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Everything posted by Qu1ckn1ck

  1. Sorry Paul, we are not on the Bunker Run. Thanks for helpfully advising your clearance of 6cm, our worst affected side is only 4.6cm and the minimally affected side is 5.5cm so perhaps our body tub is slightly too far forward? Our tyres are also 175/70 R13 but on Triumph 5.5J wheels. When admiring your very nice new wheels on Monday we noticed that the offset was noticeably different to ours which could explain why ours don't hit the wheel-arch as yours might. Might be a clue that our wheels possibly have an incorrect offset? Still scratching our heads but I guess the next step is to follow thescrapman's very sensible suggestion. Nick
  2. Don't hear anything other than the crunch as we hit another pot-hole, just see the evidence later on the bulkhead. This was the pic taken originally and we are now getting exactly Similar scuff marks again.
  3. Very difficult to tell when it is happening, Pete, but the scuffing on the bulkhead suggests it could even be happening in the steering straight ahead position too, possibly when pot-holing with two up. All the contact evidence is on the bulkhead with no damage obvious on the tyre suggesting only momentary contact. In unloaded static condition there appears to be ample clearance between tyre and bulkhead so difficult to visualise how it is happening.
  4. Having believed that we had resolved the front tyre to bulkhead interference on lock some 2.5 years ago by fitting spring spacers we now find that it is happening again. I can only assume that the springs have settled after the pounding they have taken from our pot-holes. Would replacement Gaz height and damping adjustable dampers be a possible (expensive) answer ? Once again, any ideas and suggestions gratefully received.
  5. Hi and welcome, Great looking Vitesse you have there.
  6. Fine, no strange noises and performing as expected.
  7. Took the GT6 out for a run in the sun and to try out the newly replaced diff, shafts, suspension and brakes:
  8. My GT6 needs them to avoid sump to rack contact.
  9. That is what I have done, too. No trouble getting in then.
  10. Probably not the ideal method and certainly not approved by Health and Safety: Car was on a two post lift with a long bar clamped to the spring. Outer end of bar was lifted with a transmission jack. Second transmission jack was used under the bottom of the upright to lift the suspension until spring eye and top of upright were as close as could be achieved then a drill rod dowel was used to align the holes before the bolt was persuaded to go through. Definitely not an easy job - Good luck !
  11. We had some difficulty doing the same job last Friday, but got there in the end:
  12. In the short term, could these be improvised with a 2ba screw to plug the tapping for the vacuum connector http://www.speedograph-richfield.com/html/vacuum_pipelines.html
  13. That is a great idea, Pete. Amazing that none of the Triumph parts retailers/Carburettor restorers have bothered to remake this very simple component.
  14. This is pic of an old spacer fitted to 150CDSE carbs to suit my GT6 Mk3, I had not realised they were in such short supply or I would have tried to salvage it
  15. The spacer advertised in the USA is not necessarily the variant the OP requires but they are all somewhat similar and I guess the correct thin gasket could be used as a template ..... ?
  16. How Much !! https://www.ebay.co.uk/i/293000037678?_trksid=p11401.c100711.m5036&_trkparms=aid%3D111001%26algo%3DREC.SEED%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20170110121435%26meid%3D36af6da2168e4271a2e87884123a34f3%26pid%3D100711%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D4%26b%3D1%26sd%3D293000037678%26itm%3D293000037678&ul_noapp=true
  17. I have exactly the same problem with my "bitza".
  18. Hi Paul, Not sure if some of our PM's are going astray but I have now definitely decided to sell the NOS 150CDSE carburettors if you are interested. Nick
  19. Coincidentally, when handing my tatty CD150SE's in at Carburettor Exchange yesterday just one had an insulator block still hermetited to the flange and Dave commented that he would not be able to supply replacement blocks. Is it an elf and safety problem connected with asbestos?
  20. Can you not use the SU spacers with minor modifications ? Nick
  21. He was closing at noon and off on holiday to France and I arrived with only 20 minutes to spare after making several scenic tours of L-B trying to find his well hidden gaff. There were mountains of carbs in view but being short of time and with other customers waiting we only had time to discuss what I wanted done to my pair. I agree he was a helpful and pleasant guy, thanks for the recommendation. Nick
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