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Posts posted by poppyman

  1. It will do the job as Colin say's Jeff, i just went for the 25D as it was the same as yours. You ended up ordering the 45 anyway :) Rebuild the old one at your leisure Jeff when you get bored :)  I know others that have used the seller and have had no problems, but as you say it's cheap...


  2. 4 hours ago, Anglefire said:

    Not explosions or anything of that nature, but when I was about 9 or 10 our house backed on to a large field. (Now a housing estate - another story)

     In said field was an oil drum which me and my mate spent a happy day standing on and rolling it around the field. 
    Got in that night and my dad says, don’t fall off it and you could cut yourself and that will mean a trip to the hospital.
    Next day what did I do?  Yes. Fall off it and cut my leg. Trip to the hospital and ended up with a tetanus jab and butterfly stitches. Which turned out to be a waste of time as they broke and now I have an inch long scar about 1/4” wide just north of my knee.  

    The dreaded oil drum, i had forgotten about that. As early teens four of were doing the same one bonfire night when said oil drum rolled  onto the remains of a very large bonfire. We tried to get it off with sticks ect, When we herd "dong" and dent popped out.... One of us shouted run so we did. Next minute massive explosion which knocked us all flat and we saw the 45gln drum heading skywards at an angle. We were up and running within seconds and a few minutes later increased our pace as we heard sirens......We were scared stiff for a couple of weeks, but despite looking at the local papers we never found out where the  drum had landed or if it had damaged anything. We never went near an oil drum again god knows what had been in it as it was empty when we found it.


  3. I was telling mrs P about what me and my mates got up to as kids, and up to her reading this thread..... She never believed me :)  She say's we should all be in prison or hospital :)  What was it that made us do it years ago.....


    • Haha 1
  4. 17 hours ago, PeterH said:

    I'm touching up one or two scratches etc. Cellulose paint left over from original respray so colour match is good.

    I'm using a small 'touch up' spray gun. Anyone know the knack of feathering in the new paint area. If I mask it up I get a hard proud edge up against the masking tape. If I just try to blend in I get visible over spray. 

    Don't Use masking tape at all Peter unless against a rubber. Rub the whole area down beyond the scratch with 600 w/dry then spray. Let the paint go hard for a couple of days the use Farecla G3 with a polisher and you will find it will blend in perfectly. Try on the inside of the boot lid and you will see.


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