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Colin Lindsay

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Everything posted by Colin Lindsay

  1. That's why I'm often grateful for the delete button...
  2. If you do make your own, reinforce it with strips of metal, right-angled if they'll fit the available space, otherwise just flat strip. I remade the GT6 versions a few years back and the one over the spare wheel sagged badly in the middle once I put luggage in the rear cargo area, so reinforced it with metal strips and it's stayed put ever since. It was the thickest ply that would fit the clips round the edges and still fit / look right.
  3. Lol no worries, we got there in the end. Looks like a fairly intensive restoration?
  4. Well it's an outer wheelarch rather than an inner wing, left hand side rear; it should match the contour of the rear wing arch section but that one looks quite strangely made. This is the photo from Rimmers website of that part number.
  5. I'm actually quite pleased that it's my car and it's worthy of being included, but it's the watermark that galls me. Really spoils the photo!
  6. Lol yes, I know how you feel. I found one of my photos of my Herald on a Triumph site with a huge watermark across it, allegedly their property and no-one had the right to copy or download it; it was originally uploaded to this forum.
  7. I know. The bu&&ers didn't mention that until I had ordered head studs on the 24th, then checked their website yesterday to find out where the order was as I needed them. They'll despatch them on July 5th when they return. Nice of them.
  8. I suspect the original is quite chunky, certainly it looks heavier than just an o-ring, and available from quite a few suppliers but as you say postage will be many times more than the cost of the part itself. Maybe you can do what I do, buy a few other parts to make the carriage worth-while?
  9. I remember that! There were names on the local part (Northern Ireland that is, the bit Jeff has left off in the pic) that I had never met locally, nor indeed ever heard of. And still haven't, thirty years on!
  10. Could be done. I've been on other sites, I think music-related, where there was a world map along the lines of Google Earth for you to voluntarily put your home location on. A members-only or forum-password protected map would show where everyone was, if anyone required it.
  11. https://classicrecons.wordpress.com/wiper-motor-info/ One of your motors may be single speed and the other twin-speed; the brown may be a resistor that slows the motor before the red wire permits full speed ie fast setting. This link might help; if not the site owner is a great guy called Anthony Roach who rebuilt two Gt6 Mk1 motors for me after I had tried... so he'll be happy to advise by e-mail if no-one here has the solution.
  12. I reused the bearing cap bolts with new lock washers, but replaced the big end bolts - I just wanted to fit and forget the whole thing. Bolts came from Paddocks and as far as I could tell looked okay but only performance and durability will confirm. For bearings I held out for a set of Vandervell Tri-Metal from an online supplier; might be overkill but I like the older stuff.
  13. Can you find any unfaded areas? Under the carpets or up in behind the dash might reveal the original colour.
  14. Postage confirmed this morning, I've sent you a PM.
  15. If I remember the sequence from my last rebuild start with glass down inside the door, fit the front quarterlight around that and gap it, line the glass up with the runner then fit the rear runner and align the channels so that it slides properly. After that fit the winding mechanism to door and slot it into the glass runners. Locks and catches are probably last depending on what access you have to them; although the outer door handle might be easier if fitted before the glass. It's also sometimes easier to fit the outer weatherstrip wile the glass is down inside the door, access is certainly better, then slide the glass up and past it. Outer strip runs the entire length of the door; inner only goes as far as the quarterlight and in the earlier GT6 there's a chrome / silver strip runs from there to the front of the door. It's not set in stone; others may have a simpler order of fitting.
  16. Don't forget to protect the floors and sills when dragging it out inside the car - it's a heavy item and will eat paint or doortrims / seals. Taking the preferred door off completely might be an option beforehand.
  17. I once used it to hold a crown in place over the weekend. Tasted horrible but did the job. These days I'd worry about being poisoned but back then it was all about looks...
  18. "You will meet a tall dark stranger. He will hand you a speeding ticket."
  19. Herald 1200 at about 75000 miles - first time the head had ever been off. I tested the seal with petrol, some drained, most didn't. I haven't replaced the seats, just ground new valves in.
  20. I always believed lead to be an agent in raising the octane of fuel and the valve seat protection was only a by-product. I'm wondering if that's why everyone misses leaded, for the performance rather than any physical benefit? And - not wishing to sidetrack or drift John's thread - what's today's preferred additive given we only have 95 RON round here?
  21. Excellent taste in cars! I like those lower two myself, but yes the Sunbeam would be something I'd love to work on.
  22. I for one never worried about it; we have a lot of good posters on here who post rarely but when they do, it's solid. We also have a lot of hands-on owners out there who again rarely post, but when they do it's a genuine cry for information or spare parts, or a very helpful post on various techniques or tools. It's interesting that a poster can post an entire 'how-to' with an in-depth guide and photos, another will post a link to another site with the same info, and a third will agree and post "+1" All three count as a post. I'm not envious of high posters (well I can't really be, can I ) but I'm not scornful of low posters either as I know it's quality not quantity that counts. I like a good discussion, usually get into a debate on the best way to do various things, I'm always thinking out loud on here and like the banter. That's where most of my posts come from and the corresponding rank. Going by the user names we have some members very active on numerous other forums; I'm not - this is the only one I visit or post on. I don't go by the rank of anyone who posts, I go by what advice or help they give and that's the important thing. I wouldn't miss the rank system at all but I'd miss the assistance if we lost posters because of it. I've mentioned the BT Forum before - Mister "try turning your router off and back on again", ranked as a 'Forum Guru' now has over 18000 posts, all with that same reply, which he posts in response to every query. I'd hardly call him an expert...
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