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Drive Your Triumph Day 10 Feb


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Drive Your Triumph Day
Invitation from Rye Livingston of the Triumph Travelers Sports Car Club in Northern California to celebrate Sir John Black's Birthday on February 10th. 
Go for a drive in your Triumph and take a photo. The photo is mainly of the car, and the owner or passenger if possible, ideally in front of a cool spot, landmark, scenic view or in your driveway. If it’s the middle of the winter where you live and your car is in hibernation, or in the middle of a restoration, take a photo of it in the garage. Have fun with it. 

Then email a high-resolution photo to driveyourtriumphday@gmail.com, along with some basic information: owner’s name, year and model of car, and place photo was taken (city, state, country).

The photos will be published in the club newsletter, in the USA’s national magazine: Vintage Triumph Registry, and on the Drive Your Triumph Day website: https://driveyourtriumphday.shutterfly.com

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