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Posts posted by daverclasper

  1. 19 hours ago, Nick Jones said:

    The 2L Triumph sixes die slow - an outright mechanical failure without advance warning is unlikely.

    Just wondering how slow Nick?.  Had a noise for the past 2000 miles that I'm hoping isn't crank bearings (fairly quiet and not got any worse over these miles).  Car not driven hard though. More noisy with a cold engine.

    Have explored the other possibilities of the noise I've been advised on, though not found anything to suggest it may be these.

    A bit of a how long is a piece of string scenario I guess, though any suggestions great.  

    Cheers, Dave   

  2. I think I may have a spare one (or do you need more?) of those?, if you get stuck with this, but would have to have a route around and hopefully be able to find it.

    Also not sure if it's from clutch/brake MC, or even a clutch slave (are the clips different sizes?). All for Vitesse.

    Oh, just to add, I think it's from a seal kit, bought a few years ago, so not an old original, though that style.

    Can pop it the post no prob (I assume, just small letter UK price, or is NI different?) 



    • Thanks 1
  3. On 07/05/2021 at 08:19, PeteH said:

    There is an extremely "Non P-C" joke about that, which would probably get me barred for life in to-days "snowflake" world.

    Maybe funny, though not all people who hear jokes actually see the humour at face value and I believe it can reinforce prejudice.

    Thanks, Snowflake   

  4. On 06/05/2021 at 19:43, Colin Lindsay said:

    Lubricate the ends of the metal pipes with Vaseline or the like before pushing the pipes on - this prevents damage when being pushed onto a dry pipe which agai shaves small parts of the pipe off.

    Also shamfer the edges of the the metal pipe with some wet and dry etc (avoid getting metal dust in the pipe), to get rid of sharper edges. Try and fit hose square on if you can.

    • Like 1
  5. 8 hours ago, Colin Lindsay said:

    Must be one of those suppliers with lots of 'overheads'...

    Not always sure your irony on a 0-10 level, so not sure what you mean? 😊.

    I disagree with loads of what China does (I'm one of those "Snow flakes" whatever they are?, I guess, who has opinions on abuse of people).

    Just trying to get a balance of what is maybe causing all this crap stuff.

    Also, I understand those retailers we buy off at the end of the supply chain, are mainly just trying to make a living. 


  6. 23 hours ago, cliff.b said:

    No doubt made in the PRC to look like it's supposed to but without regard to functionality.

    Maybe the WC (Western Capitalists) distributors of products, looking for the cheapest price that it can be made?.

    23 hours ago, johny said:

    yes for me secondhand, if available, is often best (if original of course)

    Yes, if you can get it at the time (or end up with a load of used parts I bought cheap, that may never be used?) 

  7. 19 hours ago, cliff.b said:

    So I'm wondering, how do I know how much to pump in? Can you put too much and should it emerge from anywhere if you do?

    I think when everything is ok then grease comes out of inner side of hub.  I guess if old hard grease is in there, that causes a blockage, then could blow a seal?.

    Can that area be gently warmed with a hot air gun to make old grease flow (or other methods).


  8. 20 hours ago, JohnD said:

    Mind you, you're crackers to change reliable Pi for a set of carbs that need adjusting every five minutes!

    PI has it's good points I assume and gives more accurate metering, good for racing etc.

    For a lot of our car that have general road use, I'm interested in the "need for constant adjusting you mention". What goes "out of adjustment" quickly on them?.

    I understand ambient temp will have some effect on mixture, so a carb won't recognize this (also, doesn't Lucas PI struggle with driving high up?).



  9. On 30/04/2021 at 09:46, Pete Lewis said:

    my fist was home made , two large washers drill and held together with a single screenwash jet make the sw tube into a simple U tube with water in 

    rotate the washers to regulate the flow through the holes and tube taped to a odd bit of timber marked to use as reference 

    Interested in that though can't picture it Pete, no photo I guess?.

    Thanks, Dave

  10. If the top seals are new (or very good), then I have found pushing a thin lolly stick/coffe stirrer, etc up them to sort of, temp unseal them and help the flow, has helped a lot using an oil can.

    A grease gun would be my last resort (or retort).

  11. Thanks Pete, you replied secs after me.

    I thinks it's the old baked oil, thickening the shaft/pedestal bores.

    Any easy way of removing this, to put them back on and lined up more easily. Caustic soda, etc?, though pedestals are alloy (not too much dissolving wanted), maybe enough with the shaft?.

    Still really, surprisingly, tight to refit.   

  12. Hi.  Trying to get pedestals of shaft. First came off ok. Second, pretty stuck (with old baked, oil I assume and had been sitting around for years). Have tried heating pedestal with decorating gun to try and expand plus penetratingly fluid. Will move a couple of cm back and forth, when laying the other pedestals along a block of wood and a dead blow hammer on the pedestal, though won't move with hands.

    Any tips please?.

    Cheers, Dave

  13. 5 hours ago, Adrian said:

    so can adding fresh fuel clear the varnish from the system (I have a sealed Jerry can, would the fuel be fresh in that?). The tank is just below half full.

    I bought a Kawasaki bike, that been standing for quite a while without the carbs drained. Couldn't set it up well. After a good few hundred miles of running with fresh fuel it seemed to sort itself out?.

    This was before Ethanol, though varnished carbs apparently could be an issue.

    Used to be a practice of soaking carb parts/bodies in cellulose thinners for a few days?. 

  14. Hi. Changed engine oil yesterday. After draining, there was a firmish, crescent shaped piece of sludge left hanging out of the drain hole (sorry if this sums up images of me on the loo). This was about 2 cm between the ends. Like a dark grey metal paste when rubbed between fingers.

    Magnet on plug, had a bit of the same around it, as is usual.

    Oil changes yearly, had the car 8 years.

    A bit intrigued as to where it has come from?. No big deal I guess?.

    Cheers, Dave

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