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Chris A

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Everything posted by Chris A

  1. Wasn't common in Derbyshire! Dandilion & burdock was the thing back in the 60s It lost interest for me when they stopped putting real coke in it. My wife did bring back a couple of coke bags (looked like tea bags) that you put in the corner of your mouth from Columbia a good few years ago. The miners there used them against the cold and conditions.
  2. When I was young we would soak a penny in HP brown sauce, this was before Coca Colawas common.
  3. That made me think - foam oven cleaner?
  4. Well, I guess if you hadn't said it someone would have. 🙄
  5. Go for it! At least in a car park nobody will park close to it . . .
  6. The owners hand book for the 13/60 states 6 1/2 gallons (29.5 litres). Which is what is fitted to mine. I thought the larger tank was Vitesse and late 13/60s
  7. You're right of course. Ireland is far from dry, unlike Wales which was/is dry on Sundays. 🍺
  8. Yup! Madame Curie*, as the milk has been cured. * Yes I know . . . Louis Pasteur, he also found a cure for rabies - he would throw bottles of milk at the infected animals. Boom! Boom!
  9. Going through just the Herald section will keep me busy for several weeks . . . .
  10. Yes that does seem to be the case with them
  11. Should have added I've just booked blood tests tomorrow morning at 08:30 so I'll have to go out even if it's raining ☔
  12. Until I stopped working I put the garden spade in the boot, along with wellies, as a matter of course for winter. Now I just stay in until the weather gets better 😁
  13. Same problem with the type 14s, as per the article I shared.
  14. Pre Brexit importing was fairly simple, even though paperwork could be a bit long winded, plus no taxes etc on a classic. Post Brexit, no doubt more complex in general BUT there might be special arrangement between the these two zones. You need to look very carefully at the latest updates.
  15. I would also say air in the system. The 'new caliper syndrome' gives firm brakes but longer travel, it seems the seals hold the piston to tight and pull it back further from the disc. There was an article about it in the club magazine a while back :
  16. I have/had this when I replaced mine last year. Not spongy but just a fair bit more travel than before the replacement. I have done the wedge the pedal thing a couple of times, not an immediate improvement. However the last few times I have taken the car out the pedal travel is much reduced and 'solid' feel to it. Maybe they just take a long bedding in period.
  17. That is exactly what I did. I get 2 blades per length, works out dirt cheap so at the slightest sign of wear replace them.
  18. Crafty blighters! Nice tip, I'll save that one for 'my man up the road' should we need it.
  19. Thanks for the offer, I'll keep in mind should I need bits.
  20. Thanks jmh. I've saved it and will study it in great detail in the next couple of days, but it does seem to offer a solution. Noticed you are in Copenhagen - did my bit to support the Danish economy at lunch time today, ate in my village bistro. The Chef is Danish and his Belgian wife does the rest. Had his starter of Herrings prepared in 3 different ways, believe it or not a very popular starter (even with the French) . . On the 18th he is doing his annual Danish meal a sell out as usual.
  21. You said it, we were just thinking it!
  22. Thanks guys. I need to give it a closer inspection, first impression was that it is just the bottom part close to the corner that has rotted, probably water and dirt sitting there over the years? So a repair should be possible ( I hope). The car doesn't get used much over winter, just enough when the weather is ok to run it up to temperature and dry it off. The next time I do run it I'll pop it along to 'the man' up the road and see if I can get him to give it a once over or book it in when a lift is available - at the same time check all the rest of the chassis to be completely sure.
  23. Yikes! Thanks for that. The rot is at the end, to the left of the repair in Nonmembers first photo. My first thought was a bracing piece across the corner and additional side pieces. I don't know if the top is bad or not. I only spotted the problem when looking under the car for another reason, it does prove that a regular inspection is important (MOT for example)
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