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Everything posted by PeteH

  1. 👍, For years I had a box full. Curtesy of a one time employer who went bust!. Then it went missing😭. Main suspect, as Usual, youngest son? denies it of course.!! Gone now as he`s no room for storing that stuff on a Barge. But He still has the Router!!. Pete
  2. Issues with N-I? Allegedly Political/Brexit. Currently awaiting a reply to E-Mail from them, Ref; a Front Screen. Mine bust getting it out. So in the market for a replacement. Rimmer are £160 plus £45 shipping. (although I could easily collect for just cost of fuel). Pete
  3. Co-incidently, I was contemplating the possibility of polished wood cappings. Might work?, All I have to do is retrieve the Router from my son`s Barge, somewhere on the Kennet and Avon!. Pete
  4. Yup. On both counts. PAS already fitted. Servo still boxed waiting completion of paint. I wanted the car. But need the assistance. Even investigated the possibility of an Auto box, but decided that was probably to far?. Pete
  5. Any in my scrap box will be! along with the square Head Whitworth nuts, All the lathe fittings are Whit/BSF, It was built in 1945. I still have a full set of Whitworth/BSF Taps and Dies, And a Screw thread jack with Acme Thread. Hate throwing good stuff away😁 Pete
  6. I`d want to check the cable(s) size(s), A run of that length could see a fair voltage drop, if wrongly sized.? Pete
  7. I had a Ford Thames 5Cwt van with Seasoned Oak Rear Chassis sections?. Cut from a Trawl Door Board on a Bandsaw!. Traded it before the "10 year test" came up. Pete
  8. 8mm from memory?. Seem to remember I made one out of some square section I had in my "scrap box", welded to a piece of steel pipe. Pete
  9. From where to where?. There`s always the RAC, AA, Green Flag. precaution I assume?. Best of luck ,a hope you enjoy👍 I personally, would take the A/B roads, avoid M-Way`s like the plague. And be prepared to travel smelling the roses?. With Mobile phones it`s not the hassle it would have been when these cars where new. I`ve still actually got an AA box key somewhere!. Pete
  10. Gotta be desperate for spares?. 😁 Pete
  11. £65 Machine Mart and Europarts. £62.22 one on E-Bay, Currently. Interestingly. Machine Mart rate them suitable for up to 1tonne per wheel. Pete
  12. To further "complicate" the issue. Haynes, show the wires from the heater switch to the Heater fan as Black (B) not Brown (N) on the Vitesse wiring Diag;. Fed from the supply to the Voltage stabiliser as (G) Green colour. Whereas that wire on the 13/60, again Haynes, is unmarked for colour, but feeds from the Main switch White feed. With the take-off coming from the supply to the instrument voltage regulator. A lack of consistancy across the various models and years would appear to be part of the "intrigue" of the ownership of Triumphs!!. Pete
  13. Planting Trees. Nice to see them Grow, in fact quite satisfying as they mature. Promoting planting as a Way of offsetting carbon?. To my mind I am with Cris on that one, it`s a bit facile. However It dosent hurt anyone either. But to make a real impact. "WE" would need to replant the whole of South America, and Asia, as a start, along with huge tracts of North America and the anchient woodland(s) of Europe. I suspect?. Virtually all the North Yorks Moors, where I understand once forest?, along with huge tracts of other bits of the UK. As an aside. When each of my Grandkids where born, I "harvested" Acorns on my dog walks, planted several and each time I got at least 3 or 4 sucesses. the best of which we planted where we Did the Self Build. The "oldest" of them is now a 15ft or more hight Oak, still in the garden of said build, although we moved out over 10 years ago now. Pete
  14. I took the body off, my 13/60. Some of the previous "repairs" had no welding on the inaccessible upper sections of the various repair parts. I`m no MOT tester, so it`s only my opinion per observation, but the structural integrity and main strength is in the chassis backbone, the outriggers and rails are less so, supporting the Tubs at the extremities. So whilst not desireable, I cannot see why the lack of (top) weld in those points would interest a tester beyond not being as O/E. It might/would make the body more "flexible" as a whole, but not necessarily dangerous? Prior to being taken off the road by the P.O. This had a current MOT. Any, defects in the chassis backbone of course would be a serious issue. Pete
  15. Not actually that "new" Back around 1978/80 we had a Chrysler 2L Auto. All the side trim was bonded to the car. Pete
  16. I have often wondered, if it would be possible to bond the strips on? 1) it would take the "danger" out of drilling and Pop riveting. 2) if done right there would be less chance of corrosion behind and or to the clips?. Pete
  17. Making black smoke, is the sign of poor combustion management. “We” used to be allowed smoke only when first fired, after that if you could see dark fume the chief would be nagging the duty engineer to get the air fuel ratio right and stop wasting his fuel.😂. My multifuel stove only makes smoke immediately after refuelling, the rest of the time you would be hard pushed to even know it was running but for the smell of burning hardwood. You can burn almost any carbon based fuel if you get the parameters right. Pete
  18. Worst of the Outriggers. Replaced the whole rail, Bent up from Galavanised, A "gift" from a local fabricator. Made my own outriggers from scratch. Pete
  19. I have no Idea. The Belts came as fitting for My son`s Dolomite saloon, many years ago. But because the Car was stolen and trashed where never fitted, the Belt guides are for that fitting and part of the kit, which was kept, still packaged unopened, until I repurposed them for this job.? They are the Guides intended for the mount to the upper B post on the Dolomite, where the reel sits at floor level. Pete
  20. This is how the 13/60 (MX5 seats) finished up (below), Retracable belts, the guides on the "B" post take no load, its all transfered back to the reinforced wheel arch. I reloctated the Reel to the top rear of the Wheelarch and strengthened the wheel arch as in original with heavy doubling plate in the wheelarch. This gave the clearance for the Hood to fold right down without fouling the belt. Blanking screw in the old hole. Pete
  21. IMV. Deforestation, is/has been, a bigger threat to the planet all round. The Amazon Rain forest is allegedly only a fraction of what it was 100years ago. Same with huge area`s of Asia. And recent similar issues in the USA where put down to over-logging for building timber, of which a huge percentage of US homes are still constructed. Pete
  22. I put near 3Sq Meter of steel in the floors and chassis sections, and repair sections from scratch. The ones I took out had just been dropped in and welded without removing the originals. The only panels purchased where the front floor sections as they where too deep to fabricate by hand. Pete
  23. To be honest. I just took the angle grinder to ALL the body mount bolts and replaced the lot when it went back on. Couple had to be attacked with an air saw as the space was restricted. Your Vitesse body looks in far better condition than my 13/60 was. Where the Joint is on the upper cill they had an overwelded "repair" section driver side! which had to be cut through to part the sections. Does look as if it`s had a floor section in the driver side? Pete
  24. Since around 2012, Antifreeze (Ethyelene Glycol) has had an aditive intended to make the fluid taste bitter enough to make children and animals spit it out. It degrades on the earth in about 10 days to 4 weeks. Not that it is recomended. Disposal, even in the public sewer system renders it so weak as to be negligable. Propylene Glycol is less toxic, and breaks chemically into lactic acid IF ingested. Either way, I guess recycling facilities should be able to take it? Maybe it`s just another case of "Jobsworthness?". I have to admit I haven`t changed Coolant on any of my vehicles in a long while, it`s usually done by the garage, what they do with it is??????. Pete
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