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Iain T

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Everything posted by Iain T

  1. OK I've taken another look and now the suns out😎 I can see I have Tex 5.2mm arms with bayonet fit blades. Measuring the distance between them parked there is enough gap to fit 12". This would give a slightly better sweep, has anyone tried 12"? Taking Pete's advice an upgrade to 7mm wide arms with presumably stiffer springs would better hold the blade against the screen. Iain
  2. Thanks for the help. My drivers side blade is useless, doesn't clear a large portion in the middle which is exactly where I look through. As usual two steps forward and one back! I brought the two brass jet fittings, hoses and nozzles back from the car park to my apartment but I lost a brass fitting on the way😡! I and the wife have looked in the 100+ yards of path with shrubs either side, the lift and car park. Nuffink, where does all this stuff disappear too? I must have dropped it and although not expensive it's very annoying! Iain
  3. Good website, I'll measure and see if a 300mm bayonet fitting blade will fit with adjustable arms. My arms are left cranked and I can get TEX brand blades which are supposed to have a locking system? The club sell them but I don't know if they are adjustable. I don't think a straight arm will park correctly. Sorted out the switch which just needed screwing in to stop wobbling about. The jets are blocked so I'll clean those and refit. It's the washer/wipers that's stopping me getting an MOT everything else is I hope ok. Iain Iain
  4. Thanks NM, I was wondering if the wipers are correct. Iain
  5. Just measured my blades and they are 280mm (11 inches) long. Searching webby thing now.... There seems a lot of play at the splined fixing but that could just be wear in the assembly. I'll have to do more investigation. As to the switch Haynes shows a pin holding the knob and then unplug the hose/wires and unscrew the assy, is this correct?
  6. Yes but from the miriad of rubbish out there what make or supplier? Iain
  7. Next on the list for my Vitesse Mk2 is the rubbish water movers aka windscreen wipers! The usual lack of tension etc so does anyone have a fix or replacement that actually works? I also need to take out the dash switch and pump as the washers don't work (could just be blocked jets) and the pardon the phrase the knob waggle about and is difficult to engage! Cheers Iain
  8. The rad is too low in a Vitesse and GT6 so so fill without getting airlocks I raised the front end (drove it up ramps) and filled while the engine was ticking over. Iain
  9. Pete, watch my joke just posted in the Lounge section!
  10. The second Wanner gun arrived yesterday, good condition and £13 incl p&p, so I oiled the trunnions today. I lightly smeared petroleum jelly on the canister inside wall to try and seal in the EP90 and works a treat oil squidging out of the top and bottom of the trunnion. I also pumped some LM grease in the steering box I've just been for a short drive and the difference in the steering is noticeable. Much smoother, I should have done this earlier! I'm leaving replacing the bushes for a winter project. Downside is the 'scent' patches of EP90 on the floor..... Iain
  11. Cliff, my Vitesse did exactly the same a sudden rise, fall, rise. It was caused by air lock(s). Iain
  12. I think they are cut out using a blank and pierce tool using knives which are thin guage tempered steel strip formed to shape and held within groves in the top tool. The bottom is just a flat plate which can be made of various materials but softer than the knives. The bottom patten is sacrificial. We used to make lots of tools this way for interior trim and aluminium heatshields. Lots of things can happen including transfer tool holes being moved which can result in a part of the piercing being misaligned. Or it could be the tool was made from a c**p part as a template!
  13. Johny, Just read this thread, I believe the X denotes 1.1mm gap which is too wide for our cars. Iain
  14. I'm going on holiday in two weeks, our second stop La, Palma🌋! I agree there's been far too much politics on the Forum. As to rears I'll leave that to the more experienced members!
  15. Thanks you have a photo for every part! I'll buy some EP90 on Tuesday as I'll be passing Halfords and by then the other Wanner should have arrived. Iain
  16. I thought you might have been on the alcoholic Ribena!
  17. I like simple! By the way Colin my first born grease gun has been christened😇. Gave my steering a good grease and he seems potty trained already🤣 ???
  18. I've ordered the Supaflex kit, bolts, top caps etc from Paddocks. So with the Supaflex I don't need to refit the dust shields? The procedure is to only fit the two bushes and spacer tube then bolt the assy onto the wishbone? Iain
  19. It is typical Ministry of Administrative Affairs meddling! The Olympic medal table (didn't we do well) states Great Britain (GB). Iain
  20. I'm thinking you have experience of trunnion servicing....?!? I'd rater buy the whole lot as delivery charges cost more than some of the parts. I might drive the car to where I used to work as I'll then have use of a full workshop. Iain
  21. So I just need to order the 4 Bush and 2 spacer set? Anything else, subject to the trunnions being OK, while they're off? Iain
  22. The song Three Wheels on my Wagon comes to mind or old Keystone Cops films!
  23. I have they look fine, he was using a metre long torque wrench and had gorilla arms, bloomin' idiot.
  24. Yes, I had the two front wheels balanced at a local tyre dealer and he said what torque do you want the nuts because I'm up to 110ft/lbs and it's still tightening! I told him to back it off a bit!! The studs must have been near snapping.
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