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Chris A

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Everything posted by Chris A

  1. My thoughts exactly when I first moved here, but after several 'attempts' I have it figured out : Arc de Triomphe: foot down and go for it. Ignore anything behind you, anything at your side or coming in from the side is their problem. If there is daylight ahead aim at it. My wife just looks at her feet for some reason. I even managed to intimidate a Paris bus last time! Périphérique: Nearside lane only for those turning off at the next exit. If there is a gap between you and the car in front someone will fill it. Speed limits are only guidelines unless there are cameras. Remember that a car entering the perif is just as likely to cut through all the lanes to get to the outside one as it is to stay in the nearside lane. Use of indicators doesn't mean 'I would like to . .' they mean 'I'm going . .'
  2. 'We have' ? No you don't ! It is still here and makes a great roundabout if you aren't easily scared. 😱
  3. Colin, watch out BW has suddenly gone from offering helpful advice to pointing out the problems. I bet he's after it! I wonder if he'll post to France? . . . .😁
  4. Does this get the record for the longest ( in metres of text) posting on a thread? Shouldn't have said that someone will post a complete workshop manual . . . The listing does confirm that the number plate on my 13/60 read and the heritage certificate agree, Shrewsbury. All you can tell from my French plate, DR-196-BL, is it is 2015 ( the DR bit), the year I imported it.
  5. The one on Ebay does look like a good bit of kit.
  6. BW, once again you are spot on! I don't need one for my 13/60, I don't have the problem of hair getting blown about . .Not saying why 🙄
  7. Just as in Derbyshire where I grew up the second 2 letters were RA with the first tending to be the area within the county. Around Chesterfield there were a heck of a lot of BRAs . .🤫
  8. Now l do feel old! I remember them from when they were used by the police or at least there were regular sales of ex police ones for sale.
  9. Velocette? Oh boy! Does that take me back a few decades 🤪
  10. Not at present, will need to look it up tomorrow but check out sites such as Rimmers as they are listed
  11. Welcome to the forum, yes photos we all love photos.
  12. I know what you mean, not long after I got my 13/60 I went out for a drive and the engine temp rose to the red! After carefully removing the rad cap the water level had dropped way down. Luckily I pulled up close to a bar and they gave me enough water to refill. I had been cleaning the engine and I must have caught the tap and opened it by accident. The tap must have been kept closed by dirt and grit as it now opened far too easily ! I quickly ordered a plug and replaced it.
  13. Kick mine and my feet will drop off !
  14. I've seen ads for this type of thing, cheap & easy to fit. I had doubts about some versions as they seemed more suitable to engines that maintained a relatively stable speed.
  15. I would have thought if there was a problem with petrol supply the engine would cough & splutter rather than cut out suddenly. My penny is on a sudden loss of electrics, somewhere in the system including ignition switch, coil, distributor. If it is an intermittent fault it will be harder to locate than an actual complete failure, good luck I'm sure you'll crack it.
  16. But at least the postage is less than the purchase price for once, unlike that old Tacho . .
  17. Even easier here, there is NO road tax as such
  18. I bet the postage cost more than the tacho 🤔
  19. I made the same decision
  20. I know why you need a repro version - nobody in Ireland paid the tax back in the day?😱
  21. Now I know why I never win anything!
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