok... a pair of rubber ones at rear... ok... then another pair of rubber ones at rear to fill the gaps. Does this mean you've at least one set of bolts with no pads at all? Won't this allow increased vibration / road noise?
  22. You can remove it but it means splitting the rivet / pivot at the top front. It can be replaced with a small nut and bolt, or another rivet, but I've never yet seen anything as 'neat' as the original setup. I'd be interested in photos of drilling out the two top rivets so removing the entire bracket (the seal can be replaced this way easily enough) as it's something I'd attempt myself if anyway easy. However: if we're not talking about the triangular seal are we talking about the rubber seal around the quarterlight glass where it's inserted into the frame? Just pull the glass out, be careful not to bend any of the metal but it will pull out without the whole unit needing to be removed, and the glass can be replaced with a good sealant.
  23. Never thought of them that way... but at that time we only had lettuce and peppers, and they were kept well out of the spray.
  24. Last Summer I spray painted suspension components in the greenhouse; they dried in seconds but the benches are still a bit speckled with gloss black overspray.
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