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Posts posted by poppyman

  1. 43 minutes ago, thescrapman said:

    I would have said +1 for PJ as well in the past, but they tried to turn me over this year, saying that even though my premium was right, they didn't think I was paying enough to cover the risk, so they doubled my premium to £1200.

    Most classic policies are underwritten by Equity Red Star.

    I remember you saying that Scrapman, did you ever get it sorted? You are also right about Equity Red Star.


  2. 2 hours ago, Colin Lindsay said:

    I'll be talking to / e-mailing the owner later this morning, I needed a standard steel wheel and he's got one, so when he messages me I'll ask him. He's the tall guy in the pale coat standing behind the Riley.

    The guy in the Riley was only looking after his "Elf"


    • Haha 3
  3. 38 minutes ago, Woody2000 said:

    Hi just got some 2.5 alloy wheels and at the moment I have steel wheels on my car different nuts !! 

    I wondered if any one knew what wheel nuts I need for these alloys and best place to get them 

    Are they the 2500s wheels? If so same as stag, just shop around..... circa £5 each


  4. 4 hours ago, Bordfunker said:

    Paul, where do you get your Norton belts from?

    I looked online and found a supplier in Germany that was reasonable, until I checked the postage, which was double the cost of the belts! 

    I know I live on an island but that taking the p.



    I get mine here Karl. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/13-X-457MM-NORTON-CERAMIC-R929-SANDING-BELTS-FOR-POWER-FILE-PREMIUM-QUALITY/173766759359?hash=item28754e53bf:g:R2MAAOSwNHpfTUKr


  5. 14 minutes ago, Martin White said:

    Sorry guys getting out of sync with replies. Mottling on the bore wall

    Hi Martin, you can do a compression  test by simply bolting the head back on with the head gasket.. Nothing else is needed, it does not need to run it just needs to turn over on the starter.  


  6. 11 hours ago, Roger K said:

    I think I'll play safe and make some metal ones up from bar, and use countersunk machine screws and nuts to tighten through the doorskin.  Wouldn't hurt to put a slight curve in the base of the mirror itself, too, to seat better on the plastic gasket on the doorskin.

    Just need to work out how to remove the door panel.

    The metal plinth's sometime turn up on Fleabay in fitting kit's.


  7. 6 minutes ago, Iain T said:

    I know where I will end up in 'X' months/years, I'll build a new separate short block and change over when the dust has settled and my wife isn't cackling in my ear.... 

    Where have i heard that before :) Surely your engine builder should know whats going on Iain?


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