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Everything posted by PeteH

  1. It`s obviously a bit "hit and miss" then. Reports of people having been "flashed" by French (for example) "Speed" Camera`s appear regularly on F-B sites, with actual follow up "fines" being apparently something of a lottery?. Halving the fine, if paid promptly is a way of making sure the minimum number of people challenge the alleged offence. UK police forces are alleged to be very lax about getting instumentaton calibrated regularly. Which can lead to challenging a marginal figure often meaning it is dropped. Pete
  2. The ones on the 13/60, are at least 10 years old, and look it!!. Lots of tread, but that "shiney" look that hard rubber takes on when its past it`s "best". Ok for pushing around the garage, and even towing to a paint shop if necessary. But when finished it WILL get a set of new boots. My First R-V came from the USA as a self Import, TYres looked Ok, but within the first 3 months I had 2 blowouts Both rear inners fortunately. 6 new tyres went on, at around Β£180 a wheel. Pete
  3. PeteH

    Vitesse price

    I have a 2t, small trolley jack (Lidle I think) in an ABS case. Might be just the thing? Most Vitesse, could do with a bit of "Rear Mass". Back in the 80`s I kept 1Cwt (50-kg in new money) of bagged sand in the boot of Her Indoors "comuter" Vitesse!. It helped stop her backend stepping out when her lead foot hit the loud pedal.😁 On the Frimley 8-30am Grand Prix. Pete
  4. I think the difference is up to an Inch?. But it`s now back in it`s bag in the garage roof space!. I actually went up there for a suitcase full of kid`s books, belonging my son, and had to move it and several other items to get at it. He wants me to get his Daughter to sort them out??? Kid`s!!!. SWMBO has been on about it for weeks. Why all of a sudden?,he`s been in the USA for 18 years?, who knows. Anyway, job done and "we" got something out of it!. Pete
  5. My Guess would be "Citizen Kahn"`s latest favourite white elephant project?. (Cynic? what Me guv?). I hear that (Tony) B`Liars Big Pink (now bleached white?) tent down in SE10, needs a new roof?. Sure fact it won`t ever help anywhere North of Watford Gap. But a brilliant way of fleecing more cash out of locals, without being seen to put direct taxation up?. Pete
  6. Not sure. But it is alleged that since Brexit, "Continental/EU" Law enforcement can no longer access UK driver database(s)?? and UK drivers are only fined IF caught on the spot?. IF that be the case the no doubt the reciprocal will be their norm too? Pete
  7. True, aparently so is the traction engine owned by a bloke in our village, daft as it seems.? Love to see some driving through LondonπŸ˜‚ Didn't someone take a pink painted tank around Westminster some years back?πŸ˜‚ Pete
  8. Pure greed. No other way to describe it. In my view. Pete
  9. Have a look Here,:- https://forum.tssc.org.uk/topic/7037-vitesse-16006-convertable-seat-belts/page/3/ Down the 3rd page is how I evetually fitted them on my 13/60. Pete
  10. I cannot get at mine at present, But if you bear with me a few days?. I`ll see if I can get at it in storage. Pete
  11. And inside the ULEZ/LEZ when the expansion takes place too. Everything inside the North/South Circular as I understand it?. Pete
  12. PeteH

    Non starting herald

    I adapted the Lidle Pump to drain the car sump via the dip stick fitting. Bit idle on my part, but saves having to get under the motor, for just an oil change. Still have to jack for a filter change though, but it can be reached under the valence. Pete
  13. PeteH

    Spark Plugs

    Ahh?. Part time Glow pluggy things?. Pete
  14. Could be a good reason for that?. Much harder to knock it off when things with the latest "young lady" start to get exciting?. (mind below the navel again!) Pete
  15. "Grapes" Or the fermented juice thereoff, has already been consumed courtesy of a well known Supermarket, who had some on special offer for 6 bottles, pre christmas when to parphrase that equally well known phrase "I filled my boot". Old crocks?, Well my grandkids do think I am some sort of dinosaur, so that must qualify? Pete
  16. Chris, I`ve been there, I used virtually, the same route every year in both directions, execpt the last 2 when I came back from Bilbao by Ferry. Only "detours" where to "aire`s de repos" or Super Markets. Mainly for loads of Wine, Etc; (pre Brexit). Every time we found a road re-numbered. The first time was when they changed N1 to D901, up around Boulogne-sur-Mer, went around the roads several times, with a 32ft of R-V towing a car, consulted the map (no Sat Nav) and then flipped a coin!!. After which I Bought a Tom-Tom at the next overnight stop, Leclerc!😁 Pete
  17. PeteH

    Spark Plugs

    No idea what mine are in the P-107, suppose I should look, but they work fine all 3 of them. The generator is the worst, that is an NGK and has just had a replacement, allegedly should be OK but (pull) starting is still a BIG issue. Lately my Chain saw has been playing up as well. It soots the plug, but reducing the Oil might be the cure 40:1 rather that the recomended 20:1?. I think the ones in the 13/60 engine are NGK or Champion, either way they are only finger tight and there to stop the crap getting in. Whats the alleged issue with "irridium"? plugs?. Pete
  18. Amen to that!. I often say, what is it with "techies", that they don`t understand about "If it aint broke why fix it"?. I have a son, works for the security services and police, IT security. He`s as bad, "Dad, you need to change that telly?". Why? because it won`t do XYZ and it`s not H-D. Neither are my eyes so it don`t bother me!!. When it breaks, I`ll replace it. This from a Guy who lives on a Thames barge!!, and thinks 250 miles is a long way to come and see his mother!. At his age I regularly did a 100miles before my first call and breakfast.πŸ™„ Pete
  19. Thats poor?, I would expect that the ECU would have had a small rechargable battery, as many other devices do?, to keep the ECU "live" during outages. My P107, has had flat batteries and never failed to fire up afterwards, even keeps the radio settings. Pete
  20. Sorry. I have a link to a copy (Autoroute 2006) of part of a regular route I used in the 90`s/00`s going to Spain. But it won`t post. However it`s primarily N and D Roads, From Calais to Rouen. Pick up the E402 to Alencon, Which you could bypass using the A28, if you wish?, when the N138 takes you into Le Mans. Avoiding virtually any Toll roads. Having the R-V we used to use an overnight Aire Outside Alencon. Problem could be, the French re-number roads for a pastime. (eg part of the old N1 is now D901!.) I think part of the old N138 (or D138?) was also part of the old circuit?. Looking at Google Maps, just now, it looks as if the (old) E402, has been renumbered D338!!πŸ™„ and possibly D438 North of Alencon.!!! Little wonder Sat Nav software need updating as regularly as it does!. Pete
  21. That was the very last job I got too, before "life" got in the way, I keep going in the garage for other reasons, tools usually, but haven`t touched the 13/60 since around late October, when I had a few days "happily" driving myself nuts with cills and door/bonnet gaps. Cills are now aligned, within reason, but must come off again to finsh welding and underseal before final fastening, and the other gaps are less than perfect, but probably no worse than "ex factory"?. Will it ever get finished?, I often ask myself?. Paint is already causing headaches, mostly around how to mange it without upsetting the neighbours (too much). It`s probable I will DIY, no one locally wants to take it on this side of 2025 anyway, but getting a location to do it is problematic. One possiblity is an old collegue`s son`s Barn, but I would need a tent or something to keep the Bird poo off and a the only power would be my Generator. Life is getting more Mr Micawaber by the day. Day off Monday, well lying on a slab while the medics have yet another look and my intestinal tract from the top and try and decide what is next, whatever it is it will not be a "pleasing" experience no doubt!, nothing to eat from Sunday Night and not even water after 4am!. Pork steak for lunch and a few beers or a bottle of nice red?. The condemed`s`s last meal? What was it Pete, about winter blues?. I am told the technical term Is actually SAD?. (seasonal affected disorder?) acording to the NHS. Pete
  22. PeteH

    Vitesse price

    I used Premium fuel in the BMW Motorcycle, but largely because the performance was noticably better than on regular fuel. That despite being assured by others it made no difference. Pete
  23. Small matter of accuracy. No Lubricating oil`s have a specific gravity above 1 (Water) more usually around 0.8sg, in fact the only generally available oils to so do are the really heavy grades of Bunker C (sg max 1.005), There are some very specialised "oils" with sg`s above 1.0, in very small and expensive quantities. The sort of Heavy oils we burned in boilers and Marine Engines, Still did when I quit around 1980. Much of which is now only used in the sort of very old vessels coming to the end of their comercial lives. Centrifuging Lubricating oils used in marine engines is still commonplace, And All Heavy fuel oil was centrifuged before being heated to 80C and above for use in the main and auxiliary Engines. In recent times there has ben a massive reduction in the use of HFO, due to pressure from enviromental sources. The huge land and Marine boilers which fired with HFO`s are mostly now phased out, as with Coal, except for the like of China, India, and Russia, and other "usual suspects". Those remaining in "westernised" countries are being converted to use Bio fuels/Biomass. Some of the huge LNG ships actually burn the "boil off", about 1/2%/day from the cargoe as a means of keeping it liquified in transportation. Pete
  24. PeteH

    TR6 running rich

    He`d Been playing with it for hours, Flattened my "boost" trolley, (4 truck batteries, usually used to start "Dead" Truck`s in order to clear the loading decks). So it was Desperation time, I towed him with the 40t fork lift we had for containers. He finally got Loaded off to the far side of the UK at about 10pm!, That was one day of his leave already gone!. Pete
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