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Nasty little problem... GT6 mk 3

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Anyone with a bright idea...?

I'm rebuilding the door which involves refitting the two long thin control rods that operate the door handle to lock mechanism.

At the handle end one control rod has a tiny plastic bush with a metal clip that fits in a hole in the chrome handle - arrowed in red. (keep up..!)

I bought a new clip (inset in pic) from Rimmers but I cannot get the rod to fit into the bush when the bush is pressed into the hole in the handle...

I know it sounds like something I should be able to get round but if I don't get this right the rod springs out of the handle and you can't open the door...

Anyone been there????


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It's been a while since I looked at mine but I don't think the bush fits into the handle. I think the wasy it goes is:

- poke the bent end of the rod through the hole in the handle

- push the clip (with bush) over the bit that's poked all the way through

- turn the clip so the other end of it clips onto the main shaft of the rod

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Oh yessss.... I had awful trouble with mine, along with the plastic connector half way down. Inside the door(see Pete's comments in 'nose to tail' thread). As memory serves, the nylon washer goes into the hole, the bent bit of the linkage goes into the nylon, the washer of the clip goes on the nylon on the opposite side to the linkage and clips over the linkage to hold it all together... I think!! Afraid that's from memory, afraid I'm not takingit out again to check!!  Sorry.

Worthwhile straightenjng all the linkage rods and lubricating while you're at it. The whole door linkage (assume gt6 is the same as spitfire?) is an absolute nightmare (see other posts on thread regarding slashed wrists etc).

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yes its like a rawlplug  the bush should fit thro the hole in the  'clip'  and thro the hole in the  lever, when you enter the rod it expands the bush

and holds it in  place once the arm is clipped over the rod   well  there abouts 

you may fit the clip hole on the back of the main lever if it fits so it all sort of holds in place 


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...and watch out for the nylon washer plug thingy. After dropping it a few times they fall into two pieces, one of which disappears somewhere into a multi dimensional garage blackhole forever and you are reduced to trying to cut down a small rawlplug to make do. Don't try this near grass/gravel etc... same rules apply.

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i have some 36"  in the cupboard   but having  just repaired a vitesse with a ' im leaving'  rear wheel cylinder  ( not ) held on with a tyrap i reserve 

judgement on where to use them   cables fine  ...................  wheel cylinders .....Noooooo !!!





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Hi all

Thought you might be interested in the solution... (sorry if this is getting TOO boring now)

The replacement clip and bush I got from Rimmers had too shallow a neck - see photo 1.

Easiest way was to grind off a bit of the handle where the bush plugs  - hope it hasn't weakened it, don't think so.


Pic 2 shows a nice fitment... Time for a cup of tea.


Thank you all for your interest... hope this may help someone!




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 thats a good fix,  well done   RB for selling a lookalike /not 

all you need to do now is connect all the wires rods plastic thingys wing wang levers and return springs hidden from view 

time for big hole saw and elastoplast   unless of course you only have the lever end in bits 

a wonderful design by someone with a grievance for blood donors 

happy motoring 

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