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Everything posted by johny

  1. 'What about testing by remote operation of the coil? Set up the distributor with everything in place and rotor arm definitely pointing to cylinder 1 and a loose spark plug in its lead cap earthed against the block. Then replace the -ve wire of the coil (goes to points) with a temporary wire and with the ignition on you should be able to generate a spark by touching the temporary wire to earth (to charge coil) and then lifting it off. You should of course see a good spark at the plug...' Did you try this Alastair as it would show if the spark can jump that rotor arm to cap gap you have measured?
  2. Do you think thats the cause of the notchiness Iain? The side load must be minimal as the rocker springs are only for location and not strong. Ive always thought the machining on rocker assemblies looks pretty basic but then it doesnt really matter....
  3. Are you doing the swop without a manual Karlos😲
  4. Your OD box should be 1" longer then the original so a different prop and one of these is used to allow access...
  5. Ive found it important on my mk1 to keep retightening the manifold to head fixings regularly as they seem to slacken off and then theres no quicker way to blow the gasket...
  6. johny


    Yes low comp have a cut out area in the top of the piston
  7. johny


    Yes you have standard size pistons there as denoted by a single letter F, G or H (slightly different sizes for a best fit), H77 is August 1977 and the triangle has to point towards front of the engine👍
  8. Ok then it would have to be a pretty big to be heard over engine, wind and road noise Dave - a good look round all the exhaust would certainly find the carbon marks you normally get with an exhaust leak👍
  9. Before you disappear down the rabbit hole Alan perhaps get to a meet and have a ride in a comparable car to see if youre expecting too much?
  10. It shouldnt be possible to do that because the bolt has nothing to do with either the bushes or wishbone. I suppose it could be done up so tight it crushed the sleeves but even then I cant see the plastic top hats would resist enough to cause seizure....
  11. No, I see in the manual the dialogue with this photo says 'jack up the vertical link to relieve the damper of load' so thats why its not sitting on the bump stop👍
  12. johny


    I thought it was horses and their riders had always passed on the left just in case you had to use your sword which of course would be in your right hand (not many lefties in those days as they were disciples of the devil😂)...
  13. Presumably the manual photo is with no load on the spring so Im surprised it isnt sitting on the bump stop but it depends on the spring design I suppose...
  14. I can see the wrap around outer clamp on the spring in that last photo....
  15. You havent mentioned that it can be heard with the car stationary Dave which I would expect with an exhaust leak. If its only when driving I think it would discount that...
  16. I wonder if it was a misprint and the pump is good for cars up to 1000 bhp👍
  17. Your right to check the bolt as a routine because they seem to only need a little time/rust and they seize solid in the sleeves. I left mine slightly too long and now have one which doesnt want to slide axially. I'll keep on trying to shift it but otherwise it'll have to be cut each side the next time the bushes need changing😭
  18. Are you sure on that Trigolf as I was just discussing this with Dave on another thread and I cant see how the steel sleeves in either normal or rotaflex suspension can seize in their plastic bushes. If they rust theyll just rip the bushes to pieces very rapidly but wont prevent movement of trunnion because the force from the suspension going up and down is far too great. The bolts can and do rust in the sleeves but just slackening them wont prove this as they will still rotate as one with the sleeve so I try tapping the bolt a little length ways and of course if free it should move🤞
  19. Oh I see its a lower stop so not to limit compression of the suspension in which case I dont think that is the cause of the bumpiness...
  20. I think the suspension joints that should be tightened in the correct position are more likely to be the spring eye bolts and tie bars as these dont pivot but just rely on their rubber bushes twisting...
  21. I cant see how the rear trunnions could ever seize Dave. In the drawing the steel sleeve 29 is longer than the plastic bushes 27 once theyre installed in the housing so it gets clamped between the uprights leaving the bushes free to rotate. Even if this wasnt the case and the bushes ended up slightly wider their plastic would soon be squashed as you tightened the bolt and then rapidly free off as soon as you started driving. Maybe youre thinking of the sleeve seizing on the bolt which is very likely making dismantling difficult but not actually affecting the suspension movement....
  22. Cant see they need it as not components subjected to much wear and tear or even flexing - worst is likely to be they get over cleaned😍
  23. That seems pretty low as the flow rate is up to 100l/h which is far more than even our cars can use😁
  24. Thats it in the photo above Mjit, model 14412, and it does look more robustly built than the Huco....
  25. eh? Theres different cables for each of these: mk1 GT6, rotaflex GT6 (mk2/3), mk3 GT6, Herald/1600/mk1 Vitesse, mk2 Vitesse😲
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