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Iain T

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Everything posted by Iain T

  1. I did think I'd be safer as the multi storey is for residents and visitors only, I've an idea who it was but no proof. Never had anything else stolen it really pi**es you off plus its stopped me twiddlin! Had confirmation the new set have been sent, I ordered them from the ManoMano website. There's an apartment block near me that always has broken furniture, beds etc dumped outside. People too lazy or ignorant that you can get 5 items collected twice a year free by the council.
  2. Done that and it is much better, I found most of the fumes were coming out of the unsealed rocker cover studs. It's now a lot nicer inside and working on the engine💐
  3. No "tiny" people about, I would forgive them hiding stuff. They've definitely gone, my wife didn't believe me but even her eagle eyes (she misses nuffink) couldn't find the set of 24. Ive ordered more which includes some stubby combinations. Grrrr
  4. Honestly would you believe it! Yesterday I was working on the car in our complexes car park and must have left the imp/metric spanners out. Went to do some more work today and they're gone. My faith in human nature is in tatters. Why? The guy who parks next to me inadvertently left a box of beers on the box where I keep my tools etc. I saw him today and told him, he was most pleased. Be nice to one another! Rant over Iain
  5. It is a very snug fit and the joints are almost impossible to get gas tight. However supposedly the correct outlets are connected. Iain
  6. Yes the Phoenix 631 did hit the steering column! I had to shift the rack over. Iain
  7. Have you fitted the ring spacer?
  8. Steve, looks good where did you get it? Does it require any extra bits?
  9. Fitted the new heat insulators from Mick Dolphin. Good fit and tuning the carbs seemed easier, I must have had a small hole on the carb or manifold where air was being sucked it with the emission type insulators. A simple solution but an ar*e to identify! Iain PS Perhaps that's why I was getting a mixture variation between the two carbs?
  10. Colin, if it's a small crack you can vee it out, cleanliness is paramount, and tig weld it. I think there are epoxy resin repairs but have no experience with them. Iain
  11. True, it was on telly! Dreamed up by theatre set designers.
  12. Perhaps another solution is to research an off the shelf blow moulded tank that can be fitted with adaptor brackets. Virtually all moderns are plastic albeit of the 'saddle' type design or odd shapes. Just a thought, or of course aluminium. It is as always cost over reliability. Iain
  13. We're back on track but have we actually helped Aviv? Personally I would check the aux fan temp sensor first and see if Water Wetter helps. Iain
  14. I think we've deviated, I'm definitely not sparking on all 6 cylinders!
  15. Pete, sorry to disagree (was that a groan from the crowd?) my 12 inch Spal is much more effective than the crank fan. It's certainly taken my worry levels down. Iain Aka Twiddler
  16. There is a tipping point where the amount of heat generated by the engine cannot be dissipated by the cooling system. This point will vary due to various issues original design being one. Our engine castings where prone to semi blocked water and oil ways, you might just be unlucky.
  17. A very valid point by Chris. When I first bought my car the gauge read high but an infrared gun said no. Changed gauge and the gun was right. I have used Water Wetter and although some people will say its smoke n mirrors it worked for me. Reduced the temperature by up to 5 degrees. Some people put in a 50/50 water/antifreeze mixture which will also reduce the heat dissipation. The higher concentration of antifreeze the less efficient it is at heat dissipation, but by how much this effects our cars I don't know. I use 25/75 mixture.
  18. Is it the case that you can drop the jet but unless you have a small enough gap to open the butterfly's it can't suck air in? Certainly the case on CDS150s.
  19. Hi Alan, don't know about SU's but I set my Stromberg choke adjustment screw about 1mm from the cam. That way it slightly opens the butterfly's to let air/fuel mixture in. Iain
  20. I had my water pump rebuilt at EP Services. Its a hybrid as I needed a shorter pump to fit a larger more powerful electric fan. He used the standard vanes but I measured the depth of the housing casting and he set the vane depth to give minimal clearance. As with all vanes reducing the clearance to the housing can dramatically increase efficiency. Driving back from Duxford in 27C temperature and 70(+)mph on the M11 the gauge was only in the high 80s. In traffic the fan kicks in at 95C and down to high 80s in a minute. Don't panic, as Clive said make sure your gauge is correct. However I think Racetorations sell a billet machined curved vane pump for about £250+ once you've bought the pulley. Iain If it's an auxiliary fan do you still have the crank driven fan?
  21. Earlier this year I refilled my Vitesse and on a test drive it was fine until I stopped at traffic lights. The temperature gauge went up to 'I'm gonna explode'. I didn't believe it but was only a minute from home. Waited until it cooled down, put the front on ramps to raise and surprised how much fluid it took. The gauge was measuring compressed steam. All fine there after. Iain
  22. Is the cable liner clamped?
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