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Posts posted by thescrapman

  1. 17 hours ago, Paul Marshall said:

    Any suggestions as to which I should chose?  I am not a spanner man myself but I have a highly skilled pal who will fit it.

    On the cutch, is it possible to lighten the spring





    A small chassis car clutch should not be heavy, A TR clutch, yes very heavy.

    check you have right master and slave and then ask someone who knows the cars I it is OK.

  2. I had seen a few cases were the internal tank treatment has started to come off and the continual blockages make the tank a write off.

    fill the tank with loads of nuts and bolts and shake it about, or even better strap it to a cement mixer.

     Tape the filler up!

    you could then fill the tank with an acid solution to clean any remaining rust out.

  3. What Kevin didn't mention is that there is a restriction in the oil gallery caused by the distributor drive.

    Best place to fit an oil pressure gauge is the plug nearest the front of the engine, gives a woerst case reading

  4. There are only 2 possible manufacturers, one is Pilkington.

    I know a few years ago you could buy Spitfire screens for about £20 each if you bought a crate of 10 from the manufacturer. 

    So that gives a clue as to what the supplier pay.. 

  5. Steve

    Set the 123 to TDC and introduce any advance via the mapping.. Easy to get it back to a known point in the future.

    put a basic copy of the 1500 curve into the 123 for running in.

    then get out of the road with someone with good hearing and get them to adjust the mapping on the fly.

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