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Everything posted by AidanT

  1. I have the gravel drive tee shirt Aidan
  2. I think it's all over the country in one form or another. Here it's the three week cold. I'm just getting to the end of the bar steward Aidan
  3. Cheers Richard placed an order with them. Let's hope I can get it apart !! ????
  4. Its the lock and handle assembly that will not come away from the latch even though the set screw has been removed. According to the manual the lock and handle should just pull out. I gave it a tap with a hammer from the inside and still no joy. Will leave the wd40 to do its work I think I'd like to know where I can get some of the set screws kx4504 from. Aidan.
  5. It would seem that part 31 and 39 are unwilling to part company. Any thoughts? I will try the old wd on it but if anyone else has an idea..... Aidan
  6. Hi again Sorry for this dumb Q but how does the lock come off the tailgate? I have removed the four screws from the lock mechanism inside 9well two actually - as normal on my car two were missing) There was a screw and washer in the centre that I have also removed but nothing seems to want to come apart - do I need to remove the catch plate bolts? Aidan
  7. Thanks Chris. You have put my mind at rest. I won't be going to Paris anyway, just a cruise down to the grand prix de Tours via A roads Aidan
  8. Hi all (Especially those in France) i know this is new for 2017, but is anyone aware of this? http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/cars/article-4151434/Paris-introduces-new-eco-sticker-vehicles.html It would seem that the scheme will extend to other cities in France Although my French is OK, (the English version of the site is not yet available) Can / Does anyone know how this may impact our cars travelling to France? I can't find out anything on exemptions if indeeed they do exist, the certificates as described I don't think would cover our vehicles Aidan
  9. Doug. I will probably have a go myself as you say it can't be that difficult. One possible issue may be that the tailgate key is flat on one side whereas the door key is notched on both sides Aidan
  10. Just a quick update. Unfortunately your guy died a short while ago. His daughter will be attending stoneleigh but they are only able to provide simple services such as key cutting Aidat
  11. Thanks I will mail him Cheers Aidan
  12. Thanks all just Googled "The Lockman", are these guys a nationwide outfit I wonder? Anyway it would seem I have a local one - well Lincoln anyway so I will give him a call as you have kindly recommended him Cheers Aidan
  13. My GT6 runs with a mk2 2000 but the engine number ends with a HC. It has standard gt6 ancillaries though and when tested a couple of years ago on a rolling road gave 96 bhp. Not sure if my bhp is achieved from the different set up or the engine being HC Aidan
  14. Hi Yes that's the part Richard. I will have a look at the rimmers site. Is there a separate part number for the barrel only? Thx Aidan
  15. Hi all Has anyone taken one of these apart? or replaced the lock barrel on part 710497? It would seem that they come as a single unit.i would like to change the key to open the back to the same key as my doors but would have to access the barrel o do it Any thoughts welcome Aidan
  16. Oh yes forgot to say if you are going to replace the master there is a thread on here about some poor quality replacements being around. Aidan
  17. Hi I had similar symptoms in a that the brakes were soft until pumped with no obvious leaks anywhere. I tried all the methods above. Slowly it developed into a leak around the master cylinder so I changed the seals. All was great for a short while but then the soft pedal problem returned and a month ago over Christmas I noticed another leak around the master cylinder. I don't know if it was poor quality seals but decided just to replace the master cylinder. Brakes are firm once more. I guess I will see if they deteriorate now Hope that helps a little Aidan
  18. Gully. Will be interesting to know how you solve the housing leak. Mine was and has been a complete bu***r to do Aidan
  19. Sorry Richard you are completely correct it's a five row and not core! Doh!! Here's the eBay number 322377008701 Yes the thermostat opens and closes about five to ten times until the temperature settles just above the thermostat opening temperature It's definitely worked for me anyway Aidan
  20. He also advertises regularly in the courier under parts for sale Aidan
  21. Purchased mine from fleabay A standard rad rebuilt with five cores I think it was 240 less 40 exchange It takes an extra litre of coolant and now never gets past half way on the thermostat Aidan
  22. I too am a rotor arm remover learnt from my uncle. Never forgot that I had removed it though that's a new one ! Was it put in the wrong pocket?!! ???? Aidan
  23. This is really useful to know thanks Mine looks Ok,but every time it's opened I get the noise of the rust inside shifting from the bottom to the top. No idea how to sort it Aidan
  24. I purchased mine from paddocks. Doug , it looked exactly the same as the original but was in fact solid state. Unless it says it's the original bi-metallic version I would suggest that it's actually a solid state one in disguise!!???? Aidan
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